15% nerf to Pistol Whip
I fail to see how this makes Sword/Pistol “Unviable”. You’ve still got a wide swing auto attack, 2 daze/interupts, a blind and a stun breaking escape. (and steal which can be traited to be insanely strong, 3 utility skills and an elite.) It’s not like your without survivability.
Part-time Kittenposter
15% is way to much 5% or 10% but 15% is a little bit of a kitten take PW shouldnt be spammed but Thief has so little damage out put as it is.
Never used it:) But never been a fan of nerf tbh, no matter which prof it is.. I mean if they nerf thieves they nerf me, if they nerf warriors they nerf my teammates..
Ofc this could make my future sword / pistol build less viable, but hey in a team I still feel like I can do a lot support, in form of taking out glass canons and stealth revive:D
If they nerf that I will just go pure shortow and shadowstep around the map just because I can:D
Nerf that and I reroll warrior, though they have a dull prof mechanism :P
I really hope they keep nerfing these lame moves – way too many scrubs running around.
Any1 saying thieves are the easiest class in the game is an idiot plain and simple, every class has an easy build to play that excells, look at warriors 100b, look at rangers * possibly the worst class in the game* with shortbow crossfire, ect… Pistol whip was op, and even without haste it still does 5k damage on demand for only getting 5 hits in, not many classes can manage that. Despite backstab build being strong its not always easy to kill someone with against good players who actually know how to play.
15% is way to much 5% or 10% but 15% is a little bit of a kitten take PW shouldnt be spammed but Thief has so little damage out put as it is.
I dont even understand this post. How do you not have damage output as a theif?
I personally think the PW nerf was needed. Even without running quickness/bugged rune of divinity pre patch, PW was still hitting for a lot. It’s still viable, people just need to adapt to the change and not rely on lol3333haste33333IKEELU.
To the players saying it’s easy to counter, it truly is. Some classes couldn’t handle it though.
If you don’t like the change, go roll d/d and mash your LDB key to victory until that gets a nerf too.
Dante Dragonhand.2538Any1 saying thieves are the easiest class in the game is an idiot plain and simple, every class has an easy build to play that excells, look at warriors 100b, look at rangers * possibly the worst class in the game* with shortbow crossfire, ect…
you sir have absolutly no idea of this game…..
you took 2 classes warriors and rangers and say that every other class is easy to play cuz warrior and ranger are easy to play.
true, warrior and ranger are easy to play, same as thief.
start playing necro/elementalist/engineer and come again with that statement…..
seems like you are the idiot here…..
And where is the Dagger nerf on thief?
This is kinda useless cause 75% of the thief is using dagger.
And where is the Dagger nerf on thief?
This is kinda useless cause 75% of the thief is using dagger.
Hopefully, they are fixing the stealth / rendering issues first before addressing backstab / stealth builds. Because that would be the sensible order to go about things. We’ll see.
And where is the Dagger nerf on thief?
This is kinda useless cause 75% of the thief is using dagger.Hopefully, they are fixing the stealth / rendering issues first before addressing backstab / stealth builds. Because that would be the sensible order to go about things. We’ll see.
Just like we’d hope they would do the sensible thing and adjust Quickness instead of hastily nerfing P/W?
I doubt it. I don’t even use S/P outside of PvE. The nerf is stupid, plain and simple. Us thieves aren’t crying because we got nerfed, we’re upset because instead of fixing the problem, (Quickness / haste) they slapped a band-aid on something that isn’t cut.
And where is the Dagger nerf on thief?
This is kinda useless cause 75% of the thief is using dagger.Hopefully, they are fixing the stealth / rendering issues first before addressing backstab / stealth builds. Because that would be the sensible order to go about things. We’ll see.
Just like we’d hope they would do the sensible thing and adjust Quickness instead of hastily nerfing P/W?
I doubt it. I don’t even use S/P outside of PvE. The nerf is stupid, plain and simple. Us thieves aren’t crying because we got nerfed, we’re upset because instead of fixing the problem, (Quickness / haste) they slapped a band-aid on something that isn’t cut.
They took the wrong approach on this one, no doubt. Doesn’t mean they’ll screw up again in the same way the next time they nerf something. Doesn’t exactly inspire confidence either, lol.
glad i just got my condi set together before this nerf. Guess its time to put my PW gear on the shelf until some terrible ppl cry that bleed thief is OP and needs nerfing too. OMG someone’s better than me!!! that can’t be, it must be OP!!!!
Well lets be clear.. It wasn’t that good. .. Any ability that root us is contradicting our strongest force, mobility.
Imho I also think many people don’t see over their own profession and are to biased to comment.. Be it thieves, pretend thieves or other professions.
The will always be very skilled players who adapt no matter how much you nerf.. S e reason I hate nerf is that it makes bad players like myself even worse..
