Anyone else getting the QQ still?

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

Been having lots of people QQ hard post patch. Ranges from blind spam noob to p/d scrub (I run power when I run it btw)

All Classes too…even condi spamming engies

Just too funny

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Gabe.6810


I don’t really see QQs in sPvP but one of my guild members tends to whine a lot about D/P “perma stealth and 10k backstabs”

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Sagat.3285


WvW yes, it barely changed other than trap thieves….pvp yes but I’ve never tried s/d tough. Any brain lacking player will cry over p/d regardless of gear,mode,spec,health.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I’m being stubborn and trying to bring S/D back into WvW roaming…

I don’t get q.q as much.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Necrotize.2974


Had someone yesterday complaining about Heartseeker spam when I was playing D/P. They complained that I used it to gain stealth too much. This was also SPvP and they were a celestial engi so… I don’t know how to respond to that.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Sarrow.2785


Yep. I’m running an experimental P/D+P/D venom share team-oriented build. No stun-breakers, movement skills or condi-cleanse apart from Withdraw.

“Scrub condi thief” After I killed a glass S/P thief who opened on me. I decided to leave him to tick in downed state after that remark.
“Stupid healing venom thief” After a pew pew ranger couldn’t kill me.

Admiral Mournn, Tarnished Coast

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Yelloweyedemon.2860


Been having lots of people QQ hard post patch. Ranges from blind spam noob to p/d scrub (I run power when I run it btw)

All Classes too…even condi spamming engies

Just too funny

I play a power ranger (long long before the september patch). When I killed people with Sword/warhorn/axe/dagger, they QQ’ed told me I exploit. After the “RF” patch, they simply say “L2P LB scrub”.

I live for someone to PM me with QQ the moment I kill his character!

Havn’t had such fun since the early days in Lotro, where people reported me for playing a god-mode class…

People will always QQ. Get over it, and enjoy it

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Necrotize.2974


Been having lots of people QQ hard post patch. Ranges from blind spam noob to p/d scrub (I run power when I run it btw)

All Classes too…even condi spamming engies

Just too funny

I play a power ranger (long long before the september patch). When I killed people with Sword/warhorn/axe/dagger, they QQ’ed told me I exploit. After the “RF” patch, they simply say “L2P LB scrub”.

I live for someone to PM me with QQ the moment I kill his character!

Havn’t had such fun since the early days in Lotro, where people reported me for playing a god-mode class…

People will always QQ. Get over it, and enjoy it

But sometimes it’s just fun to look deeper into the QQ, try and understand it, realize it is completely unfounded, unadulterated bs, and laugh wondering if the person actually believes it in order to protect their ego or if they’re just mad. Either way, it is always a good time.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


actually didn’t see any for ages now and i play d/p trickery, i guess rangers and celestial engis took our QQ spot

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Amonatory.2453


I still get QQ in both WvW and SPvP while using s/d…. Nothing has changed aha. Nerf moar plz.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Ritt.3069


“Cheese playing scrub spamming evades "
-Fear spamming necro camping Skyham.

“Run away bad teef”
-A truly skillful pewpew ranger upon me moving out of a 3v1 situation.

“Haha noob teleport pro.”
-An extremely proficient Hambow.

“Omg spam more cc noob l2p”
An amazing bunker guardian upon me chaining back-to-back steals+mace cracks on him.

I play S/D if someone didn’t get it. Obviously thief is still cheese and I’m a bad player for not playing something meaningful and talented such as hambow warrior. Nerf more to bring this op class to balance!

William Van Dine/Aria Entreri/Weaver of the Dream
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA], Desolation
4 Champion titles, solo/duoq Legend, best old LB rank 64.

(edited by Ritt.3069)

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


Smacktalking league of classes:

1) Thieves. Sadly this is the one class that can’t handle losing, especially if all I’m doing is DeathBlossoming over their spammed attacks until they die.
2) Warriors. Geez. Expecially Hambows… they HATE it when the knockdown knockdown doesn’t work.

I do love it though… sPvP or WvW… I’m not fussy. Just means I got em good.


Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

Thanks for the replies and it’s good to know I’m not the only one.

