Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: NeroBoron.7285


Never had to much trouble with it, never could catch em before due to nearly perma invis. But never died to them like this:

I met him 3 times today, every match was like this.
I ran condi remove on shatter, condi remove on heal. I dont even see him.
Ridiculous kitten, it should be finnaly nerfed!

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


WvW is filled with all sorts of cancer this is just the Thief version….. Most people forget about PU Mesmer in WvW, and other cancerous builds, it’s annoying but easy to negate or get away from, I have yet to ever try it, it seems to be a very boring build, and I have yet to encounter one in WvW which I find odd when people complain about them

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: NeroBoron.7285


Well thats the point it is not really able to negate anymore. Further usually with such a build you dont kill ppl in a few seconds. And now realy perma invis, i didnt even see him once!!! With pu you get revealed as soon as you attack.

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


you miss used your skills

you see red circle and no enemy blink away than cleanse

you stand while spam shatter and finally blink with 1 hp

you didnt see him cause he didnt use skills that to direct dmg so only he used steal to put poison and confusion than put needle trap which put another poison immoblize and bleeding and did 2 dodges to put cripple and bleeding
with 5 confusion you spamm shatter so you take nice dmg from it

if you had blink he had to reveal himself

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


The Ghost Thief trapper build won’t kill you if you just leave the area, by Negate I don’t mean kill you can kill them pretty easily try using DH traps, or other cheese build with AoE, if you run Condi Cleanses which are mandatory besides your Condi cleanse on shatter you will negate his build since his traps have high CD and are not insta cast and have very small hit boxes, if you never saw him then he is only using traps to kill you which means he isn’t using any Weapon skills which means he only has three attacks and his dodges for very small Aoe 1 time application condies. If you are standing there and continually taking a beating that’s on you….

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: NeroBoron.7285


Guys, I’m doing only solo and small scale roaming in wvw for ~3 years now. I know the kitten is going on there, and have faced serval condi stealth trapper thiefs before. But they never killed me 3 times in a row like that.

you miss used your skills

you see red circle and no enemy blink away than cleanse

Nope doesnt help either did it before just dont have it on video. As mentioned before I met him 3 times and usually dont have not that much problem with that.

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


I’m very curious on your build, you are using two conflicting weapon sets in that video and have no condie clears besides the clear on shatter

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: kash.9213


Guys, I’m doing only solo and small scale roaming in wvw for ~3 years now. I know the kitten is going on there, and have faced serval condi stealth trapper thiefs before. But they never killed me 3 times in a row like that.

Nope doesnt help either did it before just dont have it on video. As mentioned before I met him 3 times and usually dont have not that much problem with that.

So we’re going to nerf a whole set of options that go into that persons build, which would effect other builds, because one person simply played better than you in one instance?


Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: NeroBoron.7285


This is just not true.

There are 2 problems:
#1: They don’t get revealed on traps and can apply tons of conditions without getting revealed, that should not be possible. They even changed some ranger traps to deal direct dmg so they get revealed. Why not at direct damage to the condition applying traps of thief as well?
#2: Fix how condis are removed. It should really not happen that criple and 1 stack of bleeding is removed when i have multiple stacks confu, poison or imob on me.

This won’t really effect other builds or set of options.

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Furajir.3815


What kind of build do u think it is? this looks highly cancerous

Tupro-Ranger- “The Great White Hype”
Yak’s Bend(TWIN) Racist against Sylvari
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Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: saerni.2584


Your number 1 issue is that you stayed immobilized and used 4/5 utilities before confusion ran out (it was never cleansed). Because you were immobilized you took several caltrops and that meant by the time you were blinked away you were down so low on HP that the poison finished you off. Also it wasn’t 1 stack of bleed, it was 7.

Actually the thing that hurt you most in this video was that you were hitting that yak when he put confusion on you, already you took a lot of damage because you were using skills on it.

As to the thief, it isn’t the thief its the runes. Trapper runes and Perplexity runes are what is the problem, not the class that happens to be using them at the time. And fix how conditions are removed? At a certain point you might as well be saying “remove conditions” because if all cleanses only removed the highest damaging conditions then condition builds would be effectively neutered.

Northern Shiverpeaks (NSP)
Thief (Daredevil)
Commandant of Pistol-Dagger and Apex Predator

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: NeroBoron.7285


Something like that:

What i can you can see from the vid:
- Neetle Trap

- Deadly Trapper
- Unatchable
- Bewildering Ambush
- Trappers Respite

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


I want to see the OPs build he is using, from what I can see he is using two conflicting weapon sets on a sub optimal build, and very minimal condie clear.

thief traps act different from ranger traps, thief traps are not persisting pulsing Aoe as Ranger and DH traps the only ranger trap that has an added pulsing damage on it was frost trap all of the others had the damage built in they only increased the damage, thief traps only affect one target, they don’t apply a ton of conditions, the ton of conditions are from Multiple different traits and skills.