I do not spam abilities because I need iniative to get out if someing should go wrong… I do not think 1shotting people is fun, but a fast kill can be fun.. But remember that as a thief you sacrifice a lot by doing this.
If people just would try at least to play the game and understand the mechanisms before calling out nerfs..
Yeah I have been instant killed by a warrior in sPvP.. S what I brought a friend and though he down him, I finished him of and a guardian and revived my friend…
If thieves should not be the most lethal profession in 1v1 versus a bad player with low skills and no survivability, then I have no clue which profession should be then….
And final note.. I face two thieves who HS spammed.. And lived to tell the tale… I faced a guardian and got smacked to oblivion…:) and why to I want to call them rogues all the time.. Wuld rouge be more fitting since we can get the dye?
Pistol Whip had a high damage output and was also a stun. When combined with an initiative regen build, it allowed far more stuns then classes have counters. Add to that the great ability of theives to close gaps and it made for a very frustrating opponent who may have only been spamming 2 or 3 abilities.
15% may have been harsh or may have been too little. Time will tell, and I am sure ANET has its ever present eye still focused on theives.
It’s a 0.5s stun with a 0.75s casting time before the stun.
Get real.
You want to nerf the damage so that the skill is based on the stun? Then you’d better make it instant and 1s long.
Sword Pistol’s MOST damaging skill is AUTOATTACK
Dante Dragonhand.2538Any1 saying thieves are the easiest class in the game is an idiot plain and simple, every class has an easy build to play that excells, look at warriors 100b, look at rangers * possibly the worst class in the game* with shortbow crossfire, ect…
you sir have absolutly no idea of this game…..
you took 2 classes warriors and rangers and say that every other class is easy to play cuz warrior and ranger are easy to play.
true, warrior and ranger are easy to play, same as thief.
start playing necro/elementalist/engineer and come again with that statement…..
seems like you are the idiot here…..
You should read my post before opening your mouth kitten I said every class has an easy build to play including ele necro or engineer. I never said the classes in general are easy to play, but certain builds are. For thieves that is PW, for rangers its shortbow, for warriors its GS, for engineers I believe its rifles, For mesmers its GS, for necros… No idea, I dont play a necro, for ele I think double dag. If you cant read you should stop posting, next time pay attention to what is said before running off at the mouth.
Pistol Whip had a high damage output and was also a stun. When combined with an initiative regen build, it allowed far more stuns then classes have counters. Add to that the great ability of theives to close gaps and it made for a very frustrating opponent who may have only been spamming 2 or 3 abilities.
15% may have been harsh or may have been too little. Time will tell, and I am sure ANET has its ever present eye still focused on theives.
It’s a 0.5s stun with a 0.75s casting time before the stun.
Get real.
You want to nerf the damage so that the skill is based on the stun? Then you’d better make it instant and 1s long.
Sword Pistol’s MOST damaging skill is AUTOATTACK
Uh… no. Auto attack does good damage but pistol whip still hits harder, stuns, and evades attacks for some reason. No auto attack isnt better, Pistol whip is still much better but not so amazing without haste. Ive hit targets for 11k pistol whips 4 times in a row, my 3 auto attacks do about 8k to said target if every hit crits and tahts 3k less damage, doesnt stun, nor evade attacks.
No, autoattack hits harder than pistol whip on crits, this was tested with steady weapons and normal weapons. Pistol whip BARELY does more damage when no hits crit in either skill.
BTW, Pistol whip won’t hit for 11k now.
You’re looking at 7k now.
Pistol Whip had a high damage output and was also a stun. When combined with an initiative regen build, it allowed far more stuns then classes have counters. Add to that the great ability of theives to close gaps and it made for a very frustrating opponent who may have only been spamming 2 or 3 abilities.
15% may have been harsh or may have been too little. Time will tell, and I am sure ANET has its ever present eye still focused on theives.
How the hell is it that me as a thief can counter any S+P thieve’s PWs in PVP and everyone else can’t? Yes there is a stun, but you can move out of it before the damage starts to build unless you are lagging or think slow. OK, I admit PW combined with Haste was overkill sometimes, but even so I managed to get out of the kitten more times than I can recall.
And how can anyone say that this is justified when you got warriors running around with 100b and abilities that can chunk off over 50% of your health with one hit?
I totally agreed to the heartseeker-nerf but this nerf is just too much, especially because they didn’t gave us anything in return. Doesn’t arenanet see that the problem is quickness? Steal + quickness + 2x PW drops anything in a couple of seconds.
EDIT: I don’t think you can compare PW to HB. HB has no initial stun and doesn’t deal tons of damage in the first couple of seconds. Also the burst has a pretty clear animation (Bull’s charge, bollas). Also if you avoid the first stun and the first HB with quickness, he is an easy kill. GS-Warriors need buffs and not nerfs >.>
I don’t think that GS warriors need buffs but they are definitely one of the harder builds to play if you don’t intend on using Frenzy. And even if you do, you take 50% more damage while using it…so you better have a plan of attack AND escape.
