Can i get a p/d guide?

Can i get a p/d guide?

in Thief

Posted by: Mystogan.4157


I keep seeing that p/d is imba and trumps jst about all ive tried it a little but i dont get whats so goodcan some one direct me to a guidree pls

Thy Shall Fear The Reaper (FxRe)

Can i get a p/d guide?

in Thief

Posted by: Tremain.4623


Get carrion gear, stack condition duration, get stealth traits, CnD and stealth unload your way to victory. It ain’t that complicated.

Can i get a p/d guide?

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


30 Shadow Arts, Shadow’s Embrace (remove conditions), Shadow Rejuvenation (heal), the third of you choice.

CnD on mobs (not neccesarily the one you are targetting) to get into stealth, which enables Sneak Attack on your #1 pistol skill. Remain in stealth as needed, longer if you need to heal up, shorter when you’re fine. Pop your healing skill when needed, Blinding Powder when you’ve missed a couple of CnD’s, the shadow step skill (signet or other) to break stuns. Repeat until all mobs are dead. Anything with no or insufficient healing will fall eventually.

Can i get a p/d guide?

in Thief

Posted by: Rayya.2591


I suggest you to do not waste time in P/D thief. They are boring mostly use only 2 buttons 1 and 5 + dodge rolls. your 1 vs 1 fights will go over 2 minutes vs any decent player in wvw, and many players will simply ignore you and go away, since you got no gap closer on P /D weapon set you will have trouble to catch players that want to avoid an fight vs you.
I’ve made an P/d thief in sPvP with 5x necromancer runes 1x divinity , rabid amulet arround 1300 cond damage. Survaivability is insane on this build , i’ve had arround 10-18 kills /game at my lvl, random games .The game play was not interactive at all, most like boring.
no.1 WvW kills

(edited by Rayya.2591)

Can i get a p/d guide?

in Thief

Posted by: Gungnir Grimm.7123

Gungnir Grimm.7123

Rayya, if you are only using 2 buttons and people are getting away from you, you are using P/D at nowhere near peak efficiency. that said, with the standard 0/0/30/20/20 build and full carrion gear, your main attack is CnD followed by sneak attack. you can time CnD by your auto attacks, every 2 auto attacks is the minimum time you can wait to get another stealth off of CnD. don’t ignore dancing dagger, it is a nice way to catch runners, since the build isn’t as mobile as other thief builds. another thing is weapon swap. you do have 2 sets of weapons after all. try using D/D in your second slot. death blossom can stack long duration AoE bleeds quickly under evasion for a good chunk of the time you are using it. you can burn through your initiative using DB, utility or heal into stealth, sneak attack and be ready to stealth again as soon as revealed wears off. you can make good use of geomancy sigils like this. just be sure to keep a shortbow in your bags.

where bleed duration is concerned, pistol bleeds need 25% bleed duration to get an extra tick, where DB needs only 10%. take that into account when you rune/sigil your gear and chose your food. you can easily get to 75% bleed duration with 3 krait and 3 affliction runes, a superior agony sigil, and super or rare veggie pizza. more bleed duration helps pistol bleeds more than DB even though DB gets more duration simply because conditions get cleansed throughout a fight. caltrops are your best friend against players that dont know how to maneuver.

in stealth keep your movement unpredictable. you will be in stealth a lot, so don’t always move the same way. move away one time, move behind them another. break away in different directions. if you get predictable in stealth things can get sticky, you will have a high health pool (for a thief/guardian/elementalist), but only 300 above base toughness. you can drop caltrops without leaving stealth, so consider doing that before sneak attacking.

this is just what I can think of now, let me know if you have any other questions about the build or how to play it. I’ll help however I can.

Gungnir Grimm – 80 Thief
Gungnir Aurus – 80 Guardian
[AUX] Isle of Janthir

(edited by Gungnir Grimm.7123)

Can i get a p/d guide?

in Thief

Posted by: oZii.2864


Ahh so subjective. I play P/D thief and I find it fun and I find D/D bursty boring. I have tried D/D but its not my style. You go in kill 1 person among a few and almost die trying to stomp due to the aoe. Now P/D I see 3-4 people im def going in and will be able to fight all of them for a while. Survivability is insane.

So since this guy above doesn’t like p/d and I like p/d omg its the internets. To answer your question on topic.

Frans pretty much gave it to you straight and tremain. Carrion, stack condi duration, and there you go. 0/0/30/20/20 is the cut and paste but you can tweak as you see fit but 30 in shadow arts is pretty much a must imo for the build. Some run some points in DA for venoms but I find if you wanna use a venom the cool down is fine.

Runes 3xkrait 3xafflicted is a set up. 2x centur 2x krait 2x afflicted.

Your main goal is to hit +25%, 50%,75%, or 100% duration anything inbetween is wasted since it doesnt round up or down. 100% duration will make your vital shot and sneak attack bleeds 8secs instead of the 4sec base.

Guy above me is spot on lol . We must have been typing at same time lol. Yea caltrops a must if your focusing on just bleeds.

Fyi P/D is not imba or op I don’t know why people throw that around. You can still be instagibbed by a D/D gc, a GC warrior etc. like he said you will have good survivability for a thief but you arent invincible. You can beat d/d eles. with cals but without caltrops i feel it is a stalemate in my experience. A full bunker guardian you might as well wave and walk away no body is winning that one.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

(edited by oZii.2864)

Can i get a p/d guide?

in Thief

Posted by: Rayya.2591


Rayya, if you are only using 2 buttons and people are getting away from you, you are using P/D at nowhere near peak efficiency. that said, with the standard 0/0/30/20/20 build and full carrion gear, your main attack is CnD followed by sneak attack. you can time CnD by your auto attacks, every 2 auto attacks is the minimum time you can wait to get another stealth off of CnD. don’t ignore dancing dagger, it is a nice way to catch runners, since the build isn’t as mobile as other thief builds. another thing is weapon swap. you do have 2 sets of weapons after all. try using D/D in your second slot. death blossom can stack long duration AoE bleeds quickly under evasion for a good chunk of the time you are using it. you can burn through your initiative using DB, utility or heal into stealth, sneak attack and be ready to stealth again as soon as revealed wears off. you can make good use of geomancy sigils like this. just be sure to keep a shortbow in your bags.

where bleed duration is concerned, pistol bleeds need 25% bleed duration to get an extra tick, where DB needs only 10%. take that into account when you rune/sigil your gear and chose your food. you can easily get to 75% bleed duration with 3 krait and 3 affliction runes, a superior agony sigil, and super or rare veggie pizza. more bleed duration helps pistol bleeds more than DB even though DB gets more duration simply because conditions get cleansed throughout a fight. caltrops are your best friend against players that dont know how to maneuver.

in stealth keep your movement unpredictable. you will be in stealth a lot, so don’t always move the same way. move away one time, move behind them another. break away in different directions. if you get predictable in stealth things can get sticky, you will have a high health pool (for a thief/guardian/elementalist), but only 300 above base toughness. you can drop caltrops without leaving stealth, so consider doing that before sneak attacking.

this is just what I can think of now, let me know if you have any other questions about the build or how to play it. I’ll help however I can.

Sorry if my post sound offending . i’ve used the build only in sPvP , it was fun for few matches, but when i refered to low mobility , i took in reference the fact that i ignored a lot of fights vs p/d thieves in wvw with my thief , guardian or warrior, since if i run intro an tanky build with ls food an 1 vs 1 can go over 10 minutes. . The ideea of p/d build is to continue hit your target to stack bleed. If your target got an decent mobility and even an mediocre condition removal/regeneration, it will be dificult to catch him and kill him.
As for initiative spend to close the gap it is not safe to chase an GS warrior with hs spam (for example ) , you might have an warrior who turn arround after you use 4-5 Hs – trow bolas and hb on you before you remove the imobilize.
no.1 WvW kills

(edited by Rayya.2591)

Can i get a p/d guide?

in Thief

Posted by: Rhalister.1723


0/0/30/20/20 (shadow protector/embrace/rejuvenation) (power of inertia/ assassin’s reward or fleet of foot) ( thrill of the crime and then w/e you want)
I run 4 pre/tough/con armor and 2 p/v/t, p/v/c pistol and dagger( might on swap/poison duration) and then what ever I feel like. Runes are Melandru for me ( i didnt go for the huge bleed duration) p/v/t fotm infused back pack relena’s and vassars bands ( fotm) for rings 2 invader accs with carrion jewls
I try to stack a lot of might via dodging/stealthing/and weapon swaps

17885 hp 1824 toughness 1032 conditon ( I can do 10 stacks of might pretty fast and food can add more con/hp/or con duration) was thinking about the food that reduces con duration might be fun.

spider venom/devourer venom and SoS