There is nothing entertaining about watching Pistol/Dagger cheese singling out individuals who have very little they can do to stop you, while making no real effective contribution to overall WvW.
P/D is a one-trick pony, and while that trick is undoubtedly very effective, the build has so many fail-safes you’d have to be a toddler not to prevail.
There’s a good reason to use fast-forward and beating music while showing off P/D footage because seeing it in real time would be a bloody snooze-fest.
This is no criticism of your play-style, skill or footage. It’s just that P/D is cheese…and simple cheese as that.
(edited by Dee Jay.2460)
Here I have complied a list of cheese
1. Swiss
2. Cheddar
3. Condition Mesmer
4. Provolone
5. P/D thief
6. White American
7. Colby Jack
8. Every brand of Warrior
9. D/P Thief
10. Pepper Jack
Bad Elementalist
Too bad this comment comes a little late, wouldve raised the entertainment value of my video a tad higher if I added that one in.
Have you even watched past the first minute, better yet, have you even watched the video at all? Are you kitten over the title perhaps? lol
I can play any thief build tbh, lately I’ve been prefering P/D which I don’t consider to be easy at all because most people run heavy condition removals and the damage output is LOW. Why do you think there’s a lack of people playing P/D? Because the setup in most cases is not viable, it is for me because I keep high pressure, cleansing or not.. I reapply my stacks within seconds anyways.
“One trick pony” and “singling out inviduals”, I suggest you look up some of my other videos on youtube. I’ve plenty of 1v5 situations where I come out prevailing as p/d.
Those actions lack in this video because this week.. obviously lag and queues are disallowing me to record footage.. and last week we fought Vizunah, which is nearly as bad as this week is lol.
I’m all for opinions really, I just have the feeling you didn’t watch the video.
(edited by Sceinna.3561)
Here I have complied a list of cheese
1. Swiss
2. Cheddar
3. Condition Mesmer
4. Provolone
5. P/D thief
6. White American
7. Colby Jack
8. Every brand of Warrior
9. D/P Thief
10. Pepper Jack
+1 think I laughed for a full minute on that one lol
Great video. I see you went full dire except for the jewels on the trinkets. If you wanted to apply more pressure you could mix in some carrion and make those sneak attacks hit a bit harder.
Also, with people cleansing so often I wonder if it might be better to go with undead or nightmare runes so the stacks hit harder before they are cleansed?
I don’t like your build, I don’t like your video, I don’t even like your playstyle ^_^
Moreover, the simple fact that you think P/D is a difficult build to play with makes me laugh. It’s like, you know, 5 – 1 – 1 – 1 repeat. With the occasional use of utilities (poison venom? YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!)
Heh i wonder what build all you haters play (If you play thief at all) S/D 313131 or d/p 522221522221 black powder bunny hopper ? how is that different from 515151 p/d, or any x/d based around stealth. I still see 2 buttons with occasional third one.
I don’t like your build, I don’t like your video, I don’t even like your playstyle ^_^
Moreover, the simple fact that you think P/D is a difficult build to play with makes me laugh. It’s like, you know, 5 – 1 – 1 – 1 repeat. With the occasional use of utilities (poison venom? YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!)
You sir, play D/P , which is totally broken in OP kind of way build (link in your video) and you have no voice in thief forums. Just doing my part of hate
I don’t like your build, I don’t like your video, I don’t even like your playstyle ^_^
Moreover, the simple fact that you think P/D is a difficult build to play with makes me laugh. It’s like, you know, 5 – 1 – 1 – 1 repeat. With the occasional use of utilities (poison venom? YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!)
You sir, play D/P , which is totally broken in OP kind of way build (link in your video) and you have no voice in thief forums. Just doing my part of hate
Oh please, D/P is only broken if you’re a scrub who hasn’t learned how to counter stealth yet.
all is vain
as usual nice vid. what do you think of my version of pd
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir
Every build is fairly easy to play in GW2. That’s just the nature of your limited tool set. Some more than others, but it’s not a huge gap.
The skill in GW2 comes mostly from knowing other classes, what moves to dodge and reacting to your environment.
The thing with P/D is that it does none of that. It’s always the same move, against every enemy, in every situation. The slow, attrition based play style also means that you are easy to ignore (which is frankly the best way to deal with a P/D Thief) and don’t really contribute much to anything.
