Am I doing this right?

Am I doing this right?

in Thief

Posted by: DeiShala.3825


Been levelling primarily as Shortbow fyi. This is also primarily for PvE.

For gear stats I’ve been leaning towards pieces with +Power and +Precision. Some have those stats with +condition damage as an upgrade bonus. Would it be more effective to be choosing other stats or will I do just fine with what I’m doing?

Am I doing this right?

in Thief

Posted by: DeiShala.3825


If it helps, I prefer going glass cannon. I’ve been able to avoid most damage through decent use of traps, dodging/evading and stealth.

Am I doing this right?

in Thief

Posted by: Fury.6248


Sword / Pistol #5 ability makes you immune to most PVE dmg.

Dragonbrand Server

Am I doing this right?

in Thief

Posted by: Volrath.1473


Sword / Pistol #5 ability makes you immune to most PVE dmg.

All weapon combos with a pistol on the off-hand have the same 4-5 abilities.

Am I doing this right?

in Thief

Posted by: Dronin.3957


Sword pistol is generally the easiest to level with, sling a short bow in your weapon switch to tag mobs for events are your good to go

Sword/pistol applys weakness to mobs (makes them hit you for less), has the 5 which allows you “almost” perma blind, 4 which interrupts mob channels, 3 with interrupts and is the Thiefs highest damage ability and 2 which removes conditions and catches runners

Am I doing this right?

in Thief

Posted by: DeiShala.3825


Thanks for the critique, but none of these answered the question. I’m enjoying the bow, thank you.

Do I have the right idea for gearing? Is +Power and +Precision an efficient way to gear?

I basically want to know if I’m gearing outright wrong or if choosing these attributes is okay.

(edited by DeiShala.3825)

Am I doing this right?

in Thief

Posted by: Dronin.3957


The bow is an odd one, if your using it as a melee weapon (this is very possible) then condition damage could work out ok because you could stack a decent amount of bleeds and put poison on without using any utilities.

If you want to use it mainly for ranged work then Prec/power/vit will probably be the way you want to gear. (you get gear with 3 stats after 50ish) … the short bow is a low dps weapon for single target at range however, but if you enjoy it then who am I to change your playstyle…

just never try a ranger short bow else you will rage at the difference

Am I doing this right?

in Thief

Posted by: DeiShala.3825


Thanks Dronin. Hope I didn’t come of as bashing anyone. I play as part of a group and we do large pulls, I do a lot of AoE damage and utilize traps a lot, thus the bow is perfect. It’s an interesting niche.

Am I doing this right?

in Thief

Posted by: obtuse.8291


Tthe bow is brilliant it’s almost all I use other than my sword which occasionally comes out for some parts of boss fights in the personal quest

I think precision has good value but the problem is how it decays while you level. I think power has more benefit.

I am the super thief