2/0/0/6/6 - S/D utilities (spvp)
Depends, are you good enough to avoid CC? Is there a mesmer with insta CC skills? Does your team comp need you to be more mobile or tankier?
If you’re worried about CC take Shadowstep. If you can get away with 1 CC then take agility.
If your team comp needs mobility take Shadowstep. If your team comp needs you to be able to hold a point by yourself then take agility.
Agility will give you more damage and an extra instant condi removal, and allow you fill up your allies’ endurance too. So it all comes down to what your team needs.
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
So ther is no obvious winner. Thats enough for me to know, ty.
Well I would take agility because that build is lower on damage and part of that is due to the lesser crit chance. Besides that the active is very nice.
Aside from that, I wouldn’t want to run 2-0-0-6-6 as a roamer, because of that lower damage output.
uh… I’m running shadowstep instead of infiltrator’s signet.
Not instead of agility signet. Shadowstep fulfills similar role to infiltrator, except that you get more freedom of movement as well as extra condi removal/2nd stunbreak all on a longer cooldown, however, and without extra initiative regeneration.
sr in pvp? nty i run sig of ago sig of info and shadow step.
Do not use SR on this build it isnt worth it as this build is designed to be able to fight on point, you’re better off just dying or running rather than wasting someones time with SR, as others have said Infil Sig, Shad Step, and Signet of agility works but I persoanlly get rid of that for RFI
Do not use SR on this build it isnt worth it as this build is designed to be able to fight on point, you’re better off just dying or running rather than wasting someones time with SR, as others have said Infil Sig, Shad Step, and Signet of agility works but I persoanlly get rid of that for RFI
I wouldn’t do that. Taking refuge off is like taking away a free teammate res and a reset after getting focused. I personally don’t use infil sig with this build, I go sig of agility, refuge and shadow step and I can get around the map fast and win the fights I need to in the process.
You can go without SR if you play 1vs1 in pvp, but in spvp SR is your best group supporting utility. SR can turn the tide.
take what u like, I use sig of agility and instead of another sig I use scorpion wire in wvw, love that skill, still wish they would put an upper-cut when they get pulled to you, and have the mortal combat guy pop up and say excellent
Do not use SR on this build it isnt worth it as this build is designed to be able to fight on point, you’re better off just dying or running rather than wasting someones time with SR, as others have said Infil Sig, Shad Step, and Signet of agility works but I persoanlly get rid of that for RFI
I wouldn’t do that. Taking refuge off is like taking away a free teammate res and a reset after getting focused. I personally don’t use infil sig with this build, I go sig of agility, refuge and shadow step and I can get around the map fast and win the fights I need to in the process.
True but then again I was thinking on an sPvP level… Which as I think about it, OP did you mean for all pvp or a specific field like tpvp sPvP…..?
EDIT: sPvP it is
(edited by RedSpectrum.1975)
I’m the reigning expert (?) on this build, I guess, since I created it and have used it for well over a year.
I take Shadowstep because this build’s only real condi removal is from Infi Return (if you’re not running Lyssa), and the burst removal is extremely useful. It’s also really nice to have.
SoAgility is a fine alternative, I just don’t like it personally because 180 precision is surprisingly unhelpful, and the utility itself isn’t that great anyways compared to SS. But, again, it’s a fine alternative.
Spectrum is at least partially correct on SR- SR doesn’t work very well with the build’s talent at staying on-point. I also partially distrust the utility because a good Mesmer (or, generally, anybody with knock back/pull) can completely wreck you. That being said, it is extremely useful in teamfights, at least occasionally. In truth, it really depends on your playstyle. I fight extremely well solo IMHO and I can harass single targets very well in battles or harass groups solo, especially when there are significant terrain features (a month or two ago I was beating a group of four people solo at the trebuchet on Kylo because of some insane teleportation action). However, I refuse to fight on teams, and I can’t be managed by another person very well. So SR isn’t that great for me, but SS and RFI work very well with my playstyle. It’s all a matter of perspective, I guess.