It was entertaining for a while, when the build was still fresh (thanks Wild Bill) but the build and play-style has not evolved at all over the past year. Seen one P/D video, seen them all.
I don’t like your build, I don’t like your video, I don’t even like your playstyle ^_^
Moreover, the simple fact that you think P/D is a difficult build to play with makes me laugh. It’s like, you know, 5 – 1 – 1 – 1 repeat. With the occasional use of utilities (poison venom? YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!)
You sir, play D/P , which is totally broken in OP kind of way build (link in your video) and you have no voice in thief forums. Just doing my part of hate
Oh please, D/P is only broken if you’re a scrub who hasn’t learned how to counter stealth yet.
Let me fix you… Thief is only broken if you’re a scrub who hasn’t learned how to counter stealth yet. I play a thief and only a thief myself for almost a year (D/D and aint gonna chnage it to D/P how all of the sheeps do ), mostly www and i do know how to counter stealth. What im saying is D/P is totally overpowered and have less counters compared to any other stealth based thief build (x/d). The broken part of d/p is stacking stealth by multiple leaps inside black powder what provides the real perma stealth and broken effect of Shadow’s Embrace and Shadow’s Rejuvenation while doing so (Multiple heal and condi remove ticks pretty much every 3d second) what gives D/P ridiculous amounts of survivability even while in berzerker gear, compared to other stealth builds like d/d or s/d, honestly …. even p/d. Not to mention that you dont need to be in meele to stealth, which lets you to avoid all that aoe and splash damage that is controlling www atm.
As I already said somewhere D/P weapon set wasn’t designed to be the heaviest stealth build, it ment to be stealth + control, x/d (specially d/d and p/d) was designed to be heaviest stealth weapon sets.. But it simply went out of control because of possibility to do multiple leaps through single black powder and SE, SR working as it does with BP and HS. Ofc anet will never acknowledge that.
(edited by Karolis.4261)
Every build is fairly easy to play in GW2. That’s just the nature of your limited tool set. Some more than others, but it’s not a huge gap.
The skill in GW2 comes mostly from knowing other classes, what moves to dodge and reacting to your environment.
The thing with P/D is that it does none of that. It’s always the same move, against every enemy, in every situation. The slow, attrition based play style also means that you are easy to ignore (which is frankly the best way to deal with a P/D Thief) and don’t really contribute much to anything.
It was entertaining for a while, when the build was still fresh (thanks Wild Bill) but the build and play-style has not evolved at all over the past year. Seen one P/D video, seen them all.
“It’s always the same move, against every enemy, in every situation”. Same with any other thief build there is. Because anet gives only 2-3 skills tops on each weapon set that works. Stealth builds will use 515151 with some 2 for gap closing, or immobilise or stealthing in case of d/p, S/D evade builds will use 313131 with some 2. I cant’ see difference. What i see is some ppl who jumped into bandwagon of d/p and s/d and feel so elite cause of actually using 3d button or not using stealth with s/d evade spam build at all…
while making no real effective contribution to overall WvW.
On the topic of contribution…
P/D contributes (to WvW) just as much as mostly every popular weapon-set. Outside of trolling, they may be effective with yaks or camps, but that’s about it. That’s not saying much, however, since every other profession can do the same.
The only weapon-set that seems even remotely viable for a broader contribution (solo, small-group, zerg v. zerg) is P/P (with mostly Berserker). Many, however, seem unable to cope without stealth and/or dodge-spamming, and thus “shrug it off”. Try it, make it work, and everything else might seem “cheese” instead.
Here I have complied a list of cheese
1. Swiss
2. Cheddar
3. Condition Mesmer
4. Provolone
5. P/D thief
6. White American
7. Colby Jack
8. Every brand of Warrior
9. D/P Thief
10. Pepper Jack
Lol this is really good!
You forgot Perplexity runes, Necromancers, Regen Rangers, Perplexity engineers.
Why so much hate? P/d is easy to play easier than d/p i guess and the range makes it even safer but its no more cheese than d/p. Stacking stealth is the primary qq after all cause its kitten annoying.
I dont see why you pick on p/d when necros do the same thing+ Sure is boring as hell but its the closest thing to a bunker build. I used to play d/d p/d bunker caltrops a while ago to spice it up a bit. Btw richochet is ok trait in p/d i also pick instinctual response or long reach over uncatchable and hidden thief to precast caltrops → steal into crowds.