And the condies are cleared by priority of last applied first cleared, this does need a switch to prioritizing damaging conditions like Confusion and Torment first,

As stated you did nothing initially and stood there and did not respond to the attack by cleansing you could have popped distortions before any other condies besides confusion were applied, which would have saved you

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: NeroBoron.7285


Your number 1 issue is that you stayed immobilized and used 4/5 utilities before confusion ran out (it was never cleansed). Because you were immobilized you took several caltrops and that meant by the time you were blinked away you were down so low on HP that the poison finished you off. Also it wasn’t 1 stack of bleed, it was 7.

Actually the thing that hurt you most in this video was that you were hitting that yak when he put confusion on you, already you took a lot of damage because you were using skills on it.

As to the thief, it isn’t the thief its the runes. Trapper runes and Perplexity runes are what is the problem, not the class that happens to be using them at the time. And fix how conditions are removed? At a certain point you might as well be saying “remove conditions” because if all cleanses only removed the highest damaging conditions then condition builds would be effectively neutered.

I know that it’s not excelent game play there. I was a little bit surprised first.
And yes it removed once 7 stacks of bleedings. But i used 6 condi removes in total!
5 times it always removed crappy conditions.
In all 3 fights always the crappy conditions got removed.

As i see it you have 3 types of conditions some are more dangerous to you than others are. Somewhat like this

Some that influence your movement:
Some that deal damage to you:
Some that somehow influence you or your actions:

At i would expect that you have at least a good chance to have a exceptable chance that one of these more dangerous conditions is removed.
And specially it is just kittenty that a condition like criple got removed multiple in a short time window. If i see it correctly in the video criple got removed 4 times and 2 times bleeding (7 and 1 stack). It just looks like the condition which was applied last/which is most left is removed first.

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Your number 1 issue is that you stayed immobilized and used 4/5 utilities before confusion ran out (it was never cleansed). Because you were immobilized you took several caltrops and that meant by the time you were blinked away you were down so low on HP that the poison finished you off. Also it wasn’t 1 stack of bleed, it was 7.

Actually the thing that hurt you most in this video was that you were hitting that yak when he put confusion on you, already you took a lot of damage because you were using skills on it.

As to the thief, it isn’t the thief its the runes. Trapper runes and Perplexity runes are what is the problem, not the class that happens to be using them at the time. And fix how conditions are removed? At a certain point you might as well be saying “remove conditions” because if all cleanses only removed the highest damaging conditions then condition builds would be effectively neutered.

I know that it’s not excelent game play there. I was a little bit surprised first.
And yes it removed once 7 stacks of bleedings. But i used 6 condi removes in total!
5 times it always removed crappy conditions.
In all 3 fights always the crappy conditions got removed.

As i see it you have 3 types of conditions some are more dangerous to you than others are. Somewhat like this

Some that influence your movement:
Some that deal damage to you:
Some that somehow influence you or your actions:

At i would expect that you have at least a good chance to have a exceptable chance that one of these more dangerous conditions is removed.
And specially it is just kittenty that a condition like criple got removed multiple in a short time window. If i see it correctly in the video criple got removed 4 times and 2 times bleeding (7 and 1 stack). It just looks like the condition which was applied last/which is most left is removed first.

The reason cripple kept applying is due to you being Immob’d in caltrops, which keeps applying bleed an cripple you did not react appropriately you waited a good while before blinking out of it so when you were trying to clear condies it was hitting the cover condies and not the main ones applied first i.e. Confusion, Bleeds and poisons.

you used six single condie clears that all Proc confusion, if you knew the mechanics of condies it’s always the last one applied is cleansed first unless it’s specified by skill or trait to cleanse it no matter what, the best thing you could have done is use Distortion as soon as confusion hit you clearing it and stopping further application for a few seconds, spamming skills while having confusion will kill you, in this video you panicked which is why you died, if you post your build we can help you figure out how to combat this and other condie heavy builds

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: NeroBoron.7285


The reason cripple kept applying is due to you being Immob’d in caltrops, which keeps applying bleed an cripple you did not react appropriately you waited a good while before blinking out of it so when you were trying to clear condies it was hitting the cover condies and not the main ones applied first i.e. Confusion, Bleeds and poisons.

you used six single condie clears that all Proc confusion, if you knew the mechanics of condies it’s always the last one applied is cleansed first unless it’s specified by skill or trait to cleanse it no matter what, the best thing you could have done is use Distortion as soon as confusion hit you clearing it and stopping further application for a few seconds, spamming skills while having confusion will kill you, in this video you panicked which is why you died, if you post your build we can help you figure out how to combat this and other condie heavy builds

You are totaly right. Usually I use Diversion first to interrupt the following pressure which didn’t help there. And I realized that as well, in other fights i also blinked first and one with Distortion First, but that also only lasts 1sec without illusions.

