Advice on duo thief (pvp)

Advice on duo thief (pvp)

in Thief

Posted by: Catixie.6351


My bf and I just came back to the game. He has a thief and I am in the process of levelling one up to pvp with him.

My question is what would be the best build to run with him? I know before he quit he was running D/D but this was back in September I am sure skills have changed since then.

Thanks for any replies in advance

Katixie TC

Advice on duo thief (pvp)

in Thief

Posted by: Krathalos.3461


Well, you can just run whatever builds you want. If you’re looking for purely a support build, you can use a venom build. Pistol/Dagger is generally used as one, since you can easily apply venom stacks with the auto attack.

We kinda need to know what type of build you’re looking for so we can more accurately suggest one, though.

Advice on duo thief (pvp)

in Thief

Posted by: Catixie.6351


I don’t even really know thats the problem lol. I main healers on any other games I play so basically I’m just looking for a build that is going to work for game play with another thief.

But a support type would probably be the better option for me

Katixie TC

Advice on duo thief (pvp)

in Thief

Posted by: katanah.8431


Do you need to both be thieves? Reason I ask is Guardian/Thief is a really mean team. Especially if your use to playing healer on other mmos. You can go for guard w heal build. I began playing a thief since launch, I tell ya when I am out and see a guard I tend to tag along w them and its almost always a great team.

Advice on duo thief (pvp)

in Thief

Posted by: Catixie.6351


I was in the process of levelling a guardian in the first place it just seemed boring and slow granted I might of been using the wrong weapon but I ended up giving up on her at 22 I think she is

Katixie TC