Great video. I see you went full dire except for the jewels on the trinkets. If you wanted to apply more pressure you could mix in some carrion and make those sneak attacks hit a bit harder.
Also, with people cleansing so often I wonder if it might be better to go with undead or nightmare runes so the stacks hit harder before they are cleansed?
I’m running with 2x might per dodge (dodgeroll food) and +1 might per stealthing.. so usually in a fight where enemies aren’t constantly running away or me being bothered by skill lag I run with 15 stacks of might, it makes up for lacking that bit of power really.. at full potential my power is at 2K and my condi damage at 2.5.
@ All above, please just shut up if you’re D/P, you have no voice at all. You’re probably all running Yishis build whos running a variation of my old D/P build (I love Yishis but fanboys need to hush really) D/P is easy and stop qqing about how people can’t counter stealth on it, stealth is obviously broken and the blinds even more.
I’ll get back on some other posts later.. gotta work.
Really nice vid. Enjoyed it a lot That ping pong thing made my day xD
And to all those “pros”. You guys prolly can’t even do 1v5, not saying to harrass a zerg so please don’t spread your “wisdom” which my nephew is superior to you all.
I don’t like your build, I don’t like your video, I don’t even like your playstyle ^_^
Moreover, the simple fact that you think P/D is a difficult build to play with makes me laugh. It’s like, you know, 5 – 1 – 1 – 1 repeat. With the occasional use of utilities (poison venom? YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!)
You sir, play D/P , which is totally broken in OP kind of way build (link in your video) and you have no voice in thief forums. Just doing my part of hate
So, you checked my video. I hope you enjoyed it. You probably didn’t notice that was April when I did it, but it’s ok. I play D/D condition now. THAT’S a difficult build to play with.
Hey bud, I really love your videos, but please with all the fast forward and music, I feel like i put my head in a washing machine for 10 minutes :-) Just make some fade aways instead with a “x minutes later” or something…
Speaking on D/P controversy… For me it’s easy mode, cheap stuff, except I don’t feel guilty when fighting against other cheesy builds. I love to perma blind guardians and warriors, who are pain in the neck to fight when running D/D or P/D with current skill lag. There isn’t any room for mistake, even one.
@ everyone saying thief is easy: there are other professions way more easy than thief. just to say…
laela, you are good, nothing to say, but for at least the first 3 minutes of the video there were only ppl running and zergs ignoring you. they don’t even try to stop you.
wait wha? O.o double sigil of agony?
Valiant Heroes [HERO] / Fairy Tail X [FT]
Isle of Janthir
Here I have complied a list of cheese
1. Swiss
2. Cheddar
3. Condition Mesmer
4. Provolone
5. P/D thief
6. White American
7. Colby Jack
8. Every brand of Warrior
9. D/P Thief
10. Pepper Jack
Had to laugh. +1
@ everyone saying thief is easy: there are other professions way more easy than thief. just to say…
laela, you are good, nothing to say, but for at least the first 3 minutes of the video there were only ppl running and zergs ignoring you. they don’t even try to stop you.
Because it’s mostly Vizunah Square footage, the only good roamers I found on there were the MoS Millenium guild.. had some really enjoyable fights with those folks, everything else was massive blobbing.
@Above, I don’t see how D/D condition requires any more skill than P/D does, all you’re doing is spamming Death Blossom, drop caltrops or w/e and stealth off you go.
Yes, P/D has high survivability.. much higher than your average D/D build, I started playing P/D because I grew a weird interest in soloing towers & keeps yet I want to maintain my ability to fight 1vX.. so I came up with a hybrid build that does both.
I may do some D/D footage because tbh, as a WvW thief the only thing you need to be skilled in is movement, quick thinking & landing your CnDs (if you’re not too depending on stealth).. and I’m pretty sick with my CnDs, if you’re denying that you’re… * lol.
D/D quickly gets boring to me though, I run it occasionally.
wait wha? O.o double sigil of agony?
I got told Agony stacks in duration (not every sigil does tho), I personally use Corruption & Earth (only has a 2s internal cd) atm.
Earth adds 1 extra bleed per Sneak Attack so I find it more effective than Agony.
