Can you teach me about Thieves?

Can you teach me about Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: xTristan.1043


I really like the Thief gameplay, but I don’t know how to play one.

I have a Lvl.2 Sylvari Thief ready to be continued but I need tips on how to play him.

I want to be like Yishis, a Thief player who can fight multiple people at once and win.

I’m willing to put in the practice I just need to know how.

I want to do the D/D build and I need to know how to use tactics, skills, utilities, etc.

When should I use my camouflage and how should I manage Initiative?

Basically I know nothing about Thiefs but I love the gameplay.

My main is a Lvl. 42 Ranger so I’m still adjusting to the game, thanks!

Still learning on Ranger by the way.

Can you teach me about Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


man get to leveling and then worry about all that stuff…step 1 is PVE

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

Can you teach me about Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


It’s not that simple man – 1st you need to lvl and gear up(recommended weapons – s/p // sb, but check how other sets work too). Then, when you go to wvw, through lots of deaths you will learn where your limits are and what build works for you the best.

Can you teach me about Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Neage.3579


hmmm, i didn’t do to well with D/D build for pve I generally did S/P and when i started to get more into pvp i went P/D i found myself able to take on multiple enemies and stand a chance lol. But the others are right. learning the game through pve would be ur best rout. that way you can get a feel on how to play and what style really suits you. when i started i wanted to be D/D but as i played on i ended up going P/D lol. just play the game and try differnt things out.

< Ill just leave this here :P

Can you teach me about Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Confessor.8957


I want to be like Yishis, a Thief player who can fight multiple people at once and win.

Who doesn’t regardless of class? But playing like a pro isn’t going to happen overnight. Players like Yishis and others are the result of thousands of hours of PVP in their respective class. They are always adapting and refining their play style, build, tactics, equipment, key binds, etc. They know from experience the advantages/disadvantages of not only every class but every build within each class. Yishis is really outstanding because he also educates the community and gives tips on how to maximize your odds against 1vX.

So, pick a weapon set, pick a solid build, start working your way up to full exotics and ascended gear. In w3 always use your food and oils and stacks. Level up to 80 using whatever means you want. In between levels get into SPVP and get stomped over and over learning the basics. Seriously, just go get rolled over and over again.

Eventually you will see that you are winning most engagements. Start working on the ones you aren’t. Soon 1v1 are no problem, start working on 1v2 and up.

Start getting your feet went in w3. Run with the zerg and engage peeps on the outside of the main groups. If you run into trouble get back to your group. Keep doing this until you find you don’t need your zerg/group for support. just keep practicing.

Then when you finally feel like you have mastered your build ANET will nerf it. ADAPT. Don’t cry about it. Don’t chase flavors of the month.

Can you teach me about Thieves?

in Thief

Posted by: Absinthex.6473


Like they said above me, I just have to repeat it. Level your thief and play it! There are different play styles that will match the one/ones that you like. As you get high enough to do your first instance you will start to get a grip on how you want to play it.

Confessor gives great insight.