Core Specialisations: Nothing to be Afraid of

Core Specialisations: Nothing to be Afraid of

in Thief

Posted by: Rai.9625


This is lengthy, but don’t worry, my conclusion comes first: Feel free to comment on my comments to specific changes.

All in all I think it is a really good change, we can go now heavy critter in some extreme versions I think. Baseline there are no changes which destroy our play styles. We got a lot of nice possibilities here and some more true styles in the traitlines.

Even the changes on Acrobatics are not imminent catastrophically, I mean: We get Vigor ON EVERY evade… not only dodge (ok it is still more of a nerf)

Heck we can spam evades like no other, we can dodge… we can spam D/D 3, S/D 3, S/P 3, we have SB 3, we have Withdraw, Roll for Initiative.

Even if Vigor got nerfed… we easily get perma Vigor here. The only ‘Bad Thing’ we loose the DMG boni in this trait, but honestly? As you can now go 666 that ‘moved’ elsewhere if you think about it.

One thing I really don’t like… the resurrection Minor in SA and the Adept Traits… it simply is no real choice there, I mean… those traits had been ‘bad’ beforehand and Shadow’s Embrace is just what should have become Minor here.

And another Adept Trait to enhance/support Venom Share, even if it would just have been: Out of hide applied Venoms do something like increase stak/duration or anything like that, it didn’t have to be breaking, just a slight buff out of hide… our weapons do this already.

There are a few things I’m not really sure about, but we got presented with a lot of new possibilities I think, especially because we do no longer gain stats by the trait lines.

Sad is the missing range on Pistol…… real sad….

Appeal and Stimulus:
I sure hope there will be a lot of tests: for Condi, Trapper and things like that. Test it, don’t just search for a possibility to maintain the same build… that goes for all classes. Why not test a Sinister Venom Sharer with DA/SA and switching the third for optimized play?

Why not test a solo Assassin Perma Fury high Damage Thief? I mean we can get a huge bonus here, baseline precision will be 1000 and with the buff of gear stats and the boni on ascended we can maybe get around and up to 1450 precision additionally…

2450 precision equals around 76% crit chance, with our Signet of Agility it would be 2530 which means around 80%… add fury an we have 100% and with our new trait 100% uptime (almost).

Now we get around 500 bonus ferocity… 1% crit dmg per 15 points… 33% bonus DMG on crits. Maybe this will be stronger than Zerker? Even if the Stats are lower, maybe it will be possible (I assumed here the 30% increase on Stats and the roughly but not quite 4-5% more on ascended)

Core Specialisations: Nothing to be Afraid of

in Thief

Posted by: Rai.9625


So now the long Part:

All changes on steal are great and long overdue in my opinion:

-F2-Skill HELL YEA! That’s what I and a few other wanted right from the get-go<- quality

-increased range on steal: Nice, even if it is lower than the original trait, very good in the baseline<-overall a buff, even at the loss of the ‘superior trait’

-recharge reduce on steal: I think that is a strong change over the whole board of the thief, hell that is what makes a thief a thief it is one of our best utilities, even untraited (gap close) and the skills you get (now on f2) are more often than not useful!<- nothing short of a buff

About Skills:

-the changes on Haste are… nice. Now we get a new way to fury and the endurance remove removal (xD) makes it a more viable option to use this as a stun breaker AND damage/stomp/blast (and so on) buff – consider it a buff

-Withdraw: okay more healing is good, the +3 seconds on CD are a little blow, but not overly so, as you can decrease the CD via trait. I think it is a justified change (though a 12s CD on Withdraw would have been epic) – I consider it an adjustment, not a nerf

-Daggerstorm: well as a trick… it is a possible buff: reduce-able recharge and condi cleanse through trait- minor buff
The same goes for:
-Thieve’s Guild and
-Hide in Shadows for both are reduce-able in recharge

-Needle Trap/Tripwire: taking the strike damage from them is a buff. Invisible Trapper may be more of a trolling, but sounds fun! It makes the traps a lot more reliable in use – buff

-Combined Training: into baseline? buff what else

-about the Venoms: Well, as Residual Venom became Baseline, it was natural that devourer and basilisk got adjusted, but honestly? 2×1s Basilisk is a lot stronger than one 1,5s. Two interupts are better than one, the same goes for the immobilize. Getting the chance to pin him down a bit more securely, even while shorter is a fair adjustment.
Now if only Basilisk wouldn’t have casttime again… – one buff and one adjustment in my book