@ the contribution part,
Yes, zerg v zerg I don’t contribute anything because of mass condi cleansing, I do win about all my 1vX fights tho, if they’re not guild groups that is. I also solo keeps like everyday, no matter what tier I’m in (I’m sorta addicted to it ;D)..
I started off as D/P myself, way before it went meta.. I may actually be part of D/P going meta, my vids tick ~10K views and Yishis ran a variation of my build when he played D/P (Withdraw forward is my trick, I came up with that for as far as I know, Centaur runes in combination with Withdraw was also my idea)
As soon as D/P went meta it felt so stupid having so many “copycats” around me, I like to do something unique.. P/D is what feels the best to me atm because it’s not very liked, as you can tell from this thread, although you’re judging on probably the first minute of the video.. and completley ignoring other videos on my channel too.
Like I have stated in the intro “skill lag, vizunah square last week” and the current league going on makes it impossible to shoot any good footage atm.
wait wha? O.o double sigil of agony?
I got told Agony stacks in duration (not every sigil does tho), I personally use Corruption & Earth (only has a 2s internal cd) atm.
Earth adds 1 extra bleed per Sneak Attack so I find it more effective than Agony.
@ the contribution part,
Yes, zerg v zerg I don’t contribute anything because of mass condi cleansing, I do win about all my 1vX fights tho, if they’re not guild groups that is. I also solo keeps like everyday, no matter what tier I’m in (I’m sorta addicted to it ;D)..I started off as D/P myself, way before it went meta.. I may actually be part of D/P going meta, my vids tick ~10K views and Yishis ran a variation of my build when he played D/P (Withdraw forward is my trick, I came up with that for as far as I know, Centaur runes in combination with Withdraw was also my idea)
As soon as D/P went meta it felt so stupid having so many “copycats” around me, I like to do something unique.. P/D is what feels the best to me atm because it’s not very liked, as you can tell from this thread, although you’re judging on probably the first minute of the video.. and completley ignoring other videos on my channel too.
Like I have stated in the intro “skill lag, vizunah square last week” and the current league going on makes it impossible to shoot any good footage atm.
oic, but still not 100% confirm though right? but we could use it just for the heck of it XD.
right now I switched my full crit D/X build to hybrid-ish P/D, since I got tired trying to land a BS with tons of CC on me. + sneak attack is so much easier to pull off
in which I use sigil of agony + earth (24% crit chance).
small group fight wise, I only have the idea of trying to pull a few enemy away from my group trying to split them off. but that could be a double edge sword if I died trying to do that.
my friend shikamaru x ran P/D thief for a long time, he pretty good too. been able to sneak in solo tower / keep. both of you guys almost the same in skilled wise.
Valiant Heroes [HERO] / Fairy Tail X [FT]
Isle of Janthir
I don’t see how Earth would be very worthwhile for these setups. For the odds of a proc on 4% crit-chance (or relying on Fury for 24%), using one of the newer Malice/Bursting might be more effective (and reliable). I ditched P/D before those came out, however, so I’ve never tried them.
wait wha? O.o double sigil of agony?
Instead of listening what other ppl say, just try to stack second sigil on and see if your bleed time on skill tooltip change.
wait wha? O.o double sigil of agony?
Instead of listening what other ppl say, just try to stack second sigil on and see if your bleed time on skill tooltip change.
Not sure about bleeds, but generally speaking tooltips aren’t exactly reliable. You’re better off actually testing the bleed durations, just to be sure.
Here I have complied a list of cheese
1. Swiss
2. Cheddar
3. Condition Mesmer
4. Provolone
5. P/D thief
6. White American
7. Colby Jack
8. Every brand of Warrior
9. D/P Thief
10. Pepper Jack
Alts: Lv80 Necromancer, Lv80 Mesmer
[GoF] Blackgate
Awesome video.
I, like you, enjoy the P/D weaponset, and can appreciate the skill involved in it. Also have loved the addition of torment to #3, and now the immobilize to #2. While they are all situational, they have added a bit more variety to the set.
I don’t think I’ll contribute to this discussion on the most “cheese” thief build, because its utterly pointless, but I had to laugh at the list of cheese compiled by Frowny.
Anyways, once again good video! Too bad you’re EU, would have loved to do a couple duels.
