An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Dacromir.6207


So here’s the thing. I like the effects and damage on Flanking Strike, and if there was a way to get it to hit reliably I think I’d find myself using it. However, the pathing is currently so wonky it’s not worth using.

How about we remove the pathing, but then add a partial flanking requirement? I’m thinking one of two things; either the boon removal/unblockable requires you to be flanking the enemy, or the second strike only occurs if you were flanking with the first strike.

This would give the skill the same function (boon removal, unblockable, good damage for S/D), but it would make it far more usable. Rather than attempting to put us behind the target (and failing miserably), this would force us to handle the positioning ourselves but be much easier to connect with. I think it’s a really cool skill, but it’s just not worth using because of how rarely it connects.

EDIT: Others have pointed out some flaws in this idea. Flanking Strike is one of our defensive skills, and even though I don’t it seems that some people use this for an evade.

An alternative that most people seem to like is a block/counter move like the spear has. That would keep it as a skill that can be both defensive and offensive. Honestly, I’d be willing to give up the boon removal and unblockable if FS could be turned into a riposte type move. With this change, I’d actually use my third S/D skill.

It also makes aesthetic sense for the class; thief relies on avoiding hits more than taking them, and a skillful riposte fits with the class. Sword is clearly our best weapon to block an attack. I could see this being really cool. Block the attack, force their weapon out wide, dagger to the gut. Seems like a move a thief would use in an actual fight.

(edited by Dacromir.6207)

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Aegis.3042


Half of Flanking Strike’s utility comes from the evasion. I’d hate to lose that.

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: ens.9854


I also love this skill and wish something would be done with it. I like your idea but I would change one part of it.

I think would be cool is if the first strike came out quickly (and position didn’t matter), and instead of giving you pathing, it just gives you free movement with evasion status to position yourself for the second strike. Then if you manage to get behind your target you get a better effect; or you can use the evasion to create some space (assuming you land the first hit).

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


what if the animation is the same as hornet sting of the ranger?

would that make it more viable?

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Laissez Faire.8624

Laissez Faire.8624

What if it moved you to the back of the mob, and then initiated your swords stealth attack? Not actually putting you in stealth though. Something needs to be done to improve S/D. I’m dying to use it, but there’s just no damage to make it a viable build.

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Dacromir.6207


What if it moved you to the back of the mob

No, this is the problem. Unless they did a shadowstep to the back of the mob (which would also be a good fix), they’re never going to be able to get the pathing right so that it consistently hits on enemies at different ranges that may also be moving. Unless they’re at exactly 130m and holding still, FS rarely hits. If you’re chasing an enemy, rather than hitting them in the back it will attempt to hit them in the front and end up spinning you off to the side.

On the contrary, it’s perfectly doable for the player to put themselves behind the enemy. I do it all the time. By putting a flanking requirement on the skill, it could fill the role it’s supposed to (boon removal, high damage) but in a way that actually works.

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Laissez Faire.8624

Laissez Faire.8624

What if it moved you to the back of the mob

No, this is the problem. Unless they did a shadowstep to the back of the mob (which would also be a good fix), they’re never going to be able to get the pathing right so that it consistently hits on enemies at different ranges that may also be moving.

A shadow step would be a great solution for this problem. Or even jumping over the mob like Death Blossom.

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Stin.9781


I would sincerely like to keep evade,

My suggestion would be

Make it to hit 2nd while evading, not after evade animation is done, or decrease cast time/incrase animation speed by 25-33% to justify it, its not usable with haste anyways due to pathing and having as much chances of hiting a target while hes moving as me with eyes closed

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Dacromir.6207


I would sincerely like to keep evade,

My suggestion would be

Make it to hit 2nd while evading, not after evade animation is done, or decrease cast time/incrase animation speed by 25-33% to justify it, its not usable with haste anyways due to pathing and having as much chances of hiting a target while hes moving as me with eyes closed

Eh, the evade is nice, but the sword already has tons of defenses. I’d rather get an offensive skill that can reliably hit my opponent than an evade that burns my initiative.

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Kyus.3812


I wouldn’t mind seeing a riposte style move, maybe a block and then a damage spike for blocking similar to the spear.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Laissez Faire.8624

Laissez Faire.8624

I wouldn’t mind seeing a riposte style move, maybe a block and then a damage spike for blocking similar to the spear.

I brought up this point in another thread. The spear’s blocking skill is a lot of fun. Thieves are missing direct defense in land combat.

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Stin.9781


I would sincerely like to keep evade,

My suggestion would be

Make it to hit 2nd while evading, not after evade animation is done, or decrease cast time/incrase animation speed by 25-33% to justify it, its not usable with haste anyways due to pathing and having as much chances of hiting a target while hes moving as me with eyes closed

Eh, the evade is nice, but the sword already has tons of defenses. I’d rather get an offensive skill that can reliably hit my opponent than an evade that burns my initiative.

