Hey everyone, check out the photos I attached and what I wrote for changes I would like to see for Thief’s core specializations! Thanks for reading my ideas (some of those ideas are yours actually… our ideas?) and hopefully some even better (is that possible?!) ideas come out of this! All the traits I did not mention are fine and dandy in my opinion, and I feel if those were modified it would just push them out of balance. There are 3 posts choc full of goodness so hopefully you can bear it all!
Deadly Arts Grandmaster
Potent Poison – Increased the poison damage modifier to 20%. Most of the damage added from this trait is from the duration increase, while the additional 10% damage provides little bonus. This change will actually put the “potent” in Potent Poison.
Critical Strikes Adept
Side Strike – Increased the bonus critical hit chance to 10%. With all the shuffling I did, Side Strike started to look slightly underpowered. While I know 3% means very little in terms of actual gameplay, double-digits do look more impactful. Perception is everything!
Practiced Tolerance – Moved down to the Adept tier. Firstly, I wanted to either move this trait or Sundering Strikes down to the Adept tier because those two have essentially the same goal (increase damage) but have different ways of achieving it. We don’t want people deciding which one is better and never looking at the other again. Secondly, this is the one that moved down because we want Signets of Power, which is now a Master trait, and Practiced Tolerance separated. The damage modifier on Practiced Tolerance will likely discourage people of ever taking the signet trait and thus never making signet-focused builds (not good!).
Flawless Strike – Kept the name but changed its mechanic entirely. Now grants a 50% chance to restore 1 initiative on critical (3s ICD). This you may remember was a Minor Critical Strikes trait called Opportunist. I did this because the original would be obsolete next to Practiced Tolerance in the Adept tier. Choosing good ole Opportunist to fill the gap seemed fitting as Critical Strikes is lacking an initiative restoration option and I want to shake this feeling I have of taking Trickery for its initiative bonuses for every build I make. By having more initiative options in more specialization lines, people are not being punished in taking other traits because they can make it up elsewhere.
In summary of the changes I made, there is a nice balance of unique choices to be made. A critical chance increase, a ferocity increase, and an initiative upgrade.
Critical Strikes Master
Sundering Strikes – Increased the duration of the applied vulnerability by 2s. To put this in Sundering Strikes’ perspective, it ramps up damage, it is not like Practiced Tolerance which adds its damage bonus directly to your base stats. Not to mention it is arguably weaker than it. So it’s all around a better choice to stand beside our signet trait.
Signets of Power – Now a Master trait. This is the trait that made the move up because Side Strike and Flawless Strike do not have the impact to fill the position.
Ricochet – Changed the name of Ankle Shots to Ricochet and rolled in the namesake’s mechanics. Pistol shots have a 60% chance on critical to bounce to an additional target, up to a maximum of 3 targets. Increased the damage when foes are crippled to 15%. 150 range bonus is rolled into baseline. I thought it was a shame to leave such a unique and useful trait sidelined.
In summary of the changes I made, there is now (where there was not before) a nice balance of unique choices to be made. A trait that increases flat damage, one that gives bonuses to signets, and one that gives bonuses to pistols.
Shadow Arts Adept
Last Refuge – Also applies 3 initiative when you reach the threshold (25s ICD). This is in line with what I did in Critical Strikes, to reduce reliance on Trickery.
Tidal Legion [TL] – Sea of Sorrows