A guide to thief?

A guide to thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Adtheren.4092


Hello, recently started playing Guild Wars, and as such, my characters do not have much money on them, and my thief is rather quishy, and I would like to know how to level up, and it is very hard to level up when your thief is rather quishy and dies to pretty much everything. I’m looking for a guide that will direct me, step by step, each area to train in, where, and all that I’ll need to know. I’m also looking to become a D/D build.

A guide to thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Rahar.9872


Try using the S/P set for power, using #5 to lay down a field and kill mobs in it.

If you must insist on using D/D, go condition damage evasion. Spam 3 into mobs with caltrops up, then kite them and let your condis do your work for you.

If these don’t suit you, and you want something easier/more flexible, re-roll Warrior.

A guide to thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Oghier.7419


D/D is generally best as a power/ precision build. 0/30/30/0/0 is a good start for anything other than sPvP or high level fractals (which I know little about), with the final 10 points being useful anywhere you want to place them.

If you want to see what good looks like for a D/D thief, google up videos by Yishi or Mugi.

D/D is not the easiest spec to level in, however, as it is pretty squishy. Easy mode for killing stupid melee (e.g., almost all melee NPC’s) is S/P. The 5 skill (Black Powder) is an AoE blind. Refresh that when it runs out, and you’ll take little damage from anything nearby. It becomes so easy, it’s boring to kill things that way

Snit Dirtnap (Thief)
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend

A guide to thief?

in Thief

Posted by: Adtheren.4092


Oh god, since D/D is so quishy quishy, can I reroute my points whenever I want if need be? Because as suggested, I may go for a S/P set, as it’s rather powerful. Opinions?