Curious Caed

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Lux.7169


For my own last point in this chat, XPGAMER is anything but a troll. He’s one of the more skilled thieves who plays. Ask anybody who is in the dueling scene.

That 47% win ratio after ~300 games. Sure, you said dueling, but he must be doing something horribly wrong XD


Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: XPGAMER.7324


That 47% win ratio after ~300 games. Sure, you said dueling, but he must be doing something horribly wrong XD

Yeah I’m pretty bad at tpvp. I barely ever do it, look at the history kitten ur smart enough to do that. But I’ve beaten you enough times 1v1 lux (XPGAMER = Nightblade)

Usually in tpvp we mess around and don’t run serious comps. I run full d/d burst, thats not even close to meta T.T tpvp is the area of the game I see no need to take seriously, I just take WvW seriously (75% of the time :P )

Also wasn’t trolling earlier, as I’m doing now I didnt quote mbelch for the sake of post length. Don’t need my opinion to take a full page XD

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Lux.7169


That 47% win ratio after ~300 games. Sure, you said dueling, but he must be doing something horribly wrong XD

Yeah I’m pretty bad at tpvp. I barely ever do it, look at the history kitten ur smart enough to do that. But I’ve beaten you enough times 1v1 lux (XPGAMER = Nightblade)

Usually in tpvp we mess around and don’t run serious comps. I run full d/d burst, thats not even close to meta T.T tpvp is the area of the game I see no need to take seriously, I just take WvW seriously (75% of the time :P )

Also wasn’t trolling earlier, as I’m doing now I didnt quote mbelch for the sake of post length. Don’t need my opinion to take a full page XD

Well if you consider ~300 games not much then sure, no need to defend yourself. I’m just saying, from someone supposedly great at dueling, you have a mysteriously low pvp win ratio, which isn’t typical of anyone considered good.

Also, I’ve never heard of you nor remember fighting you, or a ‘nightblade’. I seriously doubt you know me either, and anyone who has fought me remembers my style because it’s definitely not meta in any aspect of the game.


Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: XPGAMER.7324


Well if you consider ~300 games not much then sure, no need to defend yourself. I’m just saying, from someone supposedly great at dueling, you have a mysteriously low pvp win ratio, which isn’t typical of anyone considered good.

Also, I’ve never heard of you nor remember fighting you, or a ‘nightblade’. I seriously doubt you know me either, and anyone who has fought me remembers my style because it’s definitely not meta in any aspect of the game.

We fought back when the gambling duel servers were popular, was fun. And you seem to fail to realize that there is an incredible difference between being good at 1v1, and being good at tpvp.

Being good at tpvp (Caed should make a guide on this, not d/p imo):
Knows where to be, knows when to decap, run away from a fight, engage, etc
Being good at 1v1:
Winning duels. Quite simple.

And idk, is 300 games a lot? I’ve had this game for 2 years, and have well over 4,000 hours on it, more than 2.5k on thief alone. In that duration of time, is 300 matches of tpvp alot? you tell me
almost 1600 games, but I congratulate you on your 62% rating. So so so much better than 47%. 15 whole % higher!

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Avitori.4853


^typical wvw shadow arts thief that thinks he’s good. WvW is more of a joke balance wise than pvp ever will

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Lux.7169


Well if you consider ~300 games not much then sure, no need to defend yourself. I’m just saying, from someone supposedly great at dueling, you have a mysteriously low pvp win ratio, which isn’t typical of anyone considered good.

Also, I’ve never heard of you nor remember fighting you, or a ‘nightblade’. I seriously doubt you know me either, and anyone who has fought me remembers my style because it’s definitely not meta in any aspect of the game.

We fought back when the gambling duel servers were popular, was fun. And you seem to fail to realize that there is an incredible difference between being good at 1v1, and being good at tpvp.

Being good at tpvp (Caed should make a guide on this, not d/p imo):
Knows where to be, knows when to decap, run away from a fight, engage, etc
Being good at 1v1:
Winning duels. Quite simple.