[SWäG] – Still Winning and Grinning
Awesome video
I, like you, enjoy the P/D weaponset, and can appreciate the skill involved in it. Also have loved the addition of torment to #3, and now the immobilize to #2. While they are all situational, they have added a bit more variety to the set.
I don’t think I’ll contribute to this discussion on the most “cheese” thief build, because its utterly pointless, but I had to laugh at the list of cheese compiled by Frowny.
Anyways, once again good video! Too bad you’re EU, would have loved to do a couple duels.
Would you mind briefly explaining what you mean when you say the ‘skill involved’ with P/D? I am genuinely curious, because to me, it is an extremely simple set. Landing Cloak and Dagger is the only thing I can think of really…
Would you mind briefly explaining what you mean when you say the ‘skill involved’ with P/D? I am genuinely curious, because to me, it is an extremely simple set. Landing Cloak and Dagger is the only thing I can think of really…
Absolutely, P/D can definitely seem like an extremely simple set, but you have to realize that a lot more goes into the complexity of a build than the amount of weapon skills you press. Nevertheless, with the addition of torment to #3 I am constantly using 1,3, and 5, even though I know Laela doesn’t use it herself. I’ll list a few things that I think require a bit more skill/thought than average play:
- As you stated before C&D is definitely harder to pull off than say the BP + HS combo of a D/P thief. Checking for blinds, aegis, and blocks are something that a skilled player does to ensure it lands. Also, baiting dodge rolls can make them waste their dodges on autoattack vs C&Ds
- When and where to appear from stealth to land your Sneak Attack is pretty important. Good players tend to dodge most of the sneak attack, so being unpredictable about the amount of time you wait until you attack can counter this. Also, attacking from behind the player forces them to swivel their camera to target you.
- For our form of burst (which is hardly saying much) I like doing a sneak attack right beside them, immediately followed by #3 to apply torment, and running back into them to do another C&D + sneak attack.
- Knowing that #3 can save you when you’re rooted and have your stunbreak on cooldown. As long as you aren’t stunned and the opponent is attacking you face on, you can use #3 to break out of the root.
- Using #3 can be excellent for kiting, as well as confusing the enemy. Since it has an almost instant cast, it can be better than #5 in some situations. I love wasting a warriors gap closers by just hitting #3 right when they get to me.
All that said, there are many more little things, those are merely the first that came to mind. It can be really evident to tell the difference between an experienced P/D user and a new, inexperienced one. The experienced one will be unpredictable, and be predicting the enemies moves, while a new one will be relatively easy to lock down. Hope this enlightened you a bit about the weaponset.
PS – I thought I’d add one more, which is extremely situational but I find to be really good. When you use throw gunk on an opponent, and they move off of it, you can go on top of it and use blinding powder to 1. Give yourself and teammates chaos armour and 2. Sneak Attack in the combo field to apply 5 stacks of confusion.
[SWäG] – Still Winning and Grinning
(edited by Nex.2450)
Those things are definitely worth noting, but every spec in any game has little things like that. Things that separate the average or above average from the masters.
What I am talking about is the actual mechanics of the spec and the options available to you. Also the risk vs. reward.
P/D is linear, rarely even makes use of the weapon swap function, and in my opinion is very cheesy. It is a safe build, with much less room for error compared to D/D, S/D, even D/P.
Compare the playstyle of P/D to a thief using S/D and D/P. With the first, you have great survival, steady damage, lots of escapes, but if you can’t kill something, you’re done.
The second thief doesn’t have that issue because he has options available to him, choices to make when playing. He could boon strip or evade with S/D, he could burst with backstab, he can tank melee opponents with black powder, or chase casters with heartseeker or infiltrators strike. He has the tools to setup effective combos with his weapon skills, and either die or profit from it.
Bottom line is, I am not trying to say P/D is completely ineffective, or takes zero skill. What I am saying and what I believe is that P/D is much more forgiving than other thief specs, that it requires less skill to be effective with, and has a lower skill ceiling or has less potential than the other specs. I would define P/D as a one trick pony spec. When you fight one, you know what their plan will be and how they will try to kill you, because they can only do it one way. Positioning and timing is apart of every pvp game, you can’t claim those things as factors when talking about a certain spec.
Those things are definitely worth noting, but every spec in any game has little things like that. Things that separate the average or above average from the masters.
