Any special keybinds you use?

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


I can’t live without these:

Aoe loot – middle mouse button
Sheathe current weapon – mouse button 5
Roll – mouse button 4
Look backwards – Z

All is vain.

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: jonwar.4186


I have small hands so I have steal remapped to R and my heal on a mouse button right at my thumb, makes my gameplay alot more fluid and convenient

Sword Dagger Thief
Ferguson’s Crossing [MAIN]

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


that’s not really a “special” mapping but if we’re counting those then I have my utilities mapped to q,e,r respectively.

All is vain.

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: Sizzle Hint.1820

Sizzle Hint.1820

q e r c x v

easy to reach

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: Chew Magna.4830

Chew Magna.4830

I have a Logitech G300 so most of my skills are mapped onto that. I use the standard 1,2,3 for normal skills, 4 and 5 are the left shoulder buttons. E is my heal, utility 6 and 7 are right shoulder buttons, F is utility 8, C is elite. Steal, or F1, is shift+shoulder 1, F2 is shift+shoulder 2 and so on. Z is auto loot and my “use” is shift+F.

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Standard keyboard/mouse:
Tab = Heal
Q = Nearest Target
Middle Mouse = Next Target
E, R, F = Utilities
Shift = Elite
Z= Loot
The two little side buttons on the mouse are mapped to #1 and Call Target, respectively.

And most importantly, I changed S from walk backwards to Dodge. Biggest boost to my gameplay by far.

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Standard keyboard/mouse:
Tab = Heal
Q = Nearest Target
Middle Mouse = Next Target
E, R, F = Utilities
Shift = Elite
Z= Loot
The two little side buttons on the mouse are mapped to #1 and Call Target, respectively.

And most importantly, I changed S from walk backwards to Dodge. Biggest boost to my gameplay by far.

So you can’t walk backwards anymore???

All is vain.

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Standard keyboard/mouse:
Tab = Heal
Q = Nearest Target
Middle Mouse = Next Target
E, R, F = Utilities
Shift = Elite
Z= Loot
The two little side buttons on the mouse are mapped to #1 and Call Target, respectively.

And most importantly, I changed S from walk backwards to Dodge. Biggest boost to my gameplay by far.

So you can’t walk backwards anymore???

Nope. It’s slower than all other movement. If I want to run backwards, I rotate the view and strafe sideways.

As for dodge, if no other directional key is pressed, it defaults to a backwards dodge roll.

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Standard keyboard/mouse:
Tab = Heal
Q = Nearest Target
Middle Mouse = Next Target
E, R, F = Utilities
Shift = Elite
Z= Loot
The two little side buttons on the mouse are mapped to #1 and Call Target, respectively.

And most importantly, I changed S from walk backwards to Dodge. Biggest boost to my gameplay by far.

So you can’t walk backwards anymore???

Nope. It’s slower than all other movement. If I want to run backwards, I rotate the view and strafe sideways.

As for dodge, if no other directional key is pressed, it defaults to a backwards dodge roll.

Have you killed liadri?

Ideally, you’d want to move as fast as strafing while moving backwards, but if you changed your camera so you can go backwards while strafing, you’re no longer facing your target…so not too sure if the unloads can still connect.

All is vain.

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: kangaroosteak.6201


What I’m using right now
Heal – R
Utility Skills – Shift+1, Shift+2, Shift+3
Dodge – C
Elite – X

Works for me because my fingers get to stay on the 12345 keys

[VP] Yeskey: I Theory Craft Builds and Get Into Fights!

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Q- Heal
WASD- Movement Keys
E, R, T- Three utilities respectively
V- Steal
C- Elite

I also run
F- Call target
G- Change to marked target

EDIT: I also run X for evade, but I usually just double-tap; it’s faster for me overall.


(edited by Arganthium.5638)

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: FLiP.7680


My keybinding changes are:

Swap weps – Mouse 3
Dodge – Alt
Heal – Q
5 – Mouse 4
F1 – E
F2, 3, 4 – Ctrl+1, 2, 3
Utilities – Z, X, C
Elite – V
Ctrl – Mouse 5

As i play as thief and necro, F1 (E) is the only important F-key, and for my mesmer and guardian i hold Ctrl (Mouse 5) to use the shatter and virtue skills.