And idk, is 300 games a lot? I’ve had this game for 2 years, and have well over 4,000 hours on it, more than 2.5k on thief alone. In that duration of time, is 300 matches of tpvp alot? you tell me
almost 1600 games, but I congratulate you on your 62% rating. So so so much better than 47%. 15 whole % higher!

Still have no recollection of ever fighting you, especially never any D/D thief.

Yeah, I consider 300 games a lot. It doesn’t mean you frequently or even actively pvp, but 300 games is sizable. When you compare your games to mine its out of proportion, since well over 99% of my time on this game has exclusively been in pvp.

So you win duels, and can win 1v1’s but can’t transition that into success in tpvp? Even the most basic rotations would translate into tpvp success (especially in the percentiles where you have been fighting).

For example, push far, win 1v1, go anywhere else or even stay far to 1v1 the respawn. Assuming you win your 1v1 then you’re doing more than carrying your own weight and in those lower rankings this often times leads to the enemy team falling apart.

Lower ranking, and even sub-50 rotations are the easiest thing in the world, and I don’t think anyone would argue successfully against that. It’s basic math so unless you’re losing your fights there’s really no excuse for hovering in the percentiles and blaming it on “idk how to tpvp rotate.”

But sure, blame your team-mates and tell me how complicated tpvp rotations are if it makes you feel better.


Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: XPGAMER.7324


^typical wvw shadow arts thief that thinks he’s good. WvW is more of a joke balance wise than pvp ever will

Yeah I get it. Shadow arts instantly means your bad. Trust me, I promise that any thief that can teach me to 1vX with d/d and not SA I’m overly happy and willing to learn.

Didn’t say I was good. I’m probably the worst thief ingame. I use shadow arts so I’m obviously terrible.

Also, you didn’t buy my game for me, don’t tell me how to play it. If I like WvW more than I like pvp, why stop me from WvWing? Because you don’t like it? Yeah, I’ll just play the game I bought based on how you’d like me to.

Feel bad for hijacking caed’s thread, sorry bud. Good duels today, I would love to see a tutorial for thief in tpvp<3

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: XPGAMER.7324


Well if you consider ~300 games not much then sure, no need to defend yourself. I’m just saying, from someone supposedly great at dueling, you have a mysteriously low pvp win ratio, which isn’t typical of anyone considered good.

Also, I’ve never heard of you nor remember fighting you, or a ‘nightblade’. I seriously doubt you know me either, and anyone who has fought me remembers my style because it’s definitely not meta in any aspect of the game.

We fought back when the gambling duel servers were popular, was fun. And you seem to fail to realize that there is an incredible difference between being good at 1v1, and being good at tpvp.

Being good at tpvp (Caed should make a guide on this, not d/p imo):
Knows where to be, knows when to decap, run away from a fight, engage, etc
Being good at 1v1:
Winning duels. Quite simple.

And idk, is 300 games a lot? I’ve had this game for 2 years, and have well over 4,000 hours on it, more than 2.5k on thief alone. In that duration of time, is 300 matches of tpvp alot? you tell me
almost 1600 games, but I congratulate you on your 62% rating. So so so much better than 47%. 15 whole % higher!

Still have no recollection of ever fighting you, especially never any D/D thief.

Yeah, I consider 300 games a lot. It doesn’t mean you frequently or even actively pvp, but 300 games is sizable. When you compare your games to mine its out of proportion, since well over 99% of my time on this game has exclusively been in pvp.

So you win duels, and can win 1v1’s but can’t transition that into success in tpvp? Even the most basic rotations would translate into tpvp success (especially in the percentiles where you have been fighting).

For example, push far, win 1v1, go anywhere else or even stay far to 1v1 the respawn. Assuming you win your 1v1 then you’re doing more than carrying your own weight and in those lower rankings this often times leads to the enemy team falling apart.

Lower ranking, and even sub-50 rotations are the easiest thing in the world, and I don’t think anyone would argue successfully against that. It’s basic math so unless you’re losing your fights there’s really no excuse for hovering in the percentiles and blaming it on “idk how to tpvp rotate.”

