CnDing on walls in WvW - Bannable offense?
This is far from a bannable offense. He is stealthing off of a damagable object. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Like you said, it one thief so that one person won’t do much to turn the tides to the war. It’s not exploited either since it’s kind of working as intended. CnD stealths when damage is dealt, damage was dealt to the wall, stealth. And besides, it not like he can do that across the entire map, just the tower. So his “guaranteed stealthing” is rather limited. Now if he was DP…
This is far from a bannable offense. He is stealthing off of a damagable object. I don’t see anything wrong with that. Like you said, it one thief so that one person won’t do much to turn the tides to the war. It’s not exploited either since it’s kind of working as intended. CnD stealths when damage is dealt, damage was dealt to the wall, stealth. And besides, it not like he can do that across the entire map, just the tower. So his “guaranteed stealthing” is rather limited. Now if he was DP…
A fair point. However, walls can’t be damaged. No damage appears at all. So, therefore, should he be getting stealth? Technically, walls aren’t be able to even be hit by regular means with this logic, and I recall ArenaNet attempting to fix this at one point.
There used to be a major game breaking glitch where CnDing off walls stacked stealth and didn’t give revealed. Luckily they patched the exploit part of it. CnDing off walls remained, though, so I’m going to assume, since it wasn’t patched that it’s legit.
This can be done in SPvP as well, like battle of khylio where you can CnB random buildings. It’s been like this for a long time, dont think there will be a change, as already pointed out, these structures can be damaged.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
Working as intended. CnD stealths when it strikes a target. Any class can strike those walls, so any similiar “on-hit” effects for any class also work. For example:warriors building up adrenaline strikes.
Champion Shadow
Better Luck Next Time [BLNT]-Sea of Sorrows
Encountered this today. Just as a disclaimer, I’m not coming here to complain. It was one Thief, insignificant to the entire picture in WvW and I understand that, so don’t go jumping on my back, please. But I’d like to know if this is considered against the terms of service, since gaining stealth on walls is most likely not intended.
My personal opinion and guess is that it’s considered some form of exploit, since gaining a guaranteed stealth with every CnD is pretty cheap and almost guarantees a heavy advantage. I recall it being said somewhere, but a lot of things are said here.
So I’ll defer to you. What’s the answer here? Is there a specific quote from a developer, perhaps, that can clear this matter up for me? Is this a bannable offense that I should be reporting every time I see? Or something to simply ignore and move on?
This my friend, is smart tactics.
Seriously now, no, this is not a bannable offense, but rather smart usage of your terrain.
There was a bug where people could stack stealth through the revealed debuff by CnDing walls in WvW. When Anet fixed the bug instead of removing the ability to CnD walls, they basically said they condone CnDing walls.