Critique This Build?

Critique This Build?

in Thief

Posted by: Xykris.6758


WARNING WALL OF TEXT (sorry in advance :P)

Hi all. I am thinking of a thief alt that would be used in WvW.

My Experience with the thief class is quite limited.

I thought about using this as a build and wanted to know if anyone thinks this would work?

Here’s what I was thinking:


(W/O food and potion)

Attack: 3066
Crit chance: 78%
Armor: 2321
Health: 13305
crit damage: 64%
boon duration: 25%

(W/ food and potion)

Attack: 3166
Crit chance: 88%
Armor: 2321
Health: 13305
crit damage: 64%
boon duration: 25%



Acro: II, IX
Trickery: V


Healing Signet (for low cooldown, might stacks, and Init on use)

Assassin Signet (Might stacks, 15% damage increase to next 5 attacks, Init on use)

Signet of agility (Refills endurance, cures conditions, might stacks, init on use)

Roll for initiative (stun break, condition removal, init on use)

Dagger Storm (stability, reflects projectiles, works with healing signet’s passive)
(I am also thinking Avatar of Melandru might work for increased stability, heals and increased crit chance, armor and health)

I was thinking of using this with S/D / SB and precision gear. I am aware of the coming changes to the thief class but still feel that S/D can be quite powerful.

With this build I’ld be gaining Initiative quite a bit. 2 every time I use a signet, 2 every 10 seconds due to quick recovery, 3 when I use steal, and a 20% chance to gain 1 every crit.

Due to low survivability I made sure trait into acrobatics for swiftness on evade, vigor when healing, and felines grace to pretty much lower the cost of our dodge.

The damage would come not just from the stacks of might and assassin’s signet but also from:

First strikes: 10% with over 6 init (I’ld have preparedness traited to increase my max init by 3)

Fluid Strikes: 10% when endurance is not full

Executioner: 20% when enemy is below 50%

Originally I had traited Hard to catch but I read on a forum that it has some issues so I decided on Thrill of the crime for Fury, might and swiftness upon stealing.

The runes and sigils would include:

Armor – 6x Superior rune of the ogre for the increased damage

Sword – Superior sigil of force for the 5% damage increase

Dagger – Superior sigil of Nullification. I chose this to help strip boons after the nerf.

Short Bow – Superior sigil of hydromancy. I chose this mainly because If I am pulling out my SB I am probably reseting the fight and the 3 second AOE chill will help slow enemies.

All help is appreciated. Again sorry about the wall of text. If the thief works out I may consider maining it. (my guardian is startng to get boring T_T)

Level 80 Guardian (Arashimorri)

(edited by Xykris.6758)

Critique This Build?

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


Dat crit rate.

Critique This Build?

in Thief

Posted by: wish.1027


I think the only piece of gear you managed to get into the right spot is the Ascended Berserker back.

If you look at the crit damage offered by a piece of gear vs second stat offered, you can determine how many stats each point of crit damage costs on a piece of gear.

Pants for instance, 48 stats or 3% Crit damage.
So each point of crit damage on pants costs you 16 stats.
Ascended ring, 68 stats or 8% Crit damage.
Each point of Crit damage here costs you 8.5 stats. So you should have Crit damage on rings, not on pants, since you get almost double the amount of crit damage per stat paid for it.

Other than that… Berserkers beats Assassins for damage and if you mix in a few pieces of Soldiers with more Berserkers than you have on you will have increased DPS and Defense compared to what you have now. Math can be found by clicking ‘Thief’ in my sig and clicking on linked threads.

Jade Quarry Warrior Strike Force [SF]
w/ an alt Thief and Guardian.
Math is your friend.

Critique This Build?

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


You don’t need fury after 70% crit rate. Put more into survivability stats.

Critique This Build?

in Thief

Posted by: xbyte.4518


Hi, how about this Assassin build, High Crit-rate (100%-crit when attacking at the back of the enemy and just 97% if not), High Crit Damage, Uses executioner.

Any comments from pro thieves?


Critique This Build?

in Thief

Posted by: Evilek.5690


Vigorous recovery with Signet of Malice ?

Evilek lvl 80 Charr Thief Why no ?
Fredy Brimstone lvl 80 Mighty Warrior
OupĂ­ lvl 80 Immortal Guardian

Critique This Build?

in Thief

Posted by: xbyte.4518


Vigorous recovery with Signet of Malice ?

Hmmm… I thought it was a Withdraw…

Critique This Build?

in Thief

Posted by: Walker.3056


Hi, how about this Assassin build, High Crit-rate (100%-crit when attacking at the back of the enemy and just 97% if not), High Crit Damage, Uses executioner.

Any comments from pro thieves?


Its a fun build… can see so many crits, but assassin stats wont out dps zerkers so if u just want tohave fun go with it!! but if you want more dps stay with zerkers. power > prec

Critique This Build?

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


i will try to make more hp and less crit chance
my build give me about 65% crit chance (85% with fury) and almost every hit is critical so i dont see any point to invest more than 50%-60%

Critique This Build?

in Thief

Posted by: DANGRYdan.8392


WARNING WALL OF TEXT (sorry in advance :P)

Hi all. I am thinking of a thief alt that would be used in WvW.

My Experience with the thief class is quite limited.

I thought about using this as a build and wanted to know if anyone thinks this would work?

All help is appreciated. Again sorry about the wall of text. If the thief works out I may consider maining it. (my guardian is startng to get boring T_T)

First off, I’m glad you are interested in the thief class, and can assure you it will be a lot of fun to learn!

One of the keys to creating an effective Thief build is to break down exactly what you want to do with your build, before any other steps are taken. It is so easy for us to get insta-gibbed, that it is absolutely necessary to choose a playstyle and build around it.

Do you want to have 20k burst dmg potential? Do you want sustained damage? Do you want condition damage, or a hybrid there of? Do you want survivability through stats and condition removal, or through stealth and evasion? Do you want mobility? Are you going to be soloing, duoing or running with a 3+ person group?

These are vitally important and should be the primary focus of your gear, trait, rune and sigil selection.

After reviewing your build, I am left with a bunch of questions about the intent. I can definitely see a theme here, but since you have not had much time to test out how thieves play in WvW, some of your choices are definitely sub-par.

Signet of Malice should be replaced, as should your two signets. (all three are very effective for a 20k burst backstab build, but are not as useful for S/D wvw thieves).

Also, daggerstorm is not as effective as it seems in WvW and should be replaced with thieves guild or bask venom.

My recommended BUILD

This does a few things poorly, a lot of things well, and a few things extremely well.

You’re gonna have a lot of issues with massive condition application classes like Necromancers and Engineers, but will run circles around pretty much every other class as long as the combatant is at your skill level or under.

Feel free to use that build as a template for your experiments

I wrote about 4 of my current builds HERE which you may want to take a look at for ideas.

I highly recommend using GW2BUILDCRAFT when creating new builds, it has a handy “Effective Health” and “Effective Power” feature, which will help with itemizing.

[RED]Tigurius Rex – Maguuma
Become an Asuran multi-tool thief