But sure, blame your team-mates and tell me how complicated tpvp rotations are if it makes you feel better.

Are you kidding? Learn to read please. I never blamed teammates, I openly admitted that we goof off in tpvp and almost never take it seriously. I’m not saying tpvp is hard, infact its probably really easy to learn for people that try to learn it. I’ve just never cared. There is more to this game than tpvp believe it or not, not quite sure how that’s so hard for people to understand. Give the thread back to caed before you embarass yourself more plz<3

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: docMed.7692


+1 to lux for the entertainment and dropping the hammer.

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Lux.7169


Are you kidding? Learn to read please. I never blamed teammates, I openly admitted that we goof off in tpvp and almost never take it seriously. I’m not saying tpvp is hard, infact its probably really easy to learn for people that try to learn it. I’ve just never cared. There is more to this game than tpvp believe it or not, not quite sure how that’s so hard for people to understand. Give the thread back to caed before you embarass yourself more plz<3

I goof off all the time, and I’d say 90% of my tQ’s are yolo Q’s… Why are you assuming I’m a try-hard? I just think it’s funny that your pvp record is so low. Can’t remember the last time I saw someone with more than 100 games lower than 48%.

I’m not sure what you mean by easy to learn? I mean after ~5 games you realize how capture points work and how the scoring works… so it’s just basic math… The skill differentials really make the difference though and it sounds like that’s where your team is lacking—losing fights to players in the percentiles. You’d have to be losing 1v1’s, 2v2’s etc, or even 4v3’s etc etc to be stuck at the percentiles like that regardless of goofing around or whatnot.

What makes you think I don’t know there’s more to the game than pvp? What makes you think I want to bother with it more than I have already?

Where did I say you blame your team-mates? I said do it if it makes you feel better, so please stop putting words in my mouth if you’re going to harass me due to your inability to correctly assume what I have literally said.


Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Lux.7169


+1 to lux for the entertainment and dropping the hammer.

This is where the real pvp happens man.


Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Zirith.6429


+1 to lux for the entertainment and dropping the hammer.

This is where the real pvp happens man.

It’s the best place to hone pregame trash talk. Added bonus, anet actually cares about their forums.

If caed actually makes a guide he can just add onto this list I made a while ago

I think the most helpful thing would be visual guides of all the teleport spots on the main maps, and some situational tips, and advice on when to use steal. Like vs a warrior wait for high might stacks or stab to steal and use p4 on combustive shot casts to keep poison up.

(edited by Zirith.6429)

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: panicbutton.1053


Even if you’re using SA and able to pull of a 1vX, that means your playing bads… plain and simple :/

Don’t you feel bad for murdering all the keyboard turners?

Hàrlèy Quínn – Power S/D / D/P – Northern Shiverpeaks

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: XPGAMER.7324


But sure, blame your team-mates and tell me how complicated tpvp rotations are if it makes you feel better.


And u don’t take it seriously but you used to be rated #7? Yeah ok, sounds legit.

I think that you don’t understand that their is more to this game than tpvp, because you’re judging me based on my tpvp record, which is fairly skewed considering I rarely tpvp, and when I do we don’t play to win. We play for fun, running random builds etc. Ive actually ran 0 0 0 0 0 before in pvp. I’ve ran naked before. I’ve done stuff like that before.

My point is, if I’m running builds like that, and playing like “yolo I don’t care if you kill me style” (which by the way is pretty fun) then of course I’m going to lose 1v1s, 2v2s, 3v3s, 4v3s, 5v3s, you name it. It’s like telling caed to play a match one-handed without traits while wearing an eyepatch and expecting him to win. I don’t know why this is so hard to understand.

pm me if you feel like continuing this, this thread’s about caed and his tutorial, not about whether I’m good or not. No need for pvp here, start a new thread if you feel the need. I feel pretty bad for doing this to caed’s poor thread, he’s not getting the feedback he wants, he’s getting the Q.Q that no one really cares about.

