Ambush what is that?

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: Opacus.4390


Ambush trap is pointless.

As the word ambush says.
A thieve jumps up and start attacking.
Whats the point sitting on the mountain and wait till the trap trickers and the thieves pop up near you on the mountain? Great ambush..
Insted of that let it rise and shine on the one who walks through it. Also give it a range of 10000 like shadow trap.

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


well according to the notes (if they are real)…its not going to basically be like a summon. 1 thief for 20 secs…every 30 secs. not bad. if u get it on lower cooldown its like running with a thief at all times.

that said…. it kinda makes TG look weak being on a 180s CD timer.

PS…. to all those whom thing TG is OP….

they hitfor 108 (pistol user) and 220 ish (dagger user) and each have 1 utility… scorpion wire and ONE black powder shot (4s). this is weaker than ranger pets…this is weaker than all of memser summons…. not really OP and especially when u can kill them both in 2-3 secs flat. pfft.

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: vrilek.4038


And thats why they will be more thief nerfs! Thieves got the strongest elites and traps in tha game fellows!

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: Lamuness.3570


Pistol thief gets Unload every 5 seconds or something? You combine that w/ Venomous Aura and you get stacks of stuff. I hardly think they’re there for damage, more for extra stacks of condis and annoyance.

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


Golden rule of MMOs says:
,,If you want a trap to be any useful, you must plant them directly on top of your enemy."

The only trap which doesn’t entirely support this rule is shadow trap, but as a compensation it has a horrible uptime of like 2 minutes, what means it destroys itself in the least suitable moment…
I hope in future all traps work similar to shadow trap, and without any stupid limits of uptime.

Ambush traps is meant for leveling with pistol off-hand. If you protect your summon, it will deal the highest single target DPS among all utility skills thief has.

Signed, level 1 alt

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


I don’t think it’s pointless, it can be potent when used well. When in a 1v1 battle versus any build I can combine it with Thieves Guild and suddenly have 3 NPCs along with myself blasting down a single opponent. It usually burns through any zerker build because they can’t handle the pressure, and even some tank builds have a hard time dealing with the combo.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


I’m not sure if they ever got around to fixing it, but I used to use it a ton when I was solo roaming with PPT as my goal. The thief it summons appears next to you wherever you are regardless of where you set the trap, so I would place it at a camp or road (or any other landmark) while I went to scout elsewhere around the map. If someone triggered the trap, the thief would pop up and I would alert our zerg squad of the location it triggered. It was also incredibly useful to use as an alarm system whenever we’d try to ninja objectives.

I haven’t used it in ages, though, so they might’ve changed that functionality in one of the recent patches. They have a tendency to patch away all the strategically-useful stuff.

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


TG isn’t as helpful as basilisk, imo. Don’t get me wrong, it has its advantages in an outnumbered fight, but one of the easiest ways to counter it, is to simply wait out the npcs. And they follow the stealthed thief.

Traps aren’t entirely useless. I dueled a guildie in a close quartered space, and kept stepping on his traps. Most fights take place in areas with plenty of space, but I bet traps have a great advantage when there’s not much chance to avoid them.

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


TG is way better than BV…BV is the WORST stunin entire game hands down.

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Traps work on Rangers because they’re a turret class.

But traps make no sense of a hyper-mobile class like the Thief. We just don’t sit around in a spot waiting for someone to trigger a trap. It just doesn’t mesh with our play-style.

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

Golden rule of MMOs says:
,,If you want a trap to be any useful, you must plant them directly on top of your enemy."

RF Online Assassin class, basically a trapper class, breaks that rule…. X.x I wish there were traps like those in this game…. 1-2 trap hits = dead squishy, 2-3 = dead medium, 3-4 = dead heavy, able to lay 15 at a time…. With them you could kill anyone or anything, without them you couldn’t do anything.
Hold choke points, troll spawns, troll entrances… Countless uses…
And the best thing is you didn’t have to place on top of anyone, you waited for them to walk into your traps (provided you set them at a choke point or at entrance…. or baited them into it).
Traps in this game are just sad.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


Golden rule of MMOs says:
,,If you want a trap to be any useful, you must plant them directly on top of your enemy."

RF Online Assassin class, basically a trapper class, breaks that rule…. X.x I wish there were traps like those in this game…. 1-2 trap hits = dead squishy, 2-3 = dead medium, 3-4 = dead heavy, able to lay 15 at a time…. With them you could kill anyone or anything, without them you couldn’t do anything.
Hold choke points, troll spawns, troll entrances… Countless uses…
And the best thing is you didn’t have to place on top of anyone, you waited for them to walk into your traps (provided you set them at a choke point or at entrance…. or baited them into it).
Traps in this game are just sad.

i agree. thief traps are a slap in the face. who would EVER use one. MAYBE ambush trap…but even that only takes 2 hits.

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


I use shadow trap with some full glass builds in sPvP, it allows me to instagib node invaders out of nowhere. It is the best trap in game.

Tripwire is weak and needle trap is below terrible.

Signed, level 1 alt

Ambush what is that?

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


if anet want to bring the trap thief they need to do some rework on them like
shorter the cd as thief must stay mobile so traps must too.
ambush 20 sec cd and duration 12 seconds
needle trap 12 seconds cd
tripwire 20 sec cd
shadow trap for spvp maybe fine but for pve/wvw shorter the cd more
thief can throw traps (huge group buff with aoe immobilize and kd)

maybe give more trait line advantage
more critical dmg /duration/power

give it more unexpected ability
ambush – the fellow thief use unload and disappear and reappear again after 3 sec etc
trap give all conditions for short duration or random 4 conditions for longer time
tripwire gives stealth to the thief also