[Constructive Idea's / Feedback] Thief

[Constructive Idea's / Feedback] Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Strategist.6132


Hello everyone,

Just a post to post some constructive idea’s. If you post a new idea or have some constructive feedback please give it a bold title.

[Daredevil] Distracting Dagger
Maybe make this a Projectile Finisher? I really like the idea skill itself already. I heard they will already reduce the initial cast time to 1/2 which is nice. I secretly still hope that they will make cooldown trigger upon cast. This would mean you can throw 3 daggers in 25 seconds without having to wait 25 seconds after that again. (Having a effective cooldown of 50, if you’re late with throwing your thingies). Or maybe decrease the total cooldown by 5 seconds?

[Daredevil] Dodges
I know many people already opted it, but I will include it anyway. Thief has 50 more endurance at the start of a fight, effectively giving it one more dodge for the whole fight. (Or able to store more during the fight, but I think dodges are most of the time not full). I still hope that the thief dodge mechanic could be changed into it being selected. That would really create a lot more skillful play for thieves. But this will probably also cost a lot of development.

[Acrobatics] Guarded Initiation
I know this is not a Daredevil trait, but I am sure that almost no one takes this trait. You need to be above 90 percent health which basically means that you probably didn’t get hit before and thus have no Vulnarability, Weakness or Slow to cleanse on you. If someone things differently about this one, can you try to convince me?

If anyone has more to post, please do. Maybe we can help the devs somehow like this:P