That being said what do you fellas tend to reply with???

My personal favorite is “How did you not kill me? I can’t fathom how you lost to a thief….”

Usually incites more wrath it seems for some reason……best are the rangers. Dunno why but players who play ranger are special.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Necrotize.2974


Thanks for the replies and it’s good to know I’m not the only one.

That being said what do you fellas tend to reply with???

My personal favorite is “How did you not kill me? I can’t fathom how you lost to a thief….”

Usually incites more wrath it seems for some reason……best are the rangers. Dunno why but players who play ranger are special.

Those aren’t players who “play ranger” then. Those are players that bandwagoned to ranger. The people that actually played ranger before it become strong should be used to dying and not act like kittens when they lose.

I usually say nothing though, then for the rest of the match, keep in mind to target them whenever possible and once they’re down, poison them with SB and leave them there to die. Best is when people come to help them and then several clusterbombs+poison field later, you’ve got two corpses.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: hihey.1075


After beating a mediguard in a 1v1 server:
“seriously noob? Spamming with Shortbow?”

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Thanks for the replies and it’s good to know I’m not the only one.

That being said what do you fellas tend to reply with???

My personal favorite is “How did you not kill me? I can’t fathom how you lost to a thief….”

Usually incites more wrath it seems for some reason……best are the rangers. Dunno why but players who play ranger are special.

i don’t respond to hate messages, usually waste of time and causes more unnecessary drama

if someone is really desperade and spams me with messages i just put them on ignore

After beating a mediguard in a 1v1 server:
“seriously noob? Spamming with Shortbow?”

how can someone lose to thief as medi guard (hardcounter) xD

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Got accused for hacking today while I fought a guardian on point. Didn’t stealth, but used black powder and auto attacks to wear him down. He meant it was impossible to do so much damage without taking any. The poor lad stood inside the black powder all the time….

Yes. I do still get a lot of QQ, especially in WvW. In PvP it is long between, and when it happen it is usually somebody who accuse me of perma stealthing at running a completely different weapon set :p

Melder – Thief

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Xtinct.7031


I’ve been getting a lot of haters/qq when I run P/D condi, even from fellow thief’s on my own server.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Auesis.7301


Had a good one while messing around in hotjoin earlier.

“Why don’t you swap class and see how well you do then, noob”

So I did. Still kept killing him. He blocked me and left after a few minutes.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


I’ve been getting a lot of haters/qq when I run P/D condi, even from fellow thief’s on my own server.

That’s because the build is cheesy and nobody likes it.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Sagat.3285


I’ve been getting a lot of haters/qq when I run P/D condi, even from fellow thief’s on my own server.

That’s because the build is cheesy and nobody likes it.

You must be one of the many that refuse to see the spec’s weaknesses and want to faceroll them at least decent players recognize they are fighting perplexity runes and condition food.

Let me guess he beat you 1v1…

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Xtinct.7031


I’ve been getting a lot of haters/qq when I run P/D condi, even from fellow thief’s on my own server.

That’s because the build is cheesy and nobody likes it.

Don’t understand why so many cherry pick what is a “cheese build”. I die to zerk phant Mesmer because I badly timed my dodges, that Mesmer runs a “cheese build”.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


I’ve played P/D. It’s an extremely low-skill build with very few weaknesses only amplified by the aforementioned perplex runes. Condition duration food isn’t even something to consider seeing as -duration food offsets it more than if neither players have +/- food.

Simply put the kiting potential is absolutely absurd seeing as it also applies huge torment numbers with extreme ease before even considering the bleeding.

If Shadow Strike didn’t net so much of a gap-opener while dealing so much damage I wouldn’t have too many problems with the build.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Sagat.3285


I’ve played P/D. It’s an extremely low-skill build with very few weaknesses only amplified by the aforementioned perplex runes. Condition duration food isn’t even something to consider seeing as -duration food offsets it more than if neither players have +/- food.

Simply put the kiting potential is absolutely absurd seeing as it also applies huge torment numbers with extreme ease before even considering the bleeding.

If Shadow Strike didn’t net so much of a gap-opener while dealing so much damage I wouldn’t have too many problems with the build.

