[BUG] Assassin's Retreat Works on level 0 mobs

[BUG] Assassin's Retreat Works on level 0 mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scyntrus.2458


I was playing against a thief in wvw, and he kept on stealthing and killing level 0 mobs. I wondered why. I realized that this trait, which gives swiftness on kill, works on lvl 0 mobs like rabbits. This is ridiculous, combined with the culling issue, the thief just wouldn’t die. We were fighting him 5 on 1 and we couldn’t kill him. He’d repeatedly stealth, only coming out of stealth for 2 seconds, often behind buildings at the other side of the place. He’d abuse the fact that this trait would work on bunnies and kept killing them. As a mesmer, I have no way of countering this since he runs out of my phantasm’s agro range, and half the time I can’t use my skills since most of them requikittenget and he’s 90% of the time invis. He kept this up for 5 minutes. During which time he’d revive his 5 dead teammates a little at a time.

TLDR: Thief is bullkitten. Make Assassin’s Retreat not work on lvl 0 mobs.

After arguing with an engineer for a while, you begin to realize that he actually enjoys it.

[BUG] Assassin's Retreat Works on level 0 mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asum.4960


This is ridiculous

It really is…

Now imagine some classes would have skills which give swiftness without any requirement. How crazy would that be.

[BUG] Assassin's Retreat Works on level 0 mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: brandon.6735


This is ridiculous

It really is…

Now imagine some classes would have skills which give swiftness without any requirement. How crazy would that be.

That’s almost TOO crazy.


[BUG] Assassin's Retreat Works on level 0 mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


5 Minutes of swiftness off of bunnies? You realise he would have had to kill 75 bunnies for that? Plus a 5v1, wtf dude.


(edited by Sithaco.4673)

[BUG] Assassin's Retreat Works on level 0 mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asum.4960


5 Minutes of swiftness off of bunnies? You realise he would have had to kill 75 bunnies for that? Plus a 5v1, wtf dude.



Everybody knows Thieves are OP. How dare you to bring facts into that discussion that prove something different!?

[BUG] Assassin's Retreat Works on level 0 mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scyntrus.2458


Mind you, does steal life on crit work with 30k hits against lvl 0 mobs?

After arguing with an engineer for a while, you begin to realize that he actually enjoys it.

[BUG] Assassin's Retreat Works on level 0 mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Liliana Moore.4237

Liliana Moore.4237

Guardians Renewed Justice is not triggered upon killing a critter (or when you do not get XP for killing) so why other traits should be ?

Nerf fix please.

[BUG] Assassin's Retreat Works on level 0 mobs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Scyntrus.2458


On kill sigils also work against critters, which I find interesting…

After arguing with an engineer for a while, you begin to realize that he actually enjoys it.