Any Thief buffs?

Any Thief buffs?

in Thief

Posted by: vedranbosna.2147


So i was wondering if any Thief buffs are coming, the class can’t burst any1 quickly(if the enemy knows what he/she is doing), Thief is also not tanky ( gets 1shot by everything). The only thing he has is mobility, and mobility won’t win fights, you can decap points but if the enemy team is smart they will leave a DH or any1 tanky at the point and the Thief can’t do kitten. The only thing i see is nerfs, and with the backstab change all the builds relying on stealth are not as good as they used to be, and even then in this meta thief was not good. I rly hope that there will be nerfs to condi builds and the new DH(kittening insane), since all you see now is DH, condi Warrior, condi/ tank Mesmer and its getting boring to play pvp, especially as Thief.