Any player with a decent brain shouldn’t lose to a p/d you may not kill him but if you die to a p/d you need to rethink your way of fighting. Farming baddies is what got the build popular.

The heavy reliance on melee stealth to survive is a major one already. The major mistake people do is wait when the thief disengage for an extended period,if you don’t know how to negate sneak attack you should go back to pvp practice. If the spec was so strong it wouldn’t need all 3 utilities to be defensive ones at least we can use traps now.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

If you have or hear of any suggestions for nerfs, please post them here:

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: nacario.9417


Ive also gotten alot of qq lately. It’s like as if when they see a thief they expect you to be able to beat any class/spec. Ive killed engis that in return downed me the next encounter and repeatadly jumped on my dead body’s head. Ive also had frustrated lines throwed at me “wannabe thief”, and left wondering okay whats a wannabe thief like, how am i supposed to be a real thief Those who are most sad are the ones actually whispering and taunting.

What is a bit annoying, but thats the internet, is that some expect you to perform 100% all the time. What about the times where you are testing new builds or classes and cant perform top, and then they have the urge to flame

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

I’ve been getting a lot of haters/qq when I run P/D condi, even from fellow thief’s on my own server.

That’s because the build is cheesy and nobody likes it.

You must be one of the many that refuse to see the spec’s weaknesses and want to faceroll them at least decent players recognize they are fighting perplexity runes and condition food.

Let me guess he beat you 1v1…

I am one of the people that despise condi builds in wvw.Why? Dire and condi duration food, Anet’s lazy solution to get people interested in condi builds. So anytime a P/D condi thief asks for a duel in wvw, I say no. Ofc by doing this I avoid the chance to get better at fighting that particular set but I refuse to entertain anyone who runs to dire/condi food to get kills in wvw.

On topic, yes I still get QQ from other players, usually it’s mesmers and engies that qq most. There is one dragon rank mesmer I sometimes bump into in hotjoin that always chases me around the map or camps spawn and follows me from there (often with 1 or 2 others) and rages in chat.

In WvW, it’s often engies that qq about my unholy dmg or high pvp rank thieves that visit WvW, from them, it’s always whisper and block so I wouldn’t reply back.

I doubt people will stop qq’ing about thieves overnight, some attention is on rangers now but most players still see thieves as the OP class that shouldn’t lose to them.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


Say nothing and troll the living daylights out of them until they rage log.


Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

I’ve been getting a lot of haters/qq when I run P/D condi, even from fellow thief’s on my own server.

I do that to fellow thieves on my server as well. Running that build is just the lazy/easy way out. Learn to win with power and you’ll make yourself a better thief.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

Say nothing and troll the living daylights out of them until they rage log.

That is not fun.

Acting innocent and asking questions to incite their wrath is the best option.

I should run a class on how to properly troll in this game….

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Azure The Heartless.3261

Azure The Heartless.3261

Say nothing and troll the living daylights out of them until they rage log.

That is not fun.

Acting innocent and asking questions to incite their wrath is the best option.

I should run a class on how to properly troll in this game….

“Cheese build”



love it

Resident Disgruntled, Coffee-drinking Charr.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

Say nothing and troll the living daylights out of them until they rage log.

That is not fun.

Acting innocent and asking questions to incite their wrath is the best option.

I should run a class on how to properly troll in this game….

“Cheese build”



love it

More like

“Cheese buuld”

“I’m sorry but I’m not good”

“Get skills noob”

“I tried but you died before I obtained them”

“$@÷%^ "

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Geiir.7603


Say nothing and troll the living daylights out of them until they rage log.

That is not fun.

Acting innocent and asking questions to incite their wrath is the best option.

I should run a class on how to properly troll in this game….

“Cheese build”



love it

More like

“Cheese buuld”

“I’m sorry but I’m not good”

“Get skills noob”

“I tried but you died before I obtained them”

“$@÷%^ "

Amazing! O.o

Melder – Thief

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

Say nothing and troll the living daylights out of them until they rage log.

That is not fun.

Acting innocent and asking questions to incite their wrath is the best option.

