'1 second ko thief'
yes they can, an elementalist can basically nuke you to death in about 1.8 seconds if you dont move out of AOE range.
Also try to use Death Shroud more often considering you’re a necro and don’t specc as a glass cannon, go condition + vitality
Conditions are the number one enemy to thieves and so are things with high HP or HP recovery.
(edited by Rizzy.8293)
o.O ele nuking in 1.8 seconds? i find it berry interesting!
Actually, the ele can do that to 5 people at a time.
The backstab burst build has an easy fix. Tone done Assassin Signet or remove the ability to shadowstep/steal while CnD is casting. Problems solved and people still have their backstab builds. Just makes landing a backstab harder for them.
Engineers can do it too, Warriors can do it too.
Its not only the thief who can instagib players, its just the class with which it is pretty easy to do it. But on the other side there arent much viable playstyles for thiefs. You cant support much, you cant fight proper on range, you cant heal, you cant control others… basicly only the dmg role is left for them.
Engineers can do it too, Warriors can do it too.
Its not only the thief who can instagib players, its just the class with which it is pretty easy to do it. But on the other side there arent much viable playstyles for thiefs. You cant support much, you cant fight proper on range, you cant heal, you cant control others… basicly only the dmg role is left for them.
Thieves can blind… like a lot lot… but thats about it for control oh aside from crippling also but yeah in terms of support is lackluster
I have a full exotic (berserker gear) ele and cant think of a way that would instagib anyone. Please enlighten me on how to do it.
The elementalists power builds are all underpowered. if there’s one thing they can NOT do, is burst someone fast.
Rizzy, How are you nuking people with an ele in 1.8 seconds? I have a full gc ele and I can’t kill people that fast.
yeah, even the highest burst damage builds for ele cannot dish it out as fast as thief, AND they don’t survive as well. When it comes to thieves, other squishy classes need at least some time to press a few more buttons and feel like they are playing the game before they die.