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: XPGAMER.7324


Even if you’re using SA and able to pull of a 1vX, that means your playing bads… plain and simple :/

Don’t you feel bad for murdering all the keyboard turners?

1vX in which the players aren’t necessarily bad, but have less skill than you is actually more fun to me than 1v1s with more skillful players, who also either run a build that you counter, or have less skill than you if your consistantly beating them. I still 1v1, but I primarily focus on 1vX because it’s the most fun. Q.Q away, wonder how many posts it’ll be before one actually relates to the topic.

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: panicbutton.1053


Don’t forget the tone of your first reply on this post…

Also you should re-watch the videos you posted. The players are well below you.

Hàrlèy Quínn – Power S/D / D/P – Northern Shiverpeaks

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: XPGAMER.7324


Don’t forget the tone of your first reply on this post…

You mean the one that related to the topic? xD sorry I threw some humor in there, it was targetted at mbelch and we’re friends so I don’t really see the big deal.

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: TheThiefMaster.3812


Win ratio is not the best way to judge someone’s skill lvl , I’ve solo team queued a lot and 60 – 70 % of that time i’ve been paired with either terrible players or gone up against teams that were not pugs and were actually in comms. Not everyone has a tpvp team or care to get one.

Another example is how my buddies and I were goofing around and decided to queue with a comp of 2 turret engis 1 condi warrior and 2 eles , we annihilated pretty much everything we’ve faced , if we played 20 games we’d win at least 19 of them , as a result of your ranking shoots up.

Say we do that for a couple of more weeks there is no doubt our ranking would keep shooting up, does that make us awesome players ? nope , we were getting carried by our cheese builds so again basing someone’s skill on his/her win ratio is pretty silly esp when you consider that Spvp isn’t the only game mode .

Guild – BLNT , NS , oPP
IGN – Kinsz / Server – Sea of Sorrows

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Lux.7169


Oh wow, I think I actually hurt some people’s feelings XD

I didn’t realize the pve community was so sensitive. Perhaps the guide should address this <3


Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: TheThiefMaster.3812


Oh wow, I think I actually hurt some people’s feelings XD

I didn’t realize the pve community was so sensitive. Perhaps the guide should address this <3

PVE community lol how about we set up some 1 v 1s to settle this :-).

Guild – BLNT , NS , oPP
IGN – Kinsz / Server – Sea of Sorrows

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


addressing the topic again

i would love to see also how to play a thief in pvp area even with pugs tpvp

i main problem is when i go far and i get 2v1 against meta build and its very hard to win and control the point as thief so what should i do etc…

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: XPGAMER.7324


addressing the topic again

i would love to see also how to play a thief in pvp area even with pugs tpvp

i main problem is when i go far and i get 2v1 against meta build and its very hard to win and control the point as thief so what should i do etc…

+1 for actually saying that xD

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Emi.4152


Oh wow, I think I actually hurt some people’s feelings XD

I didn’t realize the pve community was so sensitive. Perhaps the guide should address this <3

PVE community lol how about we set up some 1 v 1s to settle this :-).

I wanna join in on the 1 v 1s too! or do i have to start flaming to attend? :P

yes please caed! to the post someone made about showing the shadowstep spots in pvp!

Yak’s Bend – Hello Kitty and Friends (aFK)
Lv 80 Thief – Emi Smacks / Lv 80 Ele – Emi Casts / Lv 80 Necro – Emi Nox

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: TehHobNob.4687


in depth guide against other classes would be pretty awesome!


Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: XPGAMER.7324


Even if you’re using SA and able to pull of a 1vX, that means your playing bads… plain and simple :/

Don’t you feel bad for murdering all the keyboard turners?

Direct Q.Q here

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: panicbutton.1053


Even if you’re using SA and able to pull of a 1vX, that means your playing bads… plain and simple :/

Don’t you feel bad for murdering all the keyboard turners?

Direct Q.Q here

You’re being overly sensitive. You said earlier that you need SA to win fights. I’m implying that you can achieve what you’ve done with an SA-less build, because you fight bad players anyways.