I should run a class on how to properly troll in this game….

“Cheese build”



love it

More like

“Cheese buuld”

“I’m sorry but I’m not good”

“Get skills noob”

“I tried but you died before I obtained them”

“$@÷%^ "

Amazing! O.o

Definitely need to run a class

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Dear thieves, i take my words back… I represent you a necro using nightmare runes QQ (q’d into him 3 times in a row in yoloq, he kept trying to take our points or kill me while i was trebbing). I am honestly rather confused what he expected me to do. Stand afk? Ignore him while he was capping our points? Let him kill me?

If i don’t do my job as a thief, my team would yell at me. If i do my job as a thief, my enemy yells at me ._.


All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

Dear thieves, i take my words back… I represent you a necro using nightmare runes QQ (q’d into him 3 times in a row in yoloq, he kept trying to take our points or kill me while i was trebbing). I am honestly rather confused what he expected me to do. Stand afk? Ignore him while he was capping our points? Let him kill me?

If i don’t do my job as a thief, my team would yell at me. If i do my job as a thief, my enemy yells at me ._.

Why would you black out his name???

Let us ALL whisper l2p as a community to this helpless QQ’r

Good Lord my class is looking like a must now

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Dear thieves, i take my words back… I represent you a necro using nightmare runes QQ (q’d into him 3 times in a row in yoloq, he kept trying to take our points or kill me while i was trebbing). I am honestly rather confused what he expected me to do. Stand afk? Ignore him while he was capping our points? Let him kill me?

If i don’t do my job as a thief, my team would yell at me. If i do my job as a thief, my enemy yells at me ._.

Why would you black out his name???

Let us ALL whisper l2p as a community to this helpless QQ’r

Good Lord my class is looking like a must now

names and shaming…. can’t post names on forums

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

Dear thieves, i take my words back… I represent you a necro using nightmare runes QQ (q’d into him 3 times in a row in yoloq, he kept trying to take our points or kill me while i was trebbing). I am honestly rather confused what he expected me to do. Stand afk? Ignore him while he was capping our points? Let him kill me?

If i don’t do my job as a thief, my team would yell at me. If i do my job as a thief, my enemy yells at me ._.

Why would you black out his name???

Let us ALL whisper l2p as a community to this helpless QQ’r

Good Lord my class is looking like a must now

names and shaming…. can’t post names on forums

Take the hit for the community….i would

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Dear thieves, i take my words back… I represent you a necro using nightmare runes QQ (q’d into him 3 times in a row in yoloq, he kept trying to take our points or kill me while i was trebbing). I am honestly rather confused what he expected me to do. Stand afk? Ignore him while he was capping our points? Let him kill me?

If i don’t do my job as a thief, my team would yell at me. If i do my job as a thief, my enemy yells at me ._.

Why would you black out his name???

Let us ALL whisper l2p as a community to this helpless QQ’r

Good Lord my class is looking like a must now

names and shaming…. can’t post names on forums

Take the hit for the community….i would

i fear i will be silenced forever if i take any more hits for thief/pvp community~

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

(edited by Cynz.9437)

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

Dear thieves, i take my words back… I represent you a necro using nightmare runes QQ (q’d into him 3 times in a row in yoloq, he kept trying to take our points or kill me while i was trebbing). I am honestly rather confused what he expected me to do. Stand afk? Ignore him while he was capping our points? Let him kill me?

If i don’t do my job as a thief, my team would yell at me. If i do my job as a thief, my enemy yells at me ._.

Why would you black out his name???

Let us ALL whisper l2p as a community to this helpless QQ’r

Good Lord my class is looking like a must now

names and shaming…. can’t post names on forums

Take the hit for the community….i would

i fear i will be silenced forever if i take any more hits for thief/pvp community~

They fall off eventually how long was your last ban for?

Once you start getting over 10 days you might wanna start worrying.

So take the hit

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


Dear thieves, i take my words back… I represent you a necro using nightmare runes QQ (q’d into him 3 times in a row in yoloq, he kept trying to take our points or kill me while i was trebbing). I am honestly rather confused what he expected me to do. Stand afk? Ignore him while he was capping our points? Let him kill me?

