Advice on my build

Advice on my build

in Thief

Posted by: Ecrulis.2058


Im pretty new to the game so forgive me if my build is just plain awful, I need advice on how to improve my build should it need improvement, I use mostly dual daggers with an secondary weapon shortbow, the elite skill Im currently using (lvl 35) in either the aoe barrage or the call warband (Im a Charr) though Im sure I will use the 30 skill point abilities more often.

Like I said, very new to this so feel free to tell me hwo bad my build is and what I need to do to improve it, currently Im just doing pve, but I plan on getting into pvp eventually.

Thanks a bunch.

Advice on my build

in Thief

Posted by: Drevin.6078

Drevin.6078 I am by no means a pro or anything but this is a poison heavy build that gives you alot of extra initiative so your always able to do skills. Poison + caltrops and kite and you can take on groups of 3 to 4 easy especially with the shortbow. i see in your build you like the signets and they can be useful but i have never been a big fan of them myself. the passive effects are nice but thers better ways of doing it imo.

Advice on my build

in Thief

Posted by: fortytwo.3485


Cool Ecrulis, my build started out looking like something you have. However these days its

Dungeons hit pretty hard so i have to remove points away from deadly arts, crit and put them in Shadow arts and acrobatics.

Its not bad I picked glyphs that improve dps.

I like this build a lot, does good things when you crit like apply a debuff or gain initiative. Or when you go stealth or dodge gain might.

Advice on my build

in Thief

Posted by: Melphina.9035


It depends on what you want to do as a thief. If your goal is stright up damage theres a couple builds on the front page for that.

Persoanlly i dont reccomend putting 30 points in 2 trees as it leaves your other choices very sparse. Also if you plan to pvp having no stun break is something that could cause you alot of problems. I personally run an Ini regen build that allows me to have high initiative regen thus allowing me to use more abilities when i need them. and offer some group buffs.

Melphina Kobe ~ Thief

Advice on my build

in Thief

Posted by: metaphorm.6904


the site you have linked to does not have current data for the game. the build you linked doesn’t exist anymore. i’d suggest a more up to date skil calculator such as this one:

Advice on my build

in Thief

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Well what are you planning to do? Pve? Pvp? WvW? Dungeons?
The build you have there is going to be a big time glass cannon, which is ok if that’s what you are looking for. I personally run a 20 20 15 0 (in acrobatics) and 15 in trickery for the 3 extra initiative. Damage is no problem and I have a lot of survivability and tools to escape. I am using dagger and dagger and short bow just like you.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

Advice on my build

in Thief

Posted by: Ecrulis.2058


cool thanks for the advice what tree would you suggest taking points out of? crit or power?

Advice on my build

in Thief

Posted by: Ecrulis.2058


Im gonna play around with the 20 20 15 0 15 build see how I like it, also in terms of elite ability, Im sure I will be swapping things around from time to time, but is there going to be an ability that is best suited for certain things, like is daggar storm usually best for AoE and charrzooka for single target or something like that? or is it simply preference.

Advice on my build

in Thief

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


Yeah let me know how you like it, you still keep the 1 second longer on stealth, with the 15 in shadow arts, and the extra 3 initiative is great especially with infiltrators arrow for getting out of nasty situations. I have expire enter with all 3 of the these elites skills and I decided on going thieves guild, dagger storm is good, but for WvW it’s all about blending in, a thief spinning around all over the place is much more likely to get you noticed and focus fired. Thieves guild is great for damage and getting away the 2 extra thieves can toss some cc’s and provide a nice distraction for 2v1 and 3v1 and they are great in 1v1.

For PVE I stick with thieves guild as well, the thieves often draw aggro and give me a chance to rest and wait for the heal to come up.

SPVP you could switch between all 3 dagger storm is better in SPVP than WvW IMO, but all 3 can have roles.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW