[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: Momekic.8603


I have noticed just recently that if you inflict an enemy with Pulmonary Impact via the utility or trait, and you stealth right after it will cause you to be revealed when PI inflicts it’s damage.

Its annoying that it works this way, and it should not reveal us, considering (for example but not limited to) mesmer can drop a berserker clone then stealth, and the zerker does damage the mesmer does not get revealed.

Im mainly bringing this to people’s attention. As much as I don’t think it should reveal, and I consider it a bug, it may very well be working as intended.

If there is the slightest chance we could get a comfirmation if this is a bug or intended that would be awesome.

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: Domey.9804


Actually Pulmonary Impact is so strong it should reveal thief for 6sec min. I mean…its spammable? It one shots ppl left and right.

Just yesterday i had an intense fight vs a scrapper engi, we both gave our best, i fighted for my life, he mashed all his buttons, i interrupted the engi, pulmonary impact incoming… And then:


i died

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: Redfeather.6401


Sounds like an oversight. I too would have thought PI was indirect damage and wouldn’t force a reveal.

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: Momekic.8603


Actually Pulmonary Impact is so strong it should reveal thief for 6sec min. I mean…its spammable? It one shots ppl left and right.

Just yesterday i had an intense fight vs a scrapper engi, we both gave our best, i fighted for my life, he mashed all his buttons, i interrupted the engi, pulmonary impact incoming… And then:


i died

Not sure if serious/joking……

If serious….PI cannot crit, so i dont know how it can one shot anyone. Max ive seen it do is like a little over 3k damage. And you can’t really spam it, you can’t have 2 PI procs on you at the same time.

If joking…*smirk+laugh

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: Xeyon.6419


You can definitely have more than 1 pulm active, and activate, on the same target. One only need interrupt someone with a palm strike to test that out..

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

I have noticed just recently that if you inflict an enemy with Pulmonary Impact via the utility or trait, and you stealth right after it will cause you to be revealed when PI inflicts it’s damage.

Its annoying that it works this way, and it should not reveal us, considering (for example but not limited to) mesmer can drop a berserker clone then stealth, and the zerker does damage the mesmer does not get revealed.

Im mainly bringing this to people’s attention. As much as I don’t think it should reveal, and I consider it a bug, it may very well be working as intended.

If there is the slightest chance we could get a comfirmation if this is a bug or intended that would be awesome.

I’m not a big fan of damages that cause Revealed even though the damage was not inflicted while in stealth. For instance, bouncing projectile will reveal a Thief even though that projectile was not fired from stealth.

So I totally support the idea that PI should be treated like Caltrops.

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Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
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[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: Momekic.8603


You can definitely have more than 1 pulm active, and activate, on the same target. One only need interrupt someone with a palm strike to test that out..

Ive never noticed 2 PI icons on someone before. I will have to test it out. I dont use the utility, just the trait.

Back on topic though, i dont think it should reveal because it isnt really direct damage from stealth.

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: Xeyon.6419


Agreed, it revealing entirely defeats one of the main purposes to it not being instant damage.

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: Gabriell.4856


I have noticed just recently that if you inflict an enemy with Pulmonary Impact via the utility or trait, and you stealth right after it will cause you to be revealed when PI inflicts it’s damage.

Its annoying that it works this way, and it should not reveal us, considering (for example but not limited to) mesmer can drop a berserker clone then stealth, and the zerker does damage the mesmer does not get revealed.

Im mainly bringing this to people’s attention. As much as I don’t think it should reveal, and I consider it a bug, it may very well be working as intended.

If there is the slightest chance we could get a comfirmation if this is a bug or intended that would be awesome.

Maybe…just maybe get good and keep track of PI proc and dont stealth? Get good? Is that too hard to ask for?

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: Gabriell.4856


Agreed, it revealing entirely defeats one of the main purposes to it not being instant damage.

Based on that, any condition should reveal….

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


I have noticed just recently that if you inflict an enemy with Pulmonary Impact via the utility or trait, and you stealth right after it will cause you to be revealed when PI inflicts it’s damage.

Its annoying that it works this way, and it should not reveal us, considering (for example but not limited to) mesmer can drop a berserker clone then stealth, and the zerker does damage the mesmer does not get revealed.

Im mainly bringing this to people’s attention. As much as I don’t think it should reveal, and I consider it a bug, it may very well be working as intended.

If there is the slightest chance we could get a comfirmation if this is a bug or intended that would be awesome.

Maybe…just maybe get good and keep track of PI proc and dont stealth? Get good? Is that too hard to ask for?

Or maybe, just maybe, thief can have nice things?

Like an elite spec that offers things that mesh and scale well with old things?

We already have DD replacing acro, new buffs not included in consume plasma, and SoA/HtC being changed from 100% to 100 endurance with no documentation.

But by all means, insist it’s a L2P issue.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: bliss.4305


I’ve probably reported this 2 times over the past few weeks but haven’t gotten any response to it. Either its working “as intended” or they don’t care. Here’s why:

Probably they’ve coded the damage as “direct-damage” inflicted by self. Since any direct damage inflicted in stealth is supposed to reveal thief, this also works the same way.

I’m not an expert, but I don’t think it would be too hard to classify this skill as condition damage (since it actually “ticks” after a while, so even the term is justified) to completely resolve the issue.

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: Momekic.8603


I have noticed just recently that if you inflict an enemy with Pulmonary Impact via the utility or trait, and you stealth right after it will cause you to be revealed when PI inflicts it’s damage.

Its annoying that it works this way, and it should not reveal us, considering (for example but not limited to) mesmer can drop a berserker clone then stealth, and the zerker does damage the mesmer does not get revealed.

Im mainly bringing this to people’s attention. As much as I don’t think it should reveal, and I consider it a bug, it may very well be working as intended.

If there is the slightest chance we could get a comfirmation if this is a bug or intended that would be awesome.

Maybe…just maybe get good and keep track of PI proc and dont stealth? Get good? Is that too hard to ask for?

Lol, really. Did you bother to read my original post you quoted there? I am/was not complaining about it at all. As I mentioned I was bring it it to people’s attention.

I don’t need to learn to play or get good, I already know how and I already am.

You on the other hand need to work on your reading comprehension. You will get it though some day, just keep working at it. When you make it out of middle school you might be at the level to comprehend grown up conversations like a big boy.

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


why bug ? it’s working as intended. like if you shoot and stealth, when projectile will hit you’ll get revealed. it’s ok

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: Momekic.8603


why bug ? it’s working as intended. like if you shoot and stealth, when projectile will hit you’ll get revealed. it’s ok

Its a question that the devs could easily answer. It seems to be a bug to me becuase it is counterintuitive. But, if its not a bug thats fine. I would just like some clarification either way.

To be honest I think its more a bug than working as intended simply because there has been no answer, and they do not like to admit bugs, but if things are working as intended they seem to jump all over those posts and answer them quickly.

[Bug?] Pulmonary Impact Reveals

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


More appropriate of an analogy is using Dancing Dagger and then gaining stealth while the projectile is still in the air, or in between bounces.

Such a combination will also reveal you.

Unlikely to be an intended design decision for PL, but a lot of other skills work this way even though they probably shouldn’t.