(2 months ago)

(2 months ago)

in Thief

Posted by: bettadenu.5483


Charles asked us to provide feedback regarding the Thief because of the many many topics created concerning our abilities.

I would like to know what the current situation is regarding the Thief, because non Thief players complain about the 1 2 3 Backstab combo and Thief players complain about general squishyness, lack of diversity in builds and usefulness (and lack of some) utility skills.

I really hope a generous soul at ArenaNet stops removing my posts and threads and just gives us atleast hint of the direction in where we are going, because I feel like I am left in the dark when it comes to my main profession.

Literally I am begging for some communication from ArenaNet to us!

(2 months ago)

in Thief

Posted by: Rayya.2591


thieves are fine
as long as i can provide more single target DPS in fractals party then any other classes , except warrior, and survive 2 hits from champions i don’t feel squishy or useless.
same goes with glass cannon builds, less thieves play it then before because they die too fast. To many learned how to counter them.

no.1 WvW kills