Bug? The odd Clusterbomb just disappears

Bug? The odd Clusterbomb just disappears

in Thief

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I’ve been observing a somewhat irritating bug recently with Clusterbomb in that occasionally, especially when spaming the ability during events, the odd Clusterbomb simply wont explode.

I mean I pay the Initiative, I see the projectile fly…..but then there’s no impact and no numbers. It just disappears with no feedback what might have happened.

This happens quite frequently….with maybe 5-10% of Clusterbombs during Orr farming. I haven’t noticed it much elsewhere but it still occurs.

Bug? The odd Clusterbomb just disappears

in Thief

Posted by: jwburks.9735


It’s not just you. It also happens on my ranger when I throw my torch at someone. Sometimes the torch hits, then vanishes, and there is no burning. This started happening only recently.

We heard . . . we listened . . . we ignored.

Bug? The odd Clusterbomb just disappears

in Thief

Posted by: Blueshield.6291


I can verify that this also happens to me, and in dungeons. Since 28 Jan, I’ve observed the cluster bomb projectile vanish in midair during Fractal runs and HotW (story and explorable), as well as the open world in Orr. It seems to be the only thief projectile to do this.

I might try Fraps-ing a full Fractal run later on to try and catch it in the act.

Bug? The odd Clusterbomb just disappears

in Thief

Posted by: Cirax.9231


I’ve noticed the clusterbomb issue in sPvP – about 5% of the time, the projectile vanishes, and the #2 SB skill slot is stuck toggled on detonation until you press 2 again.

Bug? The odd Clusterbomb just disappears

in Thief

Posted by: Danno.5269


I thought i was crazy or lagging o.o Guess it’s not just me.

Bug? The odd Clusterbomb just disappears

in Thief

Posted by: Lord Kreegan.8123

Lord Kreegan.8123

It’s not just the thief class; it’s not just the clusterbomb within the thief class skills set. I play Ranger, Elementalist, Warrior, Mesmer, and Thief alts simultaneously (as in leveling them all at the same rate; they’re all in their 70’s now) and all the classes — irrespective of which weapons you’re using — have skills that sometimes fail to fire. It’s more noticeable with ranged skills, but it also happens with even melee skills. Check your combat logs sometime… you’ll find disconnects.

Face it, guys and gals, the game has bugs…

How many times have you been one-shot by a mob in PVE that was 20 levels lower than you, not a veteran, not a champion, and also not even close to you — and with no ranged ability, no animation showing you any form of attack, and no feeback as to why you died?

It’s the same basic problem; the engine doesn’t keep up and we don’t see all the animations or have all the events fire.

Hey, we’re not paying any subscription, so live with it until something better comes along…

Bug? The odd Clusterbomb just disappears

in Thief

Posted by: Decked.8274


Happens with me too

Bug? The odd Clusterbomb just disappears

in Thief

Posted by: Kobold.7659


Happens with fire blast for Engi’s too.

It just flies through the enemy and the ground. No damage.

Bug? The odd Clusterbomb just disappears

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


Happens a lot at walls/gates in www. The bomb simply disapears , but the triger skill is still ready.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

Bug? The odd Clusterbomb just disappears

in Thief

Posted by: Blueshield.6291


Face it, guys and gals, the game has bugs…

Hey, we’re not paying any subscription, so live with it until something better comes along…

Well I for one am glad that much of the community does not share your lackadaisical attitude. Reporting bugs is the best way to ensure they get fixed.