Amg! I am loving p/d! :D
Side question!!
I’m playing around with p/d and am maximizing the amount of times I can go stealth so I can bleed them as much/often as possible. I trait for steal to stealth me… and I’m having some problems.
In the middle of combat, most of the time when I steal -> stealth, I get revealed almost instantly. Same goes for blinding powder. Are our stealth mechanics funky or is there something I’m not aware of? o.O I don’t chain the stealth one after another -- I realize there is some kind of internal counter prevention on stealth.
That’s why I dropped Hidden Thief when I was playing around with a stealth spec. It would’ve been nice, since my thief is a Steal-machine. I also have problems with the stolen Gunk bundle. I typically throw it, CnD, then try to stack 5 confusion with Sneak Attack. 75% of the time, it works. The rest of the time, it seems the Gunk pulse is treated as an attack and breaks my stealth before I can fire.
The only real use I found for Hidden Thief was to combine it with Shadow Protector and Mug to turn Steal into a small heal + regen. But the Shadow Arts tree has too many good traits for me to dedicate it to just that one combo.
steal into an instant backstab ….thats what this is best for. long reach too if u can fit it in. but panic is talkin about a totally different problem than what you are addressing.
I’m talking about stealth breaking immediately after I enter it. So is he. I’m not sure how that is different.
I only mentioned Shadow Protector as working with Hidden Thief, because it applies Regeneration the moment you enter stealth, and so it is not hindered by this problem.
if the gunk hits the ground first then ur good. or if u can hit sneak attack before it lands on them.
I always give the gunk a second to get in place. But, it pulses damage every second, much like caltrops. It’s possible that’s not what’s breaking my stealth, but then much like the matter with Hidden Thief, I don’t know what is.
Gunk breaks stealth with each pulse, caltrops not.