ANET: Pain Response not working effectively.

ANET: Pain Response not working effectively.

in Thief

Posted by: wigs.9761


SO pain response is suppose to regen at 75% health and remove poisioned? NO?

well tested it out in PVP, and it doesnt remove, was all the way down to 50% health before i was like wth, why is this still on me… posion still stacked on me from a necro. well below 75% health.

ANET: Pain Response not working effectively.

in Thief

Posted by: Enenion.8127


Pain Response is triggered when you take a hit while under 75%, regardless of whether or not it cures conditions. So if someone puts you to 74% or less and then stacks conditions on you Pain Response won’t remove anything because it’ll be on cooldown.

Fort Aspenwood

ANET: Pain Response not working effectively.

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


cant be a passive aoe ground pulse pretty sure.

ANET: Pain Response not working effectively.

in Thief

Posted by: muscarine.5136


It was most probably instantly reapplied.

At first glance it seems a good trait to give you an edge against condition bursts.

Now, conditions are so easy to reapply that the trait might as well only give you regen once you reach 75% hp, you wouldn’t even notice the difference.

ANET: Pain Response not working effectively.

in Thief

Posted by: Proven.2854


Proposed change: Trait activates when you’re applied with bleeding, burning, or poison while under 75% health, rather than any damage at that threshold. Make it a primarily condition tanking trait like Merciless Ire.

Call me Smith.

ANET: Pain Response not working effectively.

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


how about this.

Cooldown: 5s
Effect: Remove poison/bleed/burn if you are struck and under 25% hp.

problem solved. a slightly beefed up version of an engi trait.

ANET: Pain Response not working effectively.

in Thief

Posted by: Enenion.8127


how about this.

Cooldown: 5s
Effect: Remove poison/bleed/burn if you are struck and under 25% hp.

problem solved. a slightly beefed up version of an engi trait.

That’s not a solution if it removes it when you’re almost dead already. At that point even 5 seconds of conditions reapplied after the clear would kill you. Not to mention that Pain Response does nothing against Torment, which is also very popular in condition builds.

Fort Aspenwood

ANET: Pain Response not working effectively.

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

The condition(s) must exist prior to taking a hit that brings you down to 75% hp. If the condition is applied (or reapplied) after taking the hit that brings you down to 75%, like Enenion.8127, it must have been in cool down already. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.