The current meta is bunker and and conditions you will see more of these builds than not. I struggled as a back-stab thief against bunker build/condition builds and decided to swap and re-learn sword dagger, sword pistol.
Pistol whip was fun, but unreliable damage and required taking out utility to ensure haste. I couldn’t justify it because it was to glassy.
On the other hand after some research and playing around I found a very fun and strong build that has allowed me to do several thing I have not been able to do with this glass before.
Sword dagger is rising in popularity and for good reason, it’s the strongest kit we have.
If your looking for numbers conditions and combo field finishers than no this kit doesn’t have that.
What it does have is agility, and versatility to deal with any situation you may find.
This is the build I’ve found and been working with that I just find amazing.
The build runs 0/10/0/30/30
Focusing on boon’s proc steal, and boon rips
The rune set is really what makes this build very strong and strong synergy. I’m sure you’ve seen builds like Daphoniex d/d ele where he’s able to maintain constant boons. This build allows for the same thing, and SHUTS DOWN any type of boon reliant bunker build. It will NEGATE almost if not ALL of a condition build, I feel like necro’s are an inferior class because of my ability to drop all their conditions as they stack them, while maintaining upkeep. Slippery mesmers get locked down, warriors can’t touch me with their silly mace and shield.
This build is a high skill level though. I have to admit I died A LOT in the begging experimenting with this build.
What really completes this build is the runes.
Lyssa Runes gives this build the final touch for the low cool down withdraw and low cool down Bvenom.
Constant upkeep on boon’s negating enemy conditions, now allowing them to have boons, constant evasion, you always have the option to dodge or evade. Completely negates bunkers regen. I’ve found no real weakness to this build so far. Oh and for once this build also’s me to get up close and personal in zerg fights causing havoc in the back lines or making a tank go OMG wtf just happened. Enemies cannot run away from you, you’re upkeep is too strong.
I’m not saying htis build is op I know it’s sounding like that, but it’s enthusiasm.
As I said this build is a high skill level and takes a lot of practice and does not play like other thief builds that have been popular in the past. You will no see a lot of these builds on newer thief’s.
The armor and trinks run around a valk/zerk sets. You can swap as you see fit based on your own comfort level. I run valk armor with zerk trinkets. Granted my crit chance is around 40% however I also maintain constant fury swiftness and might with 90% crit damage. My dps does not suffer with food buffs. As ascended weapons are release I feel this build will become is only going to become even stronger.
Here is a link to show you the build I’m currently using|c.1g.h4.8.1g.h14|5.1p.h17|1p.7i.1p.7i.1p.7i.1p.7i.1p.7i.1p.7i|2t.d13.2t.0.2s.d13.2t.d13.3t.d19.2s.d13|0.a1.0.u39a.u57b|39.1|59.5b.5f.5c.5u|e
I hope you enjoy.
Also I did not create this build on my own I did a lot of research on other sword/dagger builds currently posted around online and pieced together things I believed worked. So far it’s it’s the best build I’ve learned how to play.