Confusing stealth
If you step out of Refuge it’ll automatically give you Revealed.
I you fire a missile it can land after you apply stealth and reveal you. It’s a really annoying mechanic at times. The aoe field from stolen gunk and other oddities can deal damage for you and reveal you.
I you fire a missile it can land after you apply stealth and reveal you. It’s a really annoying mechanic at times. The aoe field from stolen gunk and other oddities can deal damage for you and reveal you.
However it should be noted that the poison field from shortbow does not reveal you, and it’s great preparing for a burst: poison mitigates healing by 33%.
Stealing from engineers and using “throw gunk” will reveal you if somebody stays on it (it ticks with normal damage, not only with conditions). Sometimes I am also revealed for no reason while fighting them, without using “throw gunk” or attacking. That’s a rare bug, though.
Ahh thanks guys. I suspect my shortbow has something to do with it. I need to be more careful then.
If you step out of Refuge it’ll automatically give you Revealed.
Oh really? I thought sometimes it stuck anyway. I mean sometimes it seems to.
There is a point when you can step out of the ring even though the ring itself still appears to be there. Or am I dreaming?
Maybe it was from another enemy Thief.
Also note, that using Shadowstep type skills will also lose your Stealth animation but you DO still have Stealth buff on you and Stealth Icon.