2 buffs
1) Shadowsteps and shadow returns works properly….does not clip against objects. Using infiltrator’s arrow works 100% of the time to get you places, ie can be used for jumping puzzles
2) put back the stunbreaker on shadow return and revert lotus poison nerf oh and put back cluster bomb to 1200 range.
(edited by Excalibur.9748)
1) Rework save trait
Because they not save in pve. And do not save from oneshot.
2) Rework elite skill http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dagger_Storm
It is completely useless in PvP. Using it you die. A less damage than auto attacks short bow.
2) Now
Deadly Arts:
-Expertise(Condition Duration)
-Malice(Condition Damage)
-Cunning(Steal Recharge Rate)
It would be better to swap.
Deadly Arts:
-Malice(Condition Damage)
-Expertise(Condition Duration)
-Cunning(Steal Recharge Rate)
Deadly arts more poison than power trait line.
(edited by Marduh.4603)
1) Shadowsteps and shadow returns works properly….does not clip against objects. Using infiltrator’s arrow works 100% of the time to get you places, ie can be used for jumping puzzles
2) put back the stunbreaker on shadow return and revert lotus poison nerf oh and put back cluster bomb to 1200 range.
Agree with everything here. Sad thing is these aren’t buffs but reverts to unnecessary nerfs (except maybe the stunbreak). I’d even say that slow moving projectiles no longer “heat seeking” should be removed. Guardian scepter, necro staff, and thief sbow would love you forever.
1) Stealth strikes are unblockable while flanking.
2) Evade skills work exactly like the universal evade. They should be instant (not get held up by skill queuing) and shouldn’t be affected by haste (it currently cuts the evade time in half).
2) Rework elite skill http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dagger_Storm
It is completely useless in PvP. Using it you die. A less damage than auto attacks short bow.
So 8s stability, projectile reflect and combo finisher whirl is useless in pvp?
I agree though, it’s unreliable in making damage on few targets.
But once you pop it against a phantasm mesmer, spirit ranger or minionmancer,
it’s a really funny skill.
1. Revert things like lotus poison, stunbreaker on shadow return, clusterbomb range, initiative increase on some things etc.
2. Fix shadow steps.
So 8s stability, projectile reflect and combo finisher whirl is useless in pvp?
I use Shadowstep, Scorpion Wire, Shadow Refuge. They would have been better than this elite skill, even with a 90 second cooldown.
Basilisk Venom useless in many builds. (and cast time)
Thieves Guild – 3 min cooldown. The best skill. But too big cooldown.
90 seconds is the ideal time for an elite skill. But if it is not useless like a Dagger Storm.
Dagger storm is far from useless I love it. Maybe it doesn’t work for your build.
1) Shadowsteps and shadow returns works properly….does not clip against objects. Using infiltrator’s arrow works 100% of the time to get you places, ie can be used for jumping puzzles
2) put back the stunbreaker on shadow return and revert lotus poison nerf oh and put back cluster bomb to 1200 range.
Agreed with 1, but for 2, I’d probably have change Last Refuge changed so that it only blinds nearby enemies when hp reaches 25%, but doesn’t stealth you (so you don’t trigger revealed).
I think that would be fair.
1) Shadowsteps and shadow returns works properly….does not clip against objects. Using infiltrator’s arrow works 100% of the time to get you places, ie can be used for jumping puzzles
2) put back the stunbreaker on shadow return and revert lotus poison nerf oh and put back cluster bomb to 1200 range.Agreed with 1, but for 2, I’d probably have change Last Refuge changed so that it only blinds nearby enemies when hp reaches 25%, but doesn’t stealth you (so you don’t trigger revealed).
I think that would be fair.
You could just change it so the stealth from last refuge doesn’t trigger revealed or leave the trait alone because it’s really useful for certain builds.
1. Increase base health to 15k, but increase revealed duration to 8 seconds.
2. Drop cast time on Bask venom.
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
1. Remove venoms and every trait for it.
2. Replace with more traps, tricks and signets as well as traits to augment them.
residual venoms would give 1 ini on venom use
and body shot would be 5s.
1. Shadow steps fixed
2. Shadow steps fixed
1. Shadowstep fixed
2. make the evade of pistol whip better…. with my mesmer I can use Blurred Frenzy and I’m safe… with my thief I die with pistol whip even when the sword is swining
1) Unnerf and Unroot Pistol Whip.
2) Make Venoms behave like mantras.
Part-time Kittenposter
1.) More Pistol love.
2.) Fix pathing bugs. Although, that goes for any Profession in the bloody game. ANet, I don’t mind LoS as a concept, but you lads and ladies need to finetune the implementation thereof. Thanks.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
1) body shot changed to heartseeker like power damage so condi thieves can finish off high condi removal builds.
2) Body shot does creates a useful cover condition like burning