The damage on PW was dropped because of the thief’s spammy nature and its stun attached to it. Couple that with immobilizing venoms, damage increasing traits, and the ability to go invisible and you’ve got a powerful combination that forces people to be very skilled in order to counter but a monkey could perform the attack. Argue for it or against it but they’ve already said they’re not making knee-jerk reactions when balancing their game.
As many people have stated, myself included, quickness is a huge balance issue here. Not just for PW but for all skills. This is not GW1 where most of what you did was auto-attacks and a few important skills at certain times. You’ve got very powerful time-balanced skills that are extremely skewed in usefulness when a character is given quickness.
I wouldn’t doubt that it gets a change in the near future.
I’m full dps, glass cannon build thief, currently using pistol whip as main damage outcome source..
that being said..
I don’t mind them taking 15% damage flat off my skill.. it’s ok…
The problem is that they will never give us back those 15% even though in matter of few days/weeks they WILL nerf down quickness since its really broken, and therefor leaving us with nerfed skill withouth potential to be any better (not sure HOW will they nerf quickness, but they will )..
If 9-10 years of MMO taught me anything, it’s that developers of almost any game will never admit failure of some decisions.
the p/d nerf was expected by everyone. luckily i still run dd/sb so life wasn’t destroyed
That’s why you immobilize as part of the combo.
I’d say up the damage 5-10% from this and then alter Quickness. 1.5 speed increase, 4 seconds (or potentially 4.5 seconds) across the board: Haste, Frenzy, Zephyr, Elixer U.
Keep the usage penalties the same. That right there might be enough to solve the issue. And in this classes case, ensure that S/P is viable for PvE and that AUTO ATTACK of all things isn’t the more viable thing unless you’re really traiting give a lot of buff across the board (which you can, particularly with Acrobatics and Critical Strikes in particular).
I totally agreed to the heartseeker-nerf but this nerf is just too much, especially because they didn’t gave us anything in return. Doesn’t arenanet see that the problem is quickness? Steal + quickness + 2x PW drops anything in a couple of seconds.
EDIT: I don’t think you can compare PW to HB. HB has no initial stun and doesn’t deal tons of damage in the first couple of seconds. Also the burst has a pretty clear animation (Bull’s charge, bollas). Also if you avoid the first stun and the first HB with quickness, he is an easy kill. GS-Warriors need buffs and not nerfs >.>
Pistol Whip has an obvious animation too. You cast for 0.75s where you reach your pistol way back to do the pistol stun.
The animation was added in beta (I think between beta 2 and beta 3) due to complaints of people being instagibbed by pistol whip (stun used to be instant).
Apparently people are too dumb to dodge the cue, so the skill has to be nerfed into only being usable twice a minute and only in PVP.
I’d say up the damage 5-10% from this and then alter Quickness. 1.5 speed increase, 4 seconds (or potentially 4.5 seconds) across the board: Haste, Frenzy, Zephyr, Elixer U.
Keep the usage penalties the same. That right there might be enough to solve the issue. And in this classes case, ensure that S/P is viable for PvE and that AUTO ATTACK of all things isn’t the more viable thing unless you’re really traiting give a lot of buff across the board (which you can, particularly with Acrobatics and Critical Strikes in particular).
I’d rather bring the damage back to the full original damage, and just nerf quickness which is the real problem behind all of these “op” multi-attack skills. The only reason blurred frenzy is not considered OP is because Mesmers can only do quickness once every 3 minutes.
GW1’s best IAS was +33%, maybe that’s what quickness should be. They might even be able to remove some of the penalty from the quickness skills if that were the case.
You should read my post before opening your mouth kitten I said every class has an easy build to play including ele necro or engineer. I never said the classes in general are easy to play, but certain builds are. For thieves that is PW, for rangers its shortbow, for warriors its GS, for engineers I believe its rifles, For mesmers its GS, for necros… No idea, I dont play a necro, for ele I think double dag. If you cant read you should stop posting, next time pay attention to what is said before running off at the mouth.
this post actually proves my previouse post. you shot yourself in your leg by saying you have no idea about necro. but on the otherhand state that every class has an easy build which is simply bulls hit. you may be right that thief, warrior, ranger, engineer, mesmer have easy builds. However necros and eles do NOT.
“for ele I think double dag” this statement proves your knowladge about the game…..
guess your the one who has to start thinking before posting.
how can anyone state that “every class has an easy build to play including ele necro or engineer.” and 2 sentences later he says the he dosnt play necro and for ele hes not sure……
now get outa here!
(edited by Wheeping Song.6423)