Hàrlèy Quínn – Power S/D / D/P – Northern Shiverpeaks

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: TheThiefMaster.3812


Oh wow, I think I actually hurt some people’s feelings XD

I didn’t realize the pve community was so sensitive. Perhaps the guide should address this <3

PVE community lol how about we set up some 1 v 1s to settle this :-).

I wanna join in on the 1 v 1s too! or do i have to start flaming to attend? :P

yes please caed! to the post someone made about showing the shadowstep spots in pvp!

Yes no flaming = no 1 v 1 .

Guild – BLNT , NS , oPP
IGN – Kinsz / Server – Sea of Sorrows

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Reikou.7068


For my own last point in this chat, XPGAMER is anything but a troll. He’s one of the more skilled thieves who plays. Ask anybody who is in the dueling scene.

No… no he is not. Unless the “dueling scene” is just really bad, which it probably is.


(edited by Reikou.7068)

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Emi.4152


Oh wow, I think I actually hurt some people’s feelings XD

I didn’t realize the pve community was so sensitive. Perhaps the guide should address this <3

PVE community lol how about we set up some 1 v 1s to settle this :-).

I wanna join in on the 1 v 1s too! or do i have to start flaming to attend? :P

yes please caed! to the post someone made about showing the shadowstep spots in pvp!

Yes no flaming = no 1 v 1 .

mmm… you are a noob cake and/or muffin, s/d cheesy PVE spam stealth bads etc. !

Yak’s Bend – Hello Kitty and Friends (aFK)
Lv 80 Thief – Emi Smacks / Lv 80 Ele – Emi Casts / Lv 80 Necro – Emi Nox

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Shockwave.1230


Besides doing backstab techniques as a topic, I’d also be interested in your take on when the best time to use steal is. I find it differs depending on the matchup.

Sylvari Elementalist – Mystree Duskbloom (Lv 80)
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Narcarsis.5739


Don’t really care about kitten battles, trying to figure out if I should invest my time into something. Please answer my original question or create a different thread.

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: TheThiefMaster.3812


Oh wow, I think I actually hurt some people’s feelings XD

I didn’t realize the pve community was so sensitive. Perhaps the guide should address this <3

PVE community lol how about we set up some 1 v 1s to settle this :-).

I wanna join in on the 1 v 1s too! or do i have to start flaming to attend? :P

yes please caed! to the post someone made about showing the shadowstep spots in pvp!

Yes no flaming = no 1 v 1 .

mmm… you are a noob cake and/or muffin, s/d cheesy PVE spam stealth bads etc. !

OK you done done it now , fite me….irl .

Guild – BLNT , NS , oPP
IGN – Kinsz / Server – Sea of Sorrows

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Nimrud.5642


Several others have stated in this thread that they don’t want to see Caed make a video about “how to play DP” and were instantly labelled by his nearsighted followers as Haters/trolls which is quite sad.

Says the one who called me a troll right when he joined the conversation… Somehow it always turns out that those who are in top tier of gw2 pvp are no-lifers. Respect to the exceptions! But the hate that arose here clearly leads me to think that the motivation for being a good player at this game mostly comes from the frustration of being a sucker in real life. I dont want to be a kitten or anything but if any1 can come up with a better explanation, its welcome. Lets see how this conversation unfolded:

Caed offers the community that he’d write a guide for D/P.

3rd post Mindtrick starts the trolling/hating. —> ‘Hit 5 stand in field hit 2 repeat’

Mblech continues… —> ’ So… Make a guide for the simplest, and arguably, most hated build in the game?

Haha. Guide away. The game is already in the gutter.’

PhDusk —> ‘Teach me your ways Caed sempai sama kun.’

Then the conversation takes a civilized course and some discussion starts.

And after that, it really get hectic… Like ppl claiming D/D, D/P, S/D being a no-skill/ mindless-spam specs AT THE SAME TIME. Trying to put down Caed as there is no need to make a guide for a brainless class like thief. Cuz all thief specs are just too easy… I dont know if its possible to put more contradiction into a conversation than into this one. (MM necros, hambow, PU mesmer are far easier btw – thats common knowledge.)