-so about the changes for the Skills/Traits which inflict poison:

-Each time the stack size is increased: Adjustment

-Each time the duration increased: -Adjustment damage wise, but it is a minor buff (healing reduce)

-The duration on Choking Gas… as poison stacks in intensity it is a fair adjustment, even if the healing reduce may suffer a bit on that part, so all in all this is more of a pending matter. -for me this is pending but tendency is a nerf

-The changes on the movement Skills are debateable, but I think this is more of a buff for all classes than a debuff (that doesn’t mean that this will be a good change, but that is pending, still it is a buff)<-buff (though it counts as one, even when it is on multiple skills)

-Stolen Bundles:
-the Healing Seed is more of a buff I think, more of a burst – buff I mean it ticks faster now
-Skull fear: Justified nerf, think about Improvisation, but even without I think its justified
-Mace Head Crack: justified nerf, if not liked by me

To sum this up: one Quality of Life change, 4 adjustments, 8 buffs, 2 just nerfs and 6 minor buffs.
So, for General and Skill Changes, we got a nice and more tasty meal here.

Now for the changes in Traits, for this we have to keep in Mind: we will get triple 6 distribution, which is really a major buff AND removing the stats is a buff as well, as you just no longer care what you get stat wise, Sinister Venom Share sounds interesting

(edited by Rai.9625)

Core Specialisations: Nothing to be Afraid of

in Thief

Posted by: Rai.9625


Deadly Arts:

I think this is a good adjustment and minor buff, regarding the Poison on Serpent’s touch, as we can’t see the ICD on Lotus Poison I’ll consider that pending.

_Adept: _
-Dagger Training: in exchange for 5% more DMG we get 33% poison chance… well I think this is more of a buff, not really DMG wise, but poison upkeep even on condi cleanse sure is good, even as non CDD, maybe a good alternative to mug in the pvp meta, you shall not heal fully! -buff

-Mug: no changes here, it was fine as it is

-Trappers Respite: well now that looks like a viable option to try out an invisible trapper, I consider this a buff. If it is enough to give rise to an viable trap build… we will see, I sure hope a lot of thieves will try to make one – buff

-Resourceful Trapper: Again this might help for trapper thieves. It is a Buff, if viable no one can say.

-Panic Strike: Well yeah, it is awesome as it is, the new placement next to revealed training is fine

-Revealed Training: same as Panic Strike

-Potent Poisen: Well as we have a lot of new/old ways to stack Poison, this sure looks good for a Condi spec. I mean 10% damage on top for poison is a buff, right?

-Improvisation: A shame we lost a DMG multiplier here, even if only for bundles (Frostbow my friend…) but sure makes up with versatility. Lets say, in group/dungeons it is a minor blow on the Meta. Though it still looks like a good change, atm I would say it is an adjustment

-Executioner:this sure is a better place for that trait, nice adjustment

All in all, they are good changes. I mean, there is nothing which destroy our play or builds in here, it is more compact. You could consider every choice out of three a choice between DMG, Condi and in fight utility. I mean ‘perma poison’ is like Condi or utilty (heal reduce, filler for condi cleanse), traps sure go either way, condi (needle trap) or utility (trapwire for example). Sure hope Trapper Thief will become playable!

Core Specialisations: Nothing to be Afraid of

in Thief

Posted by: Rai.9625


_Critical Strikes: _
-Keen Observer: No change here

-Unrelenting Strikes: Well it is a shorter ICD Furious Realiation. I think the shorter Duration and shorter ICD are much more appreciated. More reliable and new synergies. Though Opportunist was a fine trait… I think this trait fits more. Still the missing Initiative will be hard. This one is hard- I’d say pending, but likely a buff in DMG

-Ferocious Strikes: Well this is an easier to use/maintain DMG multiplier. I think this is actually a buff for PVP but for some thieves more of a debuff in PVE (it was easy to maintain more than 6 initiative in PVE and the multiplier was on for every attack, not only crits)

-Side Strike: No changes here

-Signets of Power: This is a nice mix out of two former Traits. Sad as it is, again Initiative gain lost, still it is now much more of a choice. Assassin’s Signet could now be used to spike in more than one way and on reduced CD. Infiltrator’s Signet does profit from this a lot, Signet of Agility: Hell yea, in PVE it is my primarily used condi cleanse. Signet of Shadows: Well it may get some serious use now infight. The blind was ok (well… no not on that CD) but with CD reduction and Might this might get nice.
-should be a buff and a nice choice (still my ini gain is gone …)

