Add Armor Bypassing Attacks and Abilities?

Add Armor Bypassing Attacks and Abilities?

in Thief

Posted by: Cobrakon.3108


Just real specific non-spammable attacks. BackStab comes to mind.
Also, how about giving assassin signet an ignore armor ability on active (and thus a cool down.)

So tanky builds can still remain tanky with all the common attacks in a group fight. But if they don’t watch out for some special burst then they get punished.

Also note I didn’t say remove armor completely. Im sure anet could figure out the right amount. If done in the right amount, it could offer us more counter play against tanky healers.

So we dont end up nuking squishy any more than we do now, you could only reduce armor to a certain point and if the rating is too low, it doesnt lower the armor for the attacks anymore.

(edited by Cobrakon.3108)

Add Armor Bypassing Attacks and Abilities?

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


It could ignore percentage of the armor not the straight out number. That way it would affect tanks and squishies the same way.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Add Armor Bypassing Attacks and Abilities?

in Thief

Posted by: JonnyForgotten.4276


Makes sense to me considering the CD on stealth attacks. . . giving more reward for higher risk.

Add Armor Bypassing Attacks and Abilities?

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


I don’t see much benefit.

Most major mitigation in the game stems from protection and % damage reduction effects. Any kind of armor-ignoring bonus would be unaffected by this kind of change.

The best thing that could be done is to just revert the ICD. On the meta builds as it is, there’s little reason to put much emphasis for stealth attacks, anyways.

Add Armor Bypassing Attacks and Abilities?

in Thief

Posted by: baylock.1703


Give idk hearseeker 10 stacks of vunrebility it means player with 3k armor and 10 stacks of vunrebility will have 2.7k armor afterwards

Add Armor Bypassing Attacks and Abilities?

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Then HS will just be spammed even more, and that’s attempted solution for only one weapon (sort of, since D/D then still gains zero benefit).