Boon Stripping/Stealing Venoms

Boon Stripping/Stealing Venoms

in Thief

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


I feel that venoms are too weak to be worth using ATM, when compared to other thief utilities such as Shadow Refuge, Caltrops, and Shadowstep. They just don’t provide the same amount of effectiveness, especially with the vast amount of condition clearing in this game. Adding a trait which allows venoms to

A) Strip Boons
B) Have a 30% chance to steal said boon

would increase the effectiveness of venoms, to the point where they are worth using, as well as buffing thief group play(largely in wvw) by applying boon stripping venoms + venom share to nearby allies, stripping enemy boons with a 30% chance to steal said boon. Thieves could finally have a better purpose in WvW large scale fights besides blasting and spreading a little weakness here and there.

It would also fit the theme of the thief, stealing/stripping items, or in this case ‘boons’ from enemies.

Thoughts? Please keep it constructive.

(edited by Doomdesire.9365)

Boon Stripping/Stealing Venoms

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


as many have said before, rather have venoms in the F2+ slots

Boon Stripping/Stealing Venoms

in Thief

Posted by: Anelyn.4593


Not sure this would be a good idea, F2+ slots for venoms. It would imply to have several new utility skills added, rework of trait lines etc.

Plus it will only be very good for condi builds, while severely lacking for power builds (ie: you end up with F1 which is decent / great for all builds, and F2-F3-F4 good only for condi builds, sort of too biased here).

Boon Stripping/Stealing Venoms

in Thief

Posted by: Black Cat.1024

Black Cat.1024

as many have said before, rather have venoms in the F2+ slots

As fun as this sounds, it would defeat the whole purpose of a “thief” and he would just become a “Conditioner”. People who wouldn’t want to spec condi damage would have to, etc.

Boon Stripping/Stealing Venoms

in Thief

Posted by: SeeBeyond.1486


We have an immobilize venom, which you actually see more in power builds then condition builds, a venom that applies vulnerability, chill is also effective on all builds really. etc etc.

If it was up to me Venoms would be F2-F4.
and would be toggles, but you could only have one of the venoms toggled at any given time and when you say have one venom toggled and toggle another, the previous one goes on cooldown. Something like this:

Spider Venom-
Toggle, 30s cooldown
Poison foes on every 3rd attack (504 dmg@ 6s)
33% chance per attack to deal 204 direct damage (can crit )

Skale Venom-
Toggle, forty five second cooldown
Applies 2 stacks of Vulnerability every 4th attack (8s)
20% chance per attack to apply 2 stacks of Torment (640 dmg @ 6s)

Ice Drake Venom-
Toggle, forty five second cooldown
Applies Chill every 5th attack (2s)
15% Chance to per attack to Daze the target (@1.5s)

Devourer Venom-
Toggle, forty five second cooldown
Apply Immobilize on your next 2 attacks (25s ICD), flashes when on internal cooldown
33% chance to apply cripple on your attack (3s duration)

Basilisk venom remains an elite but also becomes a toggle:

Basilisk Venom-
Toggle, forty five second cooldown
Your next attack turns your foe to stone (@ 1.5s with 30s ICD), Flashes when on Internal cooldown
20% chance per attack to remove revealed debuff on self

As for traits, Venomous Aura will still apply as it normally does but only grant the (on every X attack) function to allies NOT the % chance,
Residual venoms would reduce the amount of attacks required for the venom’s primary to apply (ex: poison on every 2nd attack instead of 3rd)

Venomous strength would give same might when a toggle is activated, Leeching venoms would not only proc off the (every X attack) function, but also whenever the %chance on attack goes off as well.

(edited by SeeBeyond.1486)