Auto Attack After Shadow Refuge
I think a lot of times it’s something to do with with latency. Do you have a particular weapon’s set you are running? I notice this the most when I run Pistols, or happen to be using a bow.
The reason this happens to me with Pistols is when an attack already happened and is mid flight (hasn’t done damage yet) while I use stealth. The “shimmering graphic” is utterly broke and doesn’t really mean anything. I occasionally get stuck in this “queued” mode with auto-attack on my character and then can’t get out of combat.
Necro – [BanD]Nighnus the Black
Yak’s Bend
I am running P/D so yeah it happens with my pistol. And I have had stealth break becuase my pistol bullet reached its target after I stealthed so I understand that. But this issue I am talking about is after a good second has gone by. No bullets are in the air.
I am running P/D so yeah it happens with my pistol. And I have had stealth break becuase my pistol bullet reached its target after I stealthed so I understand that. But this issue I am talking about is after a good second has gone by. No bullets are in the air.
It could be possible that you accidentally buffer a push of your auto-attack skill in there somehow, but we’ll assume that’s not the case.
The did do a change recently where abilities that don’t inflict direct damage (most of them, anyways) will register as a “hit” and put you in combat. Such things will also destealth you.
I believe (but haven’t tested) that this applies to caltrops you drop, so if you have caltrops on dodge or use the caltrops ability and someone walks over them, it might destealth you. If you get destealthed by this, then the game might resume your auto-attacking right away. I haven’t tested this though, so it might be that I don’t know what I’m talking about.
If it just seems to be reinitating your auto-attack for some reason, you should sheath weapons. Occasionally, I actually want to forcibly stop attacking my target (i.e. avoid interrupt, they have reflection, chaos armor, &c.), so I stow my weapons which prevents any lingering attacks from occurring. You should be able to bind this action to a key combination (shift+z for me), and then you can use this prior to/after refuging to help ensure that your character doesn’t end up shooting someone. It might also be worthwhile to deselect your target by clicking somewhere on the screen.
There are some auto-attack options that are configurable in the options menu, but I don’t think any of them would apply in this case… possibly worth a look if nothing else seems to help.
Sheath Weapons…. great idea I am going to bind that. Thanks!
it’s possible your auto attack is turn on, which WILL attack when you only select target.
also… caltrops on dodge or caltrops from utility will NOT reveal you, neither does chocking gas. because those only apply condition damage by tick. ONLY a direct damage may reveal you.
Valiant Heroes [HERO] / Fairy Tail X [FT]
Isle of Janthir
I’ve noticed this happens with the Hidden Thief trait that gives you stealth on steal. Only with a pistol main hand too, never with s/x or d/x. I made a P/P build that revolved around stealth via traits and utilities but didn’t really work out because of this. Would be nice if it could get fixed.
Is it possible you are putting down a Refuge while you have already fired an autoattack, so the bullet is still mid-flight when you stealth, immediately Revealing you and carrying on your auto? This sometimes happens with me when I use Shortbow.
Resident Thief
I’ve noticed this happens with the Hidden Thief trait that gives you stealth on steal. Only with a pistol main hand too, never with s/x or d/x. I made a P/P build that revolved around stealth via traits and utilities but didn’t really work out because of this. Would be nice if it could get fixed.
I run Hidden Thief on my P/D build. When it works, it’s great.
The trick (pun intended) is to angle yourself away before you Steal, so that you are facing away (and most likely running away) when the Steal has completed so auto attacks don’t work their way in. Hope this helps. :)
we all began as something else
If you are in a zerg the skills can lag, particularly if your graphics card is struggling too.