-Flawless Strike: WOW that IS nice. I mean Runes of the Scholar are good, but we get 7% on top for crits? For a pure PVE dmg build… wow

-Sundering Strikes: I think a fitting position here from DA

-Practiced Tolerance: Hm,… from a bit HP to a nice Buff in ferocity. I’m all up for that. Those measly few HP never really saved my life, I mean come on we get around 1 to 1,5k life… most mobs hit us so hard we don’t even really life one hit more through that. (Just thinking fractals for example) Now it will get us DMG, as every 15p ferocity will give us 1% Critical DMG increase and we most likely will have around 2000 (more is even more likely) it will be over 10% dmg increase- I think this is a buff

-Ankle Shots: It is nice and since we can cripple with a few other ways or in teams, yeah nice. Still: In my opinion this is more a debuff: we loose the conditionless 10% DMG multiplier for pistols and we lost the trait for range (as long as it does not become baseline). If this would be applied to SB as well it would have been a huge buff, but now I consider this all in all a slight debuff (slight!) That is for PVE. PvP and WvW, well… this could actually be a nice adjustment

_Grandmaster: _
*-No Quarter: *That sure is a DMG beast Trait. I mean: ~16% more DMG on crits under fury and a good possibility to almost infinite fury for that. Oh yea it makes me wonder: if you are going solo, or in PvP… could Assassin stats be better here? I mean think about it. Sure excited about some new math here

-Hidden Killer: Good as it is, it has its uses for more endurable thieves (like WvW or chilled Dungeon Groups to backstab away)

-Invigorating Precision: As we are no longer stat forced by traitlines… this could actually become nice.

So this is a nice Buff overall. Lots and Lots of DMG here, or alternative utility to increase DMG and or become more versatile.

Core Specialisations: Nothing to be Afraid of

in Thief

Posted by: Rai.9625


_Shadow Arts: _
-Merciful Ambush: We would almost never use it otherwise and honestly: Every time I try to ress a player, which is not made invisible before hand (by refuge) leads to my death: So even that won’t change that probably. Sure I both get -25% dmg (by other minor trait) and both are invis when I come there-— still. Honestly I think Shadow’s Embrace should have been the minor trait here, as that is probably the trait almost every one who chooses SA will take anyway

-Meld with Shadows: nothing new

-Resilance of Shadows: Yea I think that is a good GM to Minor swap and reducing it to 25% is fine. That is a buff even if we loose the might. I mean: SA is now defensive as it should be and we got major buffs in DMG if you think about it

There is almost no real Choice here. I mean.. Shadow’s Embrace is good as it is and Last Refuge is… for what do I need that? Maybe in PVE but…
honestly it is more like oh i’m at 40% health and… then dead.
In PvP well good one attack will miss and I’m invis… still have condis, still get hit by multi/channel skills… it isn’t that much of a help.
Another thing: if I used my Invis beforehand and have the revealed debuff…
The only choice here us if you are playing deception heavy. Hide in Shadows is now a deception, as well as Thieves Guild. Still.. the merit is meager in comparison.

That is not even an Adjustment… it’s plain. There is nothing to it. I think an Adept trait which would enhance Venom Share would have been more interesting: Like if you apply a venom via an attack out of stealth, you increase the duration of the condition by…/increase stack by 1/ won’t use up a charge of the venom / add one stack of Confusion or something like that.

To conclude: I’m not happy with the change in Adept and one Minor here… simply because it does not feel like a choice at all. It is not a buff, nor a nerf. It just is nothing. (at least I see it like that)
It is highly unsatisfactory

-Shadow Protector: Well it is… nice. For example a tanky medic thief. I fine with that here and that the ICD is gone is very very good, new troll build maybe xD

-Hidden Thief: Nothing new here

-Leeching Venoms: That is a really nice merge of traits. Thumps up for this buff

-Cloaked in Shadows: Well yeah, nothing really new and the merge with the fall damage trait is ok. Still somehow it seems lacking (I mean taking the fall damage to GM)

-Shadow’s Rejuvanation: As we must choose between this and Cloaked I sure hope the initiative part is a bit buffed in comparison to former Patience trait (initiative on entering stealth) somehow sure it won’t… Still a nice merge!

-Venomous Aura: Fantastic merge, nothing to complain here. It is a buff

As I said not really satisfied with Adept and Minor here

Core Specialisations: Nothing to be Afraid of

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I’m not too worried about what the changed with thief… It’s all the other classes I’m worried about. Especially engineer…. Egineer were already hard to fight as thief. Now prob impossible…

Just another noob thief…

Core Specialisations: Nothing to be Afraid of

in Thief

Posted by: Rai.9625


Beforehand the overall nerf of Vigor is well… it is what it is and for all classes so, cannot consider this a nerf for thief especially.

-Expeditious Dodger: Nothing new

-Feline Grace: This is nothing but a major nerf. It even has an ICD… It would have been a fine and just adjustment if the former functionality got the on successfully evading.
The only good thing: if I evade using a Weapon Skill or such I’ll get Vigor… so not all is lost. Maybe that will be enough to make this worthwhile. Maybe due to that this should be pending…
I mean we have a ton of skill which let us evade and each time we do this successfully we get Vigor (D/D 3 | S/D 3 | SB 3 | S/P 3| Withdraw | Roll for Initiative) Hmmm… maybe this nerf isn’t as heavy as it seems at the first moment.

-Endless Stamina: This works and looks more like an Acrobatic trait than the dmg enhancing trait there was before. This Change is fine.

-Fleet Shadow: nothing new

-Vigorous Recovery: again nothing new

-Pain Response: Again nothing new. Though it is a good choice between those three: quick escape, more evade in battle, or standing my ground an saving an evade maybe/covering up a messed up evade

-Guarded Initiation: Not sure here… this looks more like a PvP/WvW Trait… and there 90% is more unlikely. At least as for those condition types. I think here it should have been the restistance thing they contemplated before.
Or removing one condition per strike as long as we are over 90%, though that might have been a bit… strong. Just not so sure about this trait.
Or maybe gain stability with this with an ICD? Compared to the condi cleanse on dodge the ele has…

-Swindler’s Equilibrium: Oh yeah that sure sounds nice. The ICD… I think it is fine. So many evade options with sword main hand.

-Hard to Catch: That sure is massive buff. No longer randomly thrown thru the arena, endurance refill, stun break. Yep sounds good if the ICD is again around 30s it is fine, if it is lower… wow another buff, but won’t bet on it

-Assasin’s Reward: nothing new here, maybe we get an increase in the healing? Would be nice

-Upper Hand: This is a nice Initiative regeneration trait. Though 3s ICD… maybe it is just right, maybe a bit high, or a bit low. This is up to test. Still a good trait. Though I think the tradeoff with Quick Recovery is ok bis good.

-Don’t Stop: Wow, that sure comes in handy. This seems like a nice trait throughout the board.

So… I’m a bit biased here: I really like the feel of the change, it feels acrobatic… though might on dodge is missing and the change to feline grace…
Though I think all in all it is okay, and as I pointed out: The new Feline Grace is on every Evade, not only dodge, so this could actually become ‘better’
I can understand why the Might on Dodge is gone, this is a movement heavy traitline, not focused on damage and we got a lot of DMG boost in CD and DA

Core Specialisations: Nothing to be Afraid of

in Thief

Posted by: Rai.9625


All Minor are the same, even Lead Attacks as the recharge of steal packed into it is just coming from the missing stat gain per line.

-Uncatchable: nothing new here

-Flanking Strike: I think that is a fine tradeoff. We will see if it is stronger or not, I think that depends on the ICD and Duration. Hell of a trait if 2s to 6to8s ICD (we can whish!)

-Thrill of the Crime: As good as ever

-Bountiful Theft: As good as always, an official statement would be nice on the priority of the stolen boons (I sure hope it steals in a good order).

-Trickster: That sure is a nice Trait no? Withdraw is a Trick, Roll for Initative as well, or Haste and two of those tricks could trigger Feline Grace

-Pressure Striking: Hm. I Think that is not bad for Condi dealers. We have enough sources to interrupt.

-Quick Pockets: Well yea, I think this is a better place then Acrobatics

-Sleight of Hand: nothing new

-Bewildering Ambush: nothing new

So this is overall a nice change to Trickery:
you can go offensive/aggressiv (Flanking Strikes/Bountiful Theft/Sleight of Hand)
you can go defensive/utility (Uncatchable/Thrill of Crime/trickster/Quick Pockets)
you can go Condi buffed (Uncatchable/Trickster (CD for Caltrops for example)/Bewildering Ambush)
Yea nice right?