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: Coloxeus.3480


Z – heal
alt 1, 2, 3 – utilities 1,2,3
alt 4 – elite
Mid mouse button – Steal
C – target nearest enemy
V – dodge

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: TeamBattleAxe.3901


Standard keyboard/mouse:
Tab = Heal
Q = Nearest Target
Middle Mouse = Next Target
E, R, F = Utilities
Shift = Elite
Z= Loot
The two little side buttons on the mouse are mapped to #1 and Call Target, respectively.

And most importantly, I changed S from walk backwards to Dodge. Biggest boost to my gameplay by far.

So you can’t walk backwards anymore???

Nope. It’s slower than all other movement. If I want to run backwards, I rotate the view and strafe sideways.

As for dodge, if no other directional key is pressed, it defaults to a backwards dodge roll.

Have you killed liadri?

Ideally, you’d want to move as fast as strafing while moving backwards, but if you changed your camera so you can go backwards while strafing, you’re no longer facing your target…so not too sure if the unloads can still connect.

No, I avoid PvE stuff if I can.

But I use it all the time while in WvW and I stay really mobile. It’s kind of hard to explain and it’s got a bit of a learning curve, but it definitely feels a lot more intuitive and faster once you get used to it. I picked up that trick from Taugrim’s guide (although, my keybinds are a little bit different). He’s got a couple of videos showing how he does it in Rift.

You can also see that movement style in action in all of my thief videos. If I get some time later on, I’ll try to do a proper tutorial.

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: Craig.2403


I don’t have auto attack equipped (for ranger the sword aa messes up dodges all the time, and you auto attack from stealth if you use a skill after you have stealthed, like a teleport, so I found it’s better for me to keep aa off), so I have 1 as v. Steal is then shift + v, and when I play mesmer, shatters are shift + v, 2, 3, or 4, but those aren’t really weird or different My stun break for all my characters is always r, and my main utility is z. My secondary utility (aka, the one that is much more situational), is on x. Elite is c. Heal is n. Mouse 3 as auto run.

Bummkin – ranger | Netherdark – thief | Crescor – mesmer | Gears Up – engi

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: NanoNaps.7029


q e r c x v

easy to reach


i bound
4 -> Q
5 -> E
6 -> R
7 -> Y (german keyboard so on english it would be Z)
8 -> X
9 -> C
0 -> 4
Dodge -> V
Steal -> F1 (F1 is bound to a mouse-button)

That allows for my mouse hand not needing to do to much skills and can focus on selecting targets (if there are to many AIs on the field Tab just doesn’t cut it) and circle strafing.

edit: i also moved A & D from turning left & right to strafe left & right.

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


7, 8 to the buttons on the side of my mouse
9 to the middle mouse button
Elite is Alt + Mid mousy

Point is to keep my left hand left, and my right hand never leaves the mouse. All that.

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: Ivonbeton.6814


Azerty keyboard

Main skills : F / E / M4 / M5 / M3
Utility : A / X / C / V
Elite : 1
Dodge : Shift

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: Oliver.4017


Q= Elite Skill: Thieves Guild or Basilisk Venom (I switch a lot)
E= 5 Skill: Cloak and Dagger
X= 9 Skill: Shadow Refuge
C= 6 Heal Skill: Hide in Shadows
V= 7 Skill: a Venom Skill ( I switch a lot)
R= 8 Skill: Infiltrators Signet

I do this to move quickly. Everything is a small movement from where your hand already is.

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: Taobella.6597


6 = alt 1
7 = alt 2
8 = alt 3
9 = alt 4
10 = alt 5

Any special keybinds you use?

in Thief

Posted by: Jayw.1045


My keyboard spec is awesome and I’ll share it with you, it’s bloody brillant and takes time to get used to but REALLY stream line.

q e r = 123
m4-m5= 45
F- default + aoe loot
Space= jump

awsd = up turn left turn right back, NOT STRAFE easier kiting with turns more fine tuned movements. No lose in movement speed.

1- steal
2- weapon swap

This is the selling point Shift
Shift is used as a control key so vital cooldowns ARE NEVER wasted by mistake
shift has no binding by it self

Shift+r= heal
Shift + space = elite
Shift + m4 m5 = 6 and 7
Shift + m3 = 8

turna round = x

next target = caps
prev target = tab

Most streamline keyboard spec you’ll ever use.