Balance: everything that needs it(updated)

Balance: everything that needs it(updated)

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


I see it,

All I want is for all weapon sets Initiative costs Balanced around a 12 initiative pool, especially if they won’t make preparedness Baseline, right now if you run S/D (21 total initiative) you are shoe horned into Tickery just to be able to use any number of skill, you can’t even use each skill once in any fast manner before you are out of initiative.

Balance: everything that needs it(updated)

in Thief

Posted by: CreedOfGod.9764


An idea for death blossom is to just make it to where if an enemy is hit by a dancing dagger it will mark them and activating death blossom after will have a shadowstep effect and do some damage with a bleed. That makes two rather useless abilities synergize.

~Ghost Ren~
Stay Low. Move Fast. Kill First. Die Last.

Balance: everything that needs it(updated)

in Thief

Posted by: Kicker.8203


@Routa +1 that’s probably the most annoying thing about thief right now.
@Blaque Yeah S/D was really not meant for 12 initiative :/ The thread was bugged and disappeared coz I edited the OP and it was too long for 1 page. As soon as I commented it went back to normal.
@Creed the idea itself is good, however, that would raise some problems:

  • too much like shadow shot
  • doesn’t solve the problem of Death Blossom spam.
  • Dancing Dagger would still be bad on S/D and P/D so those would have to be addressed separately.

(edited by Kicker.8203)

Balance: everything that needs it(updated)

in Thief

Posted by: Kicker.8203


Updated for 26th July patch.
My opinion about the patch highlighted:

Stealth Attacks: All stealth attack skills will now have a 1-second recharge between uses. It’s good at limiting stealth attack spam but it is a bit too much plus I don’t really like this change because of its clunkyness. If you miss your stealth attack you can’t even come out of stealth in order to autoattack. I would have preferred more reveals added to classes. Also makes the class more shallow because it reduces the tricks you can do.(u could use sb stealth attack twice from max range before breaking stealth or cast half a pistol stealth attack, stow and then start casting another one before getting revealed – it’s arguable whether these tricks are a good thing, but as these aren’t game breaking I prefer leaving them in for they make a higher skill ceiling) If it isn’t reverted the 1 s CD could be reduced to 0.5s. Or if you miss your stealth attack, the skill 1 swaps back to autoattack for the duration of the CD so you won’t become a sitting duck. Honestly I would just remove the whole CD.
Staff Strike: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 5%. Good change, staff autos are still very high dmg.
Staff Bash: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 5%.
Punishing Strikes: The damage of this skill has been reduced by 5%.
Venomous Aura: The area-of-effect aspect of this trait has been merged into venoms as baseline. The radius has been reduced from 360 to 240. The recharge reduction has moved to Leeching Venoms. baselineing was a great idea, but venoms are still too situational. Some trait improvements could help their situation.
This trait has been renamed Rending Shade and now causes all sneak-attack abilities to steal up to 2 boons when striking an enemy, while receiving less damage from foes without boons. not worth a Grandmaster trait, having no boons is too situational, and 10% dmg increase would fit thief better as you are meant to avoid dmg and not facetank it. The boonsteal part would be good if there was a lifesteal upon boonsteal trait.
Leeching Venoms: This trait no longer grants might to allies it is applied to. This trait now reduces the recharge of venom abilities. venom adjustments are good
Devourer Venom: The number of stacks that this skill applies has been reduced from 3 to 2.
Basilisk Venom: The number of stacks that this skill applies has been reduced from 2 to 1. Stun duration has been increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds.
Haste: The recharge of this skill has been reduced from 60 seconds to 50 seconds. as I suggested although it could be applied to the trait version too but well the trait isn’t too bad with 60s cd either.

(edited by Kicker.8203)

Balance: everything that needs it(updated)

in Thief

Posted by: Kicker.8203


Made minor changes to the first posts.

Not all ideas are mine. Thanks to other forum posters.

On the most recent change: sword 2 jumping trick fix should obviously be reverted and added to the tooltip instead.

Edit: I can’t edit the original writings anymore for some reason(it seems the character limit has been reduced). Moved my post to :

(edited by Kicker.8203)