What I am talking about is the actual mechanics of the spec and the options available to you. Also the risk vs. reward.
P/D is linear, rarely even makes use of the weapon swap function, and in my opinion is very cheesy. It is a safe build, with much less room for error compared to D/D, S/D, even D/P.
Compare the playstyle of P/D to a thief using S/D and D/P. With the first, you have great survival, steady damage, lots of escapes, but if you can’t kill something, you’re done.
The second thief doesn’t have that issue because he has options available to him, choices to make when playing. He could boon strip or evade with S/D, he could burst with backstab, he can tank melee opponents with black powder, or chase casters with heartseeker or infiltrators strike. He has the tools to setup effective combos with his weapon skills, and either die or profit from it.
Bottom line is, I am not trying to say P/D is completely ineffective, or takes zero skill. What I am saying and what I believe is that P/D is much more forgiving than other thief specs, that it requires less skill to be effective with, and has a lower skill ceiling or has less potential than the other specs. I would define P/D as a one trick pony spec. When you fight one, you know what their plan will be and how they will try to kill you, because they can only do it one way. Positioning and timing is apart of every pvp game, you can’t claim those things as factors when talking about a certain spec.
I definitely agree with some of the points you made, and a lot of this really has to do with opinion and what playstyle suits you best. I agree P/D can be very linear. Hell, before #3 was given torment, I used to run a venom build meaning I literally wasn’t doing much more than 1,5 and activating venoms. In the past few months Anet has really spruced up the abilities of a P/D thief and they have become much more fun to play.
I also agree that P/D rarely swap weapons, and a S/D + D/P setup provides you with many more ways to apply damage. Though, I do not agree that these require any more skill to pull off, nor are they any less forgiving. Any player has to adapt to their opponent, and P/D does as well, but instead of swapping weapons, or using different skills it has more to do with the movement, evading and aggressiveness of how you play.
I don’t really see how you can find P/D as more forgiving than D/P. D/P do have to trait as quite glassy, but the sheer fact is that they can enter stealth nearly guaranteed, and from range. Where as a P/D has to go into melee range, and make sure they land the C&D. Moreover, D/P have a heavy access to blinds, and can negate kiting with #3. As well, they rely on stealth just as much if not more than P/D. In my opinion I rate from least forgiving to most as: P/P, D/D, S/D + P/D, D/P, but this is all just my view of things.
Lastly, this somewhat linear playstyle doesn’t detract from the skill of the build, just the popularity of it. In a sense, it should be easier to counter a linear playstyle build. So it could be argued that playing well with a linear build is more difficult than a non-linear one as it is easier for your opponent to counter you.
Just my two cents though, I enjoy the playstyle, and I think it deserves a bit more credit for playing well than it gets. But I’m not out to convince everyone of it, because honestly I couldn’t care less XD.
[SWäG] – Still Winning and Grinning
(edited by Nex.2450)
There is nothing entertaining about watching Pistol/Dagger cheese singling out individuals who have very little they can do to stop you, while making no real effective contribution to overall WvW.
P/D is a one-trick pony, and while that trick is undoubtedly very effective, the build has so many fail-safes you’d have to be a toddler not to prevail.
There’s a good reason to use fast-forward and beating music while showing off P/D footage because seeing it in real time would be a bloody snooze-fest.
This is no criticism of your play-style, skill or footage. It’s just that P/D is cheese…and simple cheese as that.
Bitter much?
I don’t like your build, I don’t like your video, I don’t even like your playstyle ^_^
Moreover, the simple fact that you think P/D is a difficult build to play with makes me laugh. It’s like, you know, 5 – 1 – 1 – 1 repeat. With the occasional use of utilities (poison venom? YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!)
Ohhh. Another member of the bitter club. Show your amazing skill if you are going to criticize others. If you can’t, then it is better not to make a fool of yourself.
Here I have complied a list of cheese
1. Swiss
2. Cheddar
3. Condition Mesmer
4. Provolone
5. P/D thief
6. White American
7. Colby Jack
8. Every brand of Warrior
9. D/P Thief
10. Pepper Jack
Thief is above Warrior? Ya blew it.
your video is good, i think you need more better competition though. you can come visit T1 NA i think youll find the best there. maguuma, bg, jq, tc, db has some of the best
Elementalist S : DD