If i don’t do my job as a thief, my team would yell at me. If i do my job as a thief, my enemy yells at me ._.

Why would you black out his name???

Let us ALL whisper l2p as a community to this helpless QQ’r

Good Lord my class is looking like a must now

names and shaming…. can’t post names on forums

Take the hit for the community….i would

i fear i will be silenced forever if i take any more hits for thief/pvp community~

They fall off eventually how long was your last ban for?

Once you start getting over 10 days you might wanna start worrying.

So take the hit

you are not allowed to talk about bans on forums~

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: T raw.4658

T raw.4658

We are talking about vacations here mate

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Cam Ron.4170

Cam Ron.4170

I’ve played P/D. It’s an extremely low-skill build with very few weaknesses only amplified by the aforementioned perplex runes. Condition duration food isn’t even something to consider seeing as -duration food offsets it more than if neither players have +/- food.

Simply put the kiting potential is absolutely absurd seeing as it also applies huge torment numbers with extreme ease before even considering the bleeding.

If Shadow Strike didn’t net so much of a gap-opener while dealing so much damage I wouldn’t have too many problems with the build.

Any player with a decent brain shouldn’t lose to a p/d you may not kill him but if you die to a p/d you need to rethink your way of fighting. Farming baddies is what got the build popular.

The heavy reliance on melee stealth to survive is a major one already. The major mistake people do is wait when the thief disengage for an extended period,if you don’t know how to negate sneak attack you should go back to pvp practice. If the spec was so strong it wouldn’t need all 3 utilities to be defensive ones at least we can use traps now.

Except Krait or trapper runes with Bewildering ambush is better than perplexity + SoH. The only reliable interrupt on the set, unless running scorpion with is the SoH on steal. So your basically trading 45% bleed duration +6 set bonus or the trap runes bonuses for a 1s daze every 21 seconds at best.

I’m using trapper runes with triple trap utilities and I feel like a god. P/D isn’t overpowered. Dire gear probably is though.

If P/D is OP though, the most OP thing about it is Uncatchable + feline grace…. Huge cripple and 1k bleed on dodge? lolllll

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Sagat.3285


I’ve played P/D. It’s an extremely low-skill build with very few weaknesses only amplified by the aforementioned perplex runes. Condition duration food isn’t even something to consider seeing as -duration food offsets it more than if neither players have +/- food.

Simply put the kiting potential is absolutely absurd seeing as it also applies huge torment numbers with extreme ease before even considering the bleeding.

If Shadow Strike didn’t net so much of a gap-opener while dealing so much damage I wouldn’t have too many problems with the build.

Any player with a decent brain shouldn’t lose to a p/d you may not kill him but if you die to a p/d you need to rethink your way of fighting. Farming baddies is what got the build popular.

The heavy reliance on melee stealth to survive is a major one already. The major mistake people do is wait when the thief disengage for an extended period,if you don’t know how to negate sneak attack you should go back to pvp practice. If the spec was so strong it wouldn’t need all 3 utilities to be defensive ones at least we can use traps now.

Except Krait or trapper runes with Bewildering ambush is better than perplexity + SoH. The only reliable interrupt on the set, unless running scorpion with is the SoH on steal. So your basically trading 45% bleed duration +6 set bonus or the trap runes bonuses for a 1s daze every 21 seconds at best.

I’m using trapper runes with triple trap utilities and I feel like a god. P/D isn’t overpowered. Dire gear probably is though.

If P/D is OP though, the most OP thing about it is Uncatchable + feline grace…. Huge cripple and 1k bleed on dodge? lolllll

Love the runes,most players are focused on melee anyway,the play style is more intense and less annoying vs ranged specs,kind of feel like a scout.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Christof.9618


I slopped together a trapping build yesterday and dueled a few people in EBG. My build wasn’t even a proper condi build (I had carrion gear for the most part with soldier’s coat) and I won nearly every duel I was in. If I lost one, I asked for a repeat and promptly won. I felt like a god. It’s hilarious to use the immob and knockdown traps on thieves trying to backstab, and the speed boost plus stealth is OP, imo. I’m on my phone, so I can’t look up traits, but I had gain might on dodge and on stealth traited, which lead to me having around 10 stacks most of the time whilst fighting. Awesome new option for the thief. I hope it stays rare because I want to keep running it without people knowing how to counter haha.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Cam Ron.4170