1. Guides are for noobies or mediocre players. Just cuz you are a top dog, dont act like the king of the hill and hate on others because they plan to make a guide on a ‘simple’ class like thief.

2. When higher rated players expect respect for thier opinion, but at the same time are diametrically opposed to eachother’s approach to the game – what do you expect the community to think? According to your ranking you are all knowledgeable players, yet what you say is just a big contradiction (like all weapon sets are ‘the easiest’ to play… well maybe one, but not all, cuz then whats the point in comparison). What do you think it tells about your credibility and motives? Cuz if you all looked at reality and didnt want to turn this into a ‘whos kitten’s bigger’ issue, at least partially – your opinions would match. So all you claiming yourself to be a good player, yet not having a single common point in your arguement; seem kinda silly to me. You dont care about the truth, you just want to say something that no1 said before, hoping it makes you look smart.

So grow up pls, and let Caed make his guide for the noobies like myself. You can still be a kitten in mapchat. Or well… try that university application this year again, there’s no way you gonna fail 5 times in a row, trust me!

enthusiastic noob

(edited by Nimrud.5642)

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: OIIIIIO.7825


I would like you to make a guide Caed.

A victor gives no quarter when the victor shows no clemency or mercy
and refuses to spare the life in return for the surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender)
of a vanquished opponent.

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Stokely.2963


It would be pretty cool to see a guide from you. I’d like to see some in-depth and lesser known strategies you use as thief, like when you use certain skills, why you use certain skills, when you decide to use your utilities…Tips on using the terrain to your advantage, maybe even specific advice/tricks for maps/control points.

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Narcarsis.5739


Bump (please keep it topic related)

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Mahkno.7593


i’d definitely appreciate your guide.

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Mbelch.9028


So I never said he was a great thief… I said other people frequently say it. Look here, look in SPvP threads. I don’t think he is. I think he’s decent at PvP, nothing more.

Also, I think what XPGAMER is saying is why should a community need a guide to such an easy weapon set? That’s like giving a warrior a guide to greatsword.. And he wasn’t trolling you, he was poking fun at my numbering system. Look between the lines, bud.

If the thief community wanted guidance, it would ask. He has ample opportunity to provide it where someone asks for it in a thread. This is just a phishing attempt for attention.

D/P is fast to get decent at, sure, but there is more depth to it and Caed would be the person to be able to do that. XPGAMER was trolling me or else he wouldn’t have quoted me, he would’ve quoted you. So if Caed doesn’t want to answer forums posts but wants to create a guide for the community it’s a phishing attempt for attention? He can’t create a guide for the sole purpose of creating a guide?

In my opinion, yes it is. Feel free to disagree. If I were to make a guide about the finer things about ele play, I wouldn’t ask if people wanted it. I’d just do it.

-Nex, [FEAR] Elementalist

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: XPGAMER.7324


Don’t really care about kitten battles, trying to figure out if I should invest my time into something. Please answer my original question or create a different thread.

I did. I’m very sorry caed :/
Make a tpvp guide and I’d love to see it, make a d/p guide and I may watch just cuz I feel bad for this happening<3

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: TrinityHX.6183


Yes please! I haven’t really watched you stream yet but I’ve strolled the forums and read you’re one of the best D/P thieves out there and as a starting thief I’d love to get some good knowledge about how to play them because I’m still god awful at it.

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: coverdale.8903


Although this may seem stupeed pweeze teach shortbow to

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: apocom.3172


Although this may seem stupeed pweeze teach shortbow to

just logged in to ask for the same

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: ConRae.3526


So I never said he was a great thief… I said other people frequently say it. Look here, look in SPvP threads. I don’t think he is. I think he’s decent at PvP, nothing more.

Also, I think what XPGAMER is saying is why should a community need a guide to such an easy weapon set? That’s like giving a warrior a guide to greatsword.. And he wasn’t trolling