Sword has ton of defences ? you mean infiltrators strike ? what if i dont want to tp back to my last place ? No, every thief weapeon needs some defence and has one, d/d has evade on DB. shortbow has disabling shot, p/d has shadow strike to tp away, d/p has black powder to stop attack and blind, p/p has same black powder and daze on #4.
I sincerely think evade is neccesary. Or block as suggested above

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Marduh.4603


Flanking strike is good.
You just need to add a leap second attack on the 450, as autoattacks ranger.
And remove useless “boon remove”.

This is exactly what is missing in this set-up weapons, another gap closer / punisher.

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Dacromir.6207


Sword has ton of defences ? you mean infiltrators strike ? what if i dont want to tp back to my last place ?

I mean the incredibly frequent dazes and the spammable stun break. FS as it is right now isn’t responsive enough to dodge a heavy-hitting attack (at least in PvP), so the evade is just avoiding whatever happens to hit you for that short period. CnD → 2s Daze will do far more to keep you alive.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a riposte style move, maybe a block and then a damage spike for blocking similar to the spear.

That would be awesome. It would also fit with the sword, because of all our weapons sword is best for deflecting attacks. Block with sword, push their weapon wide, dagger in the gut… I like it!

Flanking strike is good.
You just need to add a leap second attack on the 450, as autoattacks ranger.
And remove useless “boon remove”.

A leap would work, but it’d have to be at the start. I don’t really care how they fix it, but they need to either make it so that it can hit reliably or remove the movement component from the skill.

And the boon removal and unblockable is great, and should stay. It’s situational, but can really crush some builds. Someone just got a big stack of stability? Nope! Ranger gave themselves insane regen stack? Nope! Thief like me has 10 stacks of might? Nope!

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Marduh.4603


A leap would work, but it’d have to be at the start. I don’t really care how they fix it, but they need to either make it so that it can hit reliably or remove the movement component from the skill.

Evasive+Leap=Heartseeker 2

I think it will be better:
1) Evade
2) Stab
3) Leap ( like guardian leap of faith) 450 range
4) Second strike

Leap is much better than the dubious remove buffs.
And it adds a combo finisher in this setup weapons.

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Zunhar.4079


I vote for riposte/parry as other posters have said. Channeled block—>enemy attacks—damage spike and boon removal. If you’re not attacked you gain initaitve (like the spear skill)? I don’t know, I just really want Flanking Strike to be improved.

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Dacromir.6207


If you’re not attacked you gain initaitve (like the spear skill)? I don’t know, I just really want Flanking Strike to be improved.

Heck, I’d be happy even if you didn’t get initiative if it doesn’t works. If you didn’t get hit, then that means you forced them not to attack you for 3s (or however long) which is worth the initiative cost. I’d even give up the boon removal and unblockable if they’d turn it into a counter move.

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Nettle.9025


The animation isn’t as bad as it initially seems, you just need to be more aware of how it works. You always circle to the right. The closer you are to your target, the tighter the circle flank is. If you are further out, the circle is wider. You can move your character after the first hit and before the 2nd (and harder hitting) sword thrust to adjust appropriately.

The second hit is easy to land, though the first can sometimes be a problem imo. I think I’d like it better if the dagger/boon strip, that you can’t adjust for, hit before the flanking movement rather than after.

Probably my favorite weapon set, and one of my favorite abilities.

Badding up tourneys since 2012
NA tPvP – Elementalist – Thief

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Stin.9781


Sword has ton of defences ? you mean infiltrators strike ? what if i dont want to tp back to my last place ?

I mean the incredibly frequent dazes and the spammable stun break. FS as it is right now isn’t responsive enough to dodge a heavy-hitting attack (at least in PvP), so the evade is just avoiding whatever happens to hit you for that short period. CnD -> 2s Daze will do far more to keep you alive.

Yes it has in combat defences when you are on offencive, but what if you need to be on defencive side for a bit. It has no defence when you are actualy defending and not attacking your target, i would like to not focus only on offencive and to remove weakness of weapeon instead of making it another Dmg first weapeon.

Former Devils Inside Thief R43

(edited by Stin.9781)

An idea to fix Flanking Strike (S/D #3)

in Thief

Posted by: Marduh.4603


Yes it has in combat defences when you are on offencive, but what if you need to be on defencive side for a bit. It has no defence when you are actualy defending and not attacking your target, i would like to not focus only on offencive and to remove weakness of weapeon instead of making it another Dmg first weapeon.

Seriously? Stand and wait until you get hit? I thought it was a destiny Warriors and Guardian.
It would make sense if, after the block was knockback or stun, but it never will be.
Leap + CD + Tactical Strike better than to get away from the damage that now makes flanking strike. (Block will be even worse now state)