Condition Build Thoughts?

Condition Build Thoughts?

in Thief

Posted by: Arkael.7140


[Copy/Paste Link clicking it says Bad Link]

The idea is to apply as much poison (via Steal/Choking Gas/Spider Venom) and bleed (via Death Blossom/Cluster Bomb/Caltrops/Dodge) as possible while being somewhat hard to kill through high vitality/healing via Signet of Malice/Assassin’s Reward and lots of dodging/Disabling Shot and Infiltrator’s Arrow.

Downside is a lack of condition removal and blinds, and very little stealth.

My computer is currently busted so I can’t try the build out myself, so I just wanted to get some opinions.

(edited by Arkael.7140)

Condition Build Thoughts?

in Thief

Posted by: oZii.2864


Looks like it would have decent damage since you did go 25 into DA. Poison is very good for the heal debuff and if the enemy doesnt have condi removal then they are screwed for sure. You will pretty much always have th 10% damage increase since poison will always be applied I can see what your intentions are. A better setup imo would be runes of afflicted 4 piece is 15% poison duration then throw on 2 piece whatever that will free up the 33% trait you have that combined with food which you probably will be using is more than enough duration time. With that setup your at 80% duration on poison alone which is still overkill.

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

Condition Build Thoughts?

in Thief

Posted by: Arkael.7140


Yeah I was thinking about switching the runes around a bit for a different 2 piece bonus, maybe poison duration or toughness. Thanks for the feedback I can’t wait to give it a shot. Anyone else have thoughts?

Condition Build Thoughts?

in Thief

Posted by: stinkypants.8419


I like poisons/venoms, but another option would be to drop the DA and go CS and pick up Side Strike, drop Uncatchable from Trickery and grab Flanking Strikes.

You’d still get conditions from Choking Gas, DB, and 3rd dagger strike… just a little more bursty…. may try that myself

(Alvyn | Crystal Desert )

Condition Build Thoughts?

in Thief

Posted by: Arkael.7140


I thought about going CS instead of DA but I wasn’t sure what gear to use that would keep me somewhat beefy. Is there an exotic Power/Precision/Vitality set for PvE?

Condition Build Thoughts?

in Thief

Posted by: Bloodgruve.6038


There is not a P/P/V set for PvE.

For PvE conditions I prefer full Carrion gear and a 0/20/0/20/30 build. Signet of Malice + Signet Use + Hastened Replenishment is fun. Use SoM on cooldown for 6 initiative, you can keep a lot of bleeds on your target and have good initiative regen. Vigor on heal for more dodges and caltrops. Eat some condition duration food and you can load up 6k damage per Deathblossom. Lacks condition removal but you can use Signet of Agility and Shadowstep for that.


“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance”