Cloak and Dagger bugs?

Cloak and Dagger bugs?

in Thief

Posted by: Glennage.6273


Haven’t played Thief since about 2 months ago but have played it a huge amount since launch of gw2. I know there has been a major patch since then, but is anyone else having problems hitting cloak and dagger all of a sudden?

I’m using steals/infil signet and c&d and I quite frequently have been either teleporting back to where I started and it’s missed or it just misses outright, with no evade/block/revealed or anything that tells me why…

Seems to be happening to me a great deal against Asurans which I find odd, one thing I noticed was that when they were jumping I missed. I haven’t tested this but on a few tries now an Asuran has been doing their usual jumpy jumpy gameplay (engies seem to love this) and I’ve just outright missed c&d when I’m right next to them. I know blinds and evades can come into it but I have been starting fights on people and missing c&d straight away.

Are these new bugs or has anyone else had these problems recently?

Cloak and Dagger bugs?

in Thief

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


Shadowsteps have always had identity issues on whether it should be a teleport or a rubberband.

But it seems after last patch it became worse (haven’t tested it myself) and also there
are and were a few bugs with steal, heartseeker+steal wouldn’t land heartseeker for instance, so might be the same with CnD+steal.

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

Cloak and Dagger bugs?

in Thief

Posted by: Cam Ron.4170

Cam Ron.4170

I’m experiencing the same thing, but mostly with infiltrators signet, it happens with steal too, but a much higher rate on infiltrators signet On both CnD and especially backstabs.

Cloak and Dagger bugs?

in Thief

Posted by: Loading.4503


I’ve noticed a lot of bugs also sincei just remade a thief…again..for the ..4th? time

but some things I find consistent

ive noticed when I use inf sig and cnd, when it bugs out, I teleport back, im not revealed. It also seems like half the time I either don’t get a cooldown on inf sig also

and with CnD steal, I don’t rubberband back as much, but when I do I noticed I get revealed, but my steal doesn’t go on a cooldown even though I get the stolen skill to use and I get to steal again after I use the skill.

(edited by Loading.4503)