Assassin's the new Berserker's?
no because power, prec, crit damage is better imo. Power > everything
Probably not. If precision is the main stat it will do less dps than zerker armor because of the significant loss of power. Considering you get plenty of crit chance with zerker gear and fury, or just use a trait that ups it to 100% in stealth. I don’t see why anyone would want precision as the top stakittens
just compensation for people who got explorers gear, the way I see it.
Member of [STFU] S T F University on Tarnished Coast
Yeah, I guess so. Maybe if crit damage was a main stat people would look at it.
Power >>>>>>>>>>>(100*>)>>>Precission in terms of added damage. Even with maxed Critical Damage. Total waste of a combination of stats with Berserker out there (even builds that benefit from crits at the end are better with Berserker as they get an stable enough chance to proc and most crit proc stuff have internal cooldown).
It’s wrong to say that “Power > Precision period”.
Power gives more DPS, but Precision gives more Burst in the short term.
It’s wrong to say that “Power > Precision period”.
Power gives more DPS, but Precision gives more Burst in the short term.
No it doesn’t.
If you do the derivate for distributing 1000 atribute points between Power and Precission, the Max damage comes when you give all 1000 points to Power AND ADITIONALLY substract some points from Precission (resulting in a really small percentage of anticrits that heal your target).
That’s how poor Precission is compared to Power. Precission is good when you already have a lot of Power (always higher than Precission) and also Critical Damage (so consuming 3 stat lines).
There are some cases (none of them on Thief) where Precission is good to empower a build, but even then, it’s more optimal to take a lot of Power to amortize the Precission invested.
(edited by Lokheit.7943)
Yup, another gear set that I’ll hate more than the ’serker set.
Prec on gear is a waste of stat. Period. It doesn’t matter how you look at it.
Although, I will acknowledge that having a single piece with this stat might cover all our Prec needs. That, I’ll have to see.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
This was a huge opportunity to get the PvP version of Knight with Vit as a main stat into PvE.
That would be good to balance some builds as you get Vit as the main stat, while still investing on Power and Precission, so it would be a good adition to current sets mixing Zerker and Valk.
If anything your gonna see the toughness vitality and condition damage one more on thiefs.
I want to see ascended valkyrie for one
I think it’s a better stat combo for mixed gear, and looking over all of the MF replacements that seems to be what anet is targeting. They’re giving more varied stat spreads which, in turn, allow for more fine tuning of gear based stats. As a suit it’s not a great idea, but when you look at all these new combos and but them in the context of more balanced builds you can start to see how combinations can start to look viable. An Assassin’s/zerker/cleric combo for instance might be a good way to get a very specific set of numbers that you might be after, while the easy options still exist in full sets of more “balanced” stat spread gear.
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest