Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom Master.9582

Phantom Master.9582

After watching ready up episode 9 on the official gw2 twitch channel, and I noticed around 53mins in, when they were comparing runes, the lyssa rune’s effect was greatly nerfed from loosing all conditions and gaining all boons for 5seconds, to ‘’convert up to five boons into conditions’’.

Note: this is an internal version of the feature pack, so this is surely to happen in the public version


R80 Mesmer- Inquisitor Amena

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


Snap crackle and popsicle.

I kinda expected this, so heres the proof.

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: Phantom Master.9582

Phantom Master.9582

This is quite bad, since I’m playing S/D I don’t have access to the blind field, so the stability and the protection would help me cause serious damage to hammer warriors, and was a great way to ’’survive’’ signet of spite from the necromancer. Now… The build will be incredibly unforgiving, no room for any mistakes.

R80 Mesmer- Inquisitor Amena

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Now thief can never get stability outside of dagger storm and steal/LS. Yes, I left out assassin’s equilibrium for a reason.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: Bombsaway.7198


Well all the other rune sets are being changed too. Each will fit a theme.
You may well find a new rune set that serves the purpose.
Frankly, this one got well balanced.

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: Interceptor.2653


This is quite bad, since I’m playing S/D I don’t have access to the blind field, so the stability and the protection would help me cause serious damage to hammer warriors, and was a great way to ’’survive’’ signet of spite from the necromancer. Now… The build will be incredibly unforgiving, no room for any mistakes.

Let’s wait and see what they do for Sigils, and the other Rune sets. If Stability/Protection is accessible elsewhere, you’ll have to go there. The condition removal loss from having Lyssa available can be replaced by other things, like Poultry + Withdraw, Shadowstep, etc.

You can also run Blinding Powder. Which you should already, but now here’s your chance. It works well with Shadow’s Embrace, in addition to being a blind with no casting time (which you can use while stunned by a Hammer Warrior, FYI).

If BV wasn’t a big part of your build, you can also compensate somewhat by using DS, which is fairly good anyway.

Now thief can never get stability outside of dagger storm and steal/LS. Yes, I left out assassin’s equilibrium for a reason.

It has been duly noted that you don’t value accuracy.

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

One thing for sure, given that this is Anet, there’s no way they could’ve thoroughly tested all the changes on the runes, sigils, and traits in a short amount of time. It’s inevitable that there will be some major adjustments following the release of these changes especially that we know fully well how experienced their Thief players are. As always, the players are their final QA. >.<’ ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Now thief can never get stability outside of dagger storm and steal/LS. Yes, I left out assassin’s equilibrium for a reason.

It has been duly noted that you don’t value accuracy.

It is also duly noted you are the worst person to get in arguments with, and every time I see your post I soon find a lengthy reply between you and some other poor fella. So, keep your 1.3 second stability to yourself bud, I’ve no interest in talking shop with you. If you have an issue feel free to send personal messages so it doesn’t look so obvious that you are trying to derail the thread to your liking. Good Day to you.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

(edited by NinjaEd.3946)

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: Brando.1374


I wonder if you have no conditions and you use your elite do you get no boons?

Xxkakarot [GF] Good Fights
Dark Wizard Incar [GF] Good Fights

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: ens.9854


Thank god for this… I’ve had about enough of bad thieves downing me cause of lyssa boons… they are just too strong in thief v thief

Yes you get no boons if you have no condi

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: simonerd.8672


man they will still fine as rune set, they remove 5 condition giving you 5 boons, they are really still goods!

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: caveman.5840


now i really hope they make some serious changes with (assassins equilibrium).

don’t really want to retire my s/d

(edited by caveman.5840)

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


now i really hope that make some serious changes with (assassins equilibrium).

don’t really want to retire my s/d

Haven’t seen any nerfs to S/d yet. Aside from piling on more kitty litter to your list of traits, it doesn’t look all that grey.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: caveman.5840


no there is not a nerf to s/d but the stability from lyssa helped .
just (assassin equilibrium) i just can’t see how it will be reliable .

might just go back to d/d . for the blinds on stealth . or something

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: Shaddy.6931


I for one don’t even use this rune set, but I feel for thieves that need it such as S/D will suffer. I’m not sure why they’re nerfing this rune set and crit damage at the same time while conditions remain the most OP thing in PvP ever before seen. Seriously anytime there is a fight with 2+ condition spec classes it is kitten near impossible to get near them. The other day I melted from full HP to double down in less than a couple seconds. Granted I rushed into the fight but regardless that is just insane.

Hopefully something is done with the amount of conditions in PvP or else builds are just being swayed towards condition damage. From what I’ve heard GW1 was all about condition type damage, but I really like the diversity GW2 has somewhat preserved between raw damage and DOT. But this is cutting the diversity down quite a bit. I guess we’ll just see when the feature patch hits though.

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


I think it could work out okay but depends which boons get’s priority.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: caveman.5840


i don’t mind the lyssa nerf . ya i want to know what boons will get priority.

but the only build this hurts is s/d the only build that should use lyssa
lyssa does next to nothing for a back stab build .

they need to do something with (assassin equilibrium) to make it useable .
skill just makes no sense as is.
just not worth spending points on so far

(edited by caveman.5840)

Attention Thieves, Lyssa runes NERF incoming!

in Thief

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


I think it could work out okay but depends which boons get’s priority.

It will likely follow the basic boon-condi conversion chart, meaning stability won’t be practical anymore. Protection vigor and aegis will be the best defenses for condi conversion basically.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”