Hi everyone—budding Thief here, first time posting.
I’d been death blossoming through pretty much the whole game because it really is the way to go when it comes to stomping mobs—I could take on ridiculous odds if I used my dodges right. I also just thought the synergies clicked together nicely.
When I hit level 60 I decided I wanted to try something else, so I dumped everything into Deadly Arts and Critical Strikes, with the theory that those are the two death-dealing skills, so I may as well go with them and see what happens.
I don’t really know what weapons this is for, because to be honest I just built this way on principle; Let’s see what happens when I go all-in with what look like the most deepzy skills!
I don’t really know what this build is for. It’s impractical to stomp trash mobs and whatever with Black Powder > Heartseeker > Backstab or Cloak&Dagger > Backstab. And Pistol/dagger is condition damage. My feeling just from experimentation is that cluster bomb spam does lousy damage, and that it’s meant for the big fat AoE and the bleed.
So I’ve been doing unload spam and Flanking Strikes.
Here is what I came up with:
Sundering Strikes or Mug. Sundering Strikes seems like the choice for synergy, but Mug actually deals DAMAGE that isn’t contingent upon other kitten happening.
Venomous Strength. I have two poisons on my bar, so turning them both on for 4 stacks seems nice. I don’t actually know how Might works—does Combined Training give more damage? Either way, Venomous Strength helps me out with Daggerstorm as well as spamming 3.
Residual Venom. My feeling is that this synergizes amusingly with Skale Venom.
Furious Retaliation. Fury rocks.
Combo Crit Chance. For 3-spamming.
Executioner. Because “below 50%” seems like a pretty easily met requirement for that kind of big reward.
Thrill of the Crime. Because swiftness rocks, and fury rocks.
As far as I can tell, this is close to the best possible setup for just dealing straight-up stabby damage. Flanking Strike seems like the best stabby damage without using cheesy PvPish tricks for Backstab. Unload spam is the same because unload spam is just meant for single target damage and combo field abuse.
Of course, the build is sort of lousy at unload spam because it doesn’t have very much initiative.
I don’t really see people insisting that endgame thieves MUST use one of three builds like is the case in other MMOs, and that is refreshing. If anything, Mesmer is that way, and I’m sad because I loved Mesmers in Guild Wars and I really miss the way I could just use my Mesmerness to pretend to be any other kind of caster, and the way I could use Echo to spam confusion-type effects around, and whatnot.
Looking forward to hearing thoughts!