Crit strikes or shadow arts?
any input please?
No one answered because there’s not much to say, CS will give you more damage, SA will give you stealth bonuses. It’s your choice of a more offensive or defensive build.
This could help you:
Neither. Deadly Arts, Trickery, Daredevil.
Unless you don’t have HoT, then probably critical strikes since a large part of what SA once brought to a team is negated by ridiculous amounts of cc and cleave from tank builds.
I actually use CS, Trickery, Daredevil. Invigorating Precision is a lifesaver when using a melee weapon, especially if your crit chance is at least a base of 50%. If you’ve invested your gear in precision (like I have), you’re wasting your time doing anything else. The almost perma-fury from that trait line will keep you healing 200+ health a hit.
-Retired Thief
Edit: Nvm I didn’t see the pvp part at first. Daredevil is good but if you don’t have HoT, I’d personally go with DA, CS, trickery
If you’re D/P, I’d say SA.
That steal → stealth from Hidden Thief → Backstab combo on demand is too good. Also the increase in stealth time will make sneaking to decap easier. Hidden thief also makes for a good “oh kitten stealth pls” button on low CD. Shadowshot should make you relentless enough to make up for lost damage from not taking CS. Overall, it is a lot safer and survivable which is what D/P needs since outside of stealth its defensive options are weak (no condition clear, only single target/small field blinds).
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