Classic's Classics on Roamer/Survivalist Build

Classic's Classics on Roamer/Survivalist Build

in Thief

Posted by: Classic.4072


I’ve been getting asked to specifically break down my Roamer build. So here it is.

The Roamer/Solo Defender, For this build i use a Shortbow with Sword/Dagger for maximum livability. Id recommend using a Knights Amulet with a Zerker Gem, For sigils i use Divinity on Armor, and Superior Battle on MH and Shortbow, Strength on OH.

Pro’s High Initiative Pool, High Health Pool, Can cleanse Conditions, Able to Stand Toe to Toe with Melee classes, Kills HS and PS thiefs. Can Navigate the battlefield exceptionally fast. And you can fight on the node without taking dmg.

No real burst Dmg
You’ll have difficulty killing other outlast builds if your thiefs are on CD.

Practiced Tolerance, 5% precision to vitality
Critical Haste, 10% chance to proc quickness on Crit

30 Acrobatics
Power of Inertia – Gain Might when you dodge
Quick Recovery – 2 Initiative every 10 Secs
Assassins Reward – Gain HP every time you use Initiative

15 Trickery
Uncatchable – Leave Caltrops when you dodge

Hide in Shadows – Heal and Stealth
Roll for Initiative – Roll Backwards gain 6 Initiative
Ambush – Set a trap that calls in a thief for 20 secs
Shadow Step – Your Get out of Death Free Card
Thieves Guild – Summon 2 Thiefs

Thats my Roamer Build. And thats it for Classic’s Classics, until next time.

(edited by Classic.4072)

Classic's Classics on Roamer/Survivalist Build

in Thief

Posted by: kramax.8045


Hey classic, good to hear from another S/D thief. One issue I see in your utility skill choice —-- why pick Shadow Step? You already have it on 0 cooldown in your sword

IGN: Kala Darke — S/D&Shortbow Thief
roaming build -- 25 power, 30 acro, 15 trickery — tripwire/blinding powder/haste

Classic's Classics on Roamer/Survivalist Build

in Thief

Posted by: Wadeybear.4821


I dig shadowstep because if you get caught by a warrior stun, you can escape before they 1 shot you. With the built in sword shadowstep I believe you need a target, right? That is unless you already have it up and somewhere away from the warrior so when he stuns you can return.

Cinthix – 80 Thief
[TLDR] Solo Mid

Classic's Classics on Roamer/Survivalist Build

in Thief

Posted by: Classic.4072


Hey guys, the Utility Skill Shadowstep allows you to step to your mouse location. And has a longer range than infiltrators arrow, also the Sword ability takes you to your current target, OR if no target is selected it will Make your current the position its waypoint for return. Having the Skill Shadowstep allows you to cover and exceptional ammount of distance. Plus Shadowstep clears 3 conditions upon return.

You can create a lot of confusion which shadowstep, or a lot of distance between you and your target. And if you prefer to use the shortbow, like me. It’s an invaluable move to staying at range.

I often shadowstep behind targets when they close into melee, slow them let them get to me again and then shadowstep back to my waypoint. Allowing me to ration my initiative for damage over infiltrators arrow. Plus it allows you to get out of stuns, which if you know pvp. Preventing damage from every happening is always preferable to tanking it.

And i really like to use it to backcap nodes. The following is a common scenario. I’ll come upon 1 or 2 guarding a node. I’ll harass them on the node in melee using Dodge, and Flanking Strike to mitigate most damage. Once i get them commited to killing me i start to run away. First move is shadowstep max distance away. Switch to my bow and start autoattacking, this makes them close the gap. I save my initiative for Infiltrators arrow, using roll for initiative to keep them at range. And when they are far enough away. Pop Shadowstep to hop back to the node. They will be confused and by the time you get back you should have done enough dmg to be able to kill them while capping the node.

It’s all preference, but Shadowstep is bomb.