Thanks for the offer of support in build development but i’m usually fine. Illusion trait line and a generosity sigil usually serve well, can even pick up The pledge as well for maximum condi removal. Similiar on engi with hgh and healing turret.

But the way conditions are removed is just bad.
Guess on my engi i would struggle that bad as well. I got healing turret condi cleanse and serval elxier condi removes by hgh which only remove one as well.
Then usually running something like tk/eg/elexier b/Bulwark Gyro/elexier s.

Panicked in that situation or not, it is just ridiculous that one can get killed without even see the person who kills one.

And seems like this gets even more annoying just saw two of them teaming up to kill serval ppl at duelling spots one after one. Only knew it were two because after a while 2 of them stood nearby without doing a harm anymore like nothing happend before.

(edited by NeroBoron.7285)

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Yeah it’s a troll build but other than them doing fringe ganking it’s not an issue you can normally get away without too much trouble they have next to no mobility, and remember Anet removed trap damage from needle trap so it wouldn’t cause revealed.

Direct quote from June 23 2015 patch notes. Trapper runes were introduced to game in 2014. They wanted this to be

Tripwire: This trap no longer deals strike damage, which would previously bring the thief out of stealth.
Needle Trap: This trap no longer deals minimal strike damage, which would previously bring the thief out of stealth.

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Aidal.4901


Perma invis thief is only rough if you can’t reveal, but if you can’t reveal, don’t fight perma invis..? it’s literally a crap build dude, it has horrible damage output and mediocre pursuit ability. My engi and rev chew them up like a lawnmower to grass.

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Welcome to the NA meta for WvW. Condi builds only. Sad truth is condi mesmer does even more damage which in a strict 1v1 is even safer to play.
You misplayed a bit standing in caltrops and your speed was pretty off, however you had no control over the confusion application and would have died in a similar fashion from the active damage from blink, as you’d have procced more damage this way and still taken substantial bleed while not hitting the confusion on your cleanses.

Just remember what the condition players say: “Run more cleanses, it’s that easy!” Yup, you need to dedicate your entire build to cleanses to stand a chance these days, and maybe then you’ll be able to last through the burst. Oh, and you’ll also need to make sure you dedicate an infinite amount of supplies to building supply traps around you.

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Your number 1 issue is that you stayed immobilized and used 4/5 utilities before confusion ran out (it was never cleansed). Because you were immobilized you took several caltrops and that meant by the time you were blinked away you were down so low on HP that the poison finished you off. Also it wasn’t 1 stack of bleed, it was 7.

Actually the thing that hurt you most in this video was that you were hitting that yak when he put confusion on you, already you took a lot of damage because you were using skills on it.

As to the thief, it isn’t the thief its the runes. Trapper runes and Perplexity runes are what is the problem, not the class that happens to be using them at the time. And fix how conditions are removed? At a certain point you might as well be saying “remove conditions” because if all cleanses only removed the highest damaging conditions then condition builds would be effectively neutered.

The runes are not the problem . They provide 2 seconds stealth . The thief in question gets most stealth from stacking using d/p and then HS.

If needle trap traited , along with tripwire and trappers respite , the most stealth that the thief can get is 9 seconds on a 24 second cooldown. this then requires the target not dodge through said trap or avoid them entirely.

The most conditions these traps can apply is 6 stacks bleeding two stacks poison. if that enough to kill someone than the person dying has other issues.

As to perplexity runes these add 5 stacks confusion IF an interrupt generated. This can only really be done via the steal on a 21 second cooldown if SOH traited precluding BA or if a person manages an interrupt of a skill off the tripwire. BA can work once every 24+ seconds. Generating an interrupt is difficult without a reveal so a Ghost thief would be better off in Torment runes using their heal to generate torment. These allow more frequent application of torment then would perplexity allow confusion.

Racial skill pain inverter can aslo apply confusion without a reveal.

(edited by babazhook.6805)

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: darkaheart.4265


that made me laugh

i7 3770k @ 4.5 ghz|Z77X-UD5H Motherboard|16GB @ 1600Mhz|GTX 1080|Corsair AX750 PSU|Windows 10 Home

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: agent OneFiveZeroNine.6905

agent OneFiveZeroNine.6905

hahaha.. that’s my thief…

Condi Stealth Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Neftex.7594


i love it when i meet one on my power necro, the only cleanses i have are heal and staff 4. so yea im pretty much dead every time cuz heal gets interrupted and the mark avoided

this kitten is broken and should be fixed