Build Opinions

Build Opinions

in Thief

Posted by: Cureless.4672


I’de like some opinions on my WvW Roaming build o-o
Not really sure what to say >o< Halp pls?

Build Opinions

in Thief

Posted by: Meryn.6875


It seems to me youre going for a condition spam, and because of this, i’d suggest giving up your power (since the real damage comes from conditions) and run full Dire armor. This will even give you more condit. damage with the tuning crystal.

Since you would be running no-power, you can scrap the traitpoints in Critical STrikes, the 10% damage is not noticable without running a direct damage setup. Even if you decide to stick to this setup, i’d still remove these points.

Your Trickery trait line looks solid. You could consider swapping Sleight of Hand for Bewildering Ambush of even Ricochet for more cleave.

Going 6 in Deadly Arts seems OK for the condit duration, altho Im not sure it is really worth all the points. The Venom trait choices seem a bit like a waste to me.
I like going 6 into Shadow Arts for the Shadow’s Embrace (IV) and Shadow Rejuvenation (XI) traits for defensive purposes. This will really save you lots of times, without giving up damage.

Runes are OK, Trinkets are OK (altho i’d change your amulet for Dire too), I’d swap weapons/armor to Dire, Sigil of Corruption is nice to have for a nice damage-boost, I’d run a +condition duration nourishment, like Koi Cake.

Utilities are fine, altho i’d swap the venom.

Here are some links you could take a look at:
The build i’m running
Thief – P/D on the gw2 PVXwiki

Build Opinions

in Thief

Posted by: Cureless.4672


Im using Carrion because im poor so i used WvW badges xD, I went critical strikes for the 10% Pistol damage and the 10% extra damage for having a condit on the target in DA, I’ve taken the 2 traits out and moved them into SA for blind on stealth from Cloak n Swag to prevent retaliation.

I looked at the diffrences between Carrion and Rabid and i only gained a minor bit of toughness and cond damage whilst loosing about 200 ish power. So ive changed my Last DA trait to Revealed Training for more damage from using pistol stealth attack.

I don’t go SA because i think im pretty tough even without em at 17.6k hp and im 27 WvW ranks away from applied fortitude so theres that as well.

I also changed shortbow 2nd sigil as i only really use shortbow to disengage and run for my life xD

Heres my updated build, so what im talking about makes sense:

Anymore feedback so i can improve would be grateful

Build Opinions

in Thief

Posted by: Meryn.6875


oh god ANet! Typed a very long story with calculations etc and then got errors when clicking post. Now ive lost 30 minutes of typing and calculating stuff since i couldnt just turn a page back and copy my stuff.. Ill try to get the same amount of information back into this post

So since you dont have any trouble staying alive ive tried to improve your build towards more damage

Differences are

  • the trinkets (carrion/chrysocola for more power)
  • Venom utility swapped for Signet of Shadows
  • Venom trait swapped for Potent Poison (to make up for the venom utility)
  • changed Thrill of the Crime for Flanking Strikes

This way you will gain a some power(~200), in the exchange of a little bit toughness (~200)

Your choice to move Critical Strikes to Shadow Arts was a smart one, the blindness you got there will be a lot more helpfull than the +10% damage was.

I still didnt feel a lot for the venom, so I took it out. This opened 1 utility spot and 1 trait. Ive changed the trait to Potent Poison (+33% poison duration) to still extend the amount of poison.
I also dont really know why you have Thrill of the Crime equiped, but i guess you had it for mobility. This is why I equiped Signet of Shadows and changed Thrill of the Crime.
Other viable utilities are:

  • Caltrops (explains itself)
  • Scorpion Wire (get the enemy to you, instead of running to him, knocks down as well)
  • Signet of Agility (condit-remove)
  • Infiltrators (another gap-closer)
    Keep in mind that if you dont use Signet of Shadows, but still want mobility, swap Trhill of the Crime back in.

Other usefull traits instead of Thrill of the Crime are:

  • Flanking Strikes (more damage)
  • Uncatchable
  • Long Reach

Here are some damage-calculations in your build vs mine.
These are done with taking traits into account and no might/vulnr on target.

Your build:
Autoattack: 367-431 (Deadly arts 5, Trickery 5 as modifiers)
while revealed: 411-483 (Deadly arts 5-6, Trickery 5 as modifiers)

My build:
Autoattack: 441-518 (Deadly arts 5, Trickery 2-5 as modifiers)
while revealed: 488-573 (Deadly arts 5-6, Trickery 2-5 as modifiers)

So as you can see the difference isnt that huge.
These calculations are based on the formula given by wiki, and just adding the traits as multipliers.

Now I just have to come back to the Shadow arts Traitline.. Keep in mind that the Grandmaster minor trait will give you 2 might on stealth (1 might = 35 power/condition damage). So this trait will not only boost your power a bit, but your condition damage as well! Not to mention the survivability is a huge improvement!
The might duration of this trait is 15 sec. Lets say you will stealth 3 times in that time window. This will maintain you 6 stacks of might (= +210 power/condition damage).
You lost 400 power from Deadly Arts (600 if you cant Revealed Training) but got a 400 toughness/healing power boost, not to mention the healing/condit removal from the traitline!
Remember that a dead thief will deal no damage.

As a comparison to the damage calculated above, this build will do:
Autoattack: 359-421
With 6 stacks might: 403-474 (and +210 condit damage, thats 10 damage extra per bleeding tick)

Now if we count the extra bleeding damage onto the direct damage with might, our damage will now net 465-536 (6.25 sec of bleeding * 10 extra damage = 62 damagE), coming close to my build but with a lot of extra survival.

Now keep in mind that my 2 builds have different trinkets than yours!

As for you food and weakness sigil, i dont really know why you chose them, as there are better options (Agony Signet, Koi Cake food) but if you like these, keep them

Hope this is some usefull feedback!

(edited by Meryn.6875)