Cam Ron.4170

I slopped together a trapping build yesterday and dueled a few people in EBG. My build wasn’t even a proper condi build (I had carrion gear for the most part with soldier’s coat) and I won nearly every duel I was in. If I lost one, I asked for a repeat and promptly won. I felt like a god. It’s hilarious to use the immob and knockdown traps on thieves trying to backstab, and the speed boost plus stealth is OP, imo. I’m on my phone, so I can’t look up traits, but I had gain might on dodge and on stealth traited, which lead to me having around 10 stacks most of the time whilst fighting. Awesome new option for the thief. I hope it stays rare because I want to keep running it without people knowing how to counter haha.

For duels if you want a laugh venomshare + thieves guild + ambush trap. all you need is the torment venom (torment runes probably work better) and yea I think they’ll stay exclusive for a little while because you need to craft to 400 just to use them. I went from 0-400 in leather-working just for these runes (paid 11.5g for recipe now its 50s lol).

Which traps do you use? torn between ambush or shadowtrap. The two that I always use are tripwire + needle trap. Tripwire is my favorite, and use needle trap because shortest cd. Maybe Ill drop needletrap for ambush/shadowtrap.

(edited by Cam Ron.4170)

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


I just recently started playing Thief and I haven’t gotten any QQ surprisingly. I thought I’d have people jumping on my corpse or /laugh’ing at me quite frequently in the event that I died, or that I might have people whispering me terrible things but so far nothing. I know how many people hate Thieves and I used to myself back when I was still new to the game, I figured I’d be receiving a lot of buttmad messages but I’ve actually gotten a few /bow’s instead o,O. The only thing I can think of is that I’m almost full glass and very easy to kill if I get pinned down, I’m assuming people understand that I’m using a very high risk build so they don’t hate on me as much. Either way, I’m glad I haven’t been getting any QQ, I’ve really been enjoying Thief and have been spending way more time on it than I thought I would.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Bloonis.9528


Thieves think so much of themselves that the “QQ” that is received as a thief is nothing compared to the one received when a thief is killed by another profession laughs out loud

Having said this, I sympathise for all thieves. Your constant struggling and button smashing between neverending evades, teleports, invisibilities, 10K+ single skill spikes, etc. must be so tiring and brain consuming. I cannot even begin to imagine what you people go through each day to bring home those precious rank points. Therefore, I plead to the anet designer team. PLEASE BUFF the thief class. Relieve them of the constant daily stress and make their online life better. This way, no other profession will be able to kill a thief ever, not even by luck, and the worst part of the “QQ” will stop.

Seek and you shall find

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: Reinn.7436


^ Nothing feels better than winning over other class when you know that yours has been nerfed to kingdom come. I switched to Thief over 2-3 weeks ago as my main and thinking that mine is not an easy job to keep, it brings satisfaction when winning comes over as a fruit of my hardship.


“Even thieves have principles to follow.”

-Chinese Proverb.

Anyone else getting the QQ still?

in Thief

Posted by: SpellOfIniquity.1780


Thieves think so much of themselves that the “QQ” that is received as a thief is nothing compared to the one received when a thief is killed by another profession laughs out loud

Having said this, I sympathise for all thieves. Your constant struggling and button smashing between neverending evades, teleports, invisibilities, 10K+ single skill spikes, etc. must be so tiring and brain consuming. I cannot even begin to imagine what you people go through each day to bring home those precious rank points. Therefore, I plead to the anet designer team. PLEASE BUFF the thief class. Relieve them of the constant daily stress and make their online life better. This way, no other profession will be able to kill a thief ever, not even by luck, and the worst part of the “QQ” will stop.

The kittenedness is strong with this one.

Necromancer, Ranger, Warrior, Engineer
Champion: Phantom, Hunter, Legionnaire, Genius
WvW rank: Diamond Colonel | Maguuma