Backstab Trapper Roaming

Backstab Trapper Roaming

in Thief

Posted by: SoulSin.5682


Tip for those with shadow trap.

You can use Steal + Shadow Trap.

Grants you stealth for the first backstab at the same time that you has a 2 seconds wndow to active stealth a second time after reveal. With might stacks.

Naturally, Shadow trap is a disavantage in a long fight. But the point here is to not have a long fight.

Backstab Trapper Roaming

in Thief

Posted by: reinforever.8902


For map mobility if one has 3 traps traited you can get around pretty quickly just laying down traps as you run.

The runes also work pretty good for the p/p users who are lacking defenses and access to stealth. They provide a very much needed loss of target loss to the enemy, and allow you to relocate and use the sneak attack from hiding as your ini builds. You can then use heal to stealth in your p/p build, use vital shot at range from hiding and than get an unload or two off before setting another trap.

Vital shot from hiding hits pretty hard. For those p/p power sets if one uses the might on crit food along sith a sigil of strength , you can easily build over 20 might coupled with the trap trait

I note the OP uses Omnomberry which an excellent choice but the dumplings can be considered as well. You add 20 percent to boons (thus your might) and it gets might on crit with no cooldown.

The overall power generated by such a build will be over 3000 with regularity , more than enough to make up for the loss of power on runes themself. I have long maintained these one of the best runes out there as the stealth available via the trap along with the function of the trap itself really saves us INI allowing the INI to be used for our attacks.

Oh and to the “flow” of the shadowtrap itself. I understand the concerns some have in getting this to work in combat without interrupting said flow. I still found they well worth it. It takes time but after a while you can predict where people will run in battle so It usually not a problem getting it to trigger. That said what I tend to do is use one of the other traps to stealth (or stealth via other means) and then immediately lay this trap on top of the enemy. It instantly triggers and then you got plenty of time to use pursuit to get to where you are and setup your attack.

Heal forward is also a very nice tactic if you can get good at it using withdraw. Withdraw into the enemy and instantly stealth , launch your backstab. No INI used.

I just wish we had an elite as a trap. I was hoping thieves guild would be made one.

I was thinking about running p/p next to see how it went, thanks for the suggestion! I prefer omnom berry because After some maths it ends up having higher dps than striaghtforward power food and it also give some sustain from the crits stealing some hp.

As far as shadow trap, I agree with you that with practice it’s definitely strong and viable. I like the idea of laying the trap right on them to auto trigger it, I’ll try and get into the habbit of that in general rather than kiting them through traps.

Withdraw forward is such a useful tactic, I unfortunately have a very difficult time mastering it, and I manually rotate the camera to try and emulate the withdraw forward. Not the best, but it works. An elite as a trap would be icing on the cake for this build, another great suggestion.

Backstab Trapper Roaming

in Thief

Posted by: reinforever.8902


Tip for those with shadow trap.

You can use Steal + Shadow Trap.

Grants you stealth for the first backstab at the same time that you has a 2 seconds wndow to active stealth a second time after reveal. With might stacks.

Naturally, Shadow trap is a disavantage in a long fight. But the point here is to not have a long fight.

Can they be used simultaneously, similar to CnD and steal. Sorry I’m at school currently and can’t get in game.

Edit: as far as your long fight comment goes, I find the build without shadow trap can excel at a long fight as the regen and might application is almost never ending because the traps are on such a low CD and you have access to stealth through ini even if the traps ARE on CD.

(edited by reinforever.8902)

Backstab Trapper Roaming

in Thief

Posted by: reinforever.8902


I am in the process of getting more footage for a second video more focused on roaming and outnumbered fights. Are there any requests? Should I go over some tips and tricks in the video, or should I stick to pure montage?

Backstab Trapper Roaming

in Thief

Posted by: Kocoff.7582


oleeee. You need to instill faith back into the poor, frustrated, ignored Thief Community.

I want to see a lof of mesmer blood, D/D ele blood, Guardian blood. Maybe a Coop session with another cunning Thief, kind of an Army of Two theme maybe even just have a Squad of 5 thieves (I am already asking too much) Specs Ops theme.

Just a lot of blood and crits, sexy dodges, good epic music and outnumbered sexyness.

Epic inspiring army music playing in your mind

We all have this duty to instill fear and QQ to other professions. You have done it once with this post, you will surely do it again.

Just a good amount of blood will suffice. Sorry I am excited.


Man I am truly hoping this build will be viable with DareDevil & HoT. Really hoping.

Blackgate Server [RLR]
Thief – Raiden Hayabusa
Thief – Gouki Kurokawa

Backstab Trapper Roaming

in Thief

Posted by: reinforever.8902


I want to see a lof of mesmer blood, D/D ele blood, Guardian blood.

Just a lot of blood and crits, sexy dodges, good epic music and outnumbered sexyness.

We all have this duty to instill fear and QQ to other professions. You have done it once with this post, you will surely do it again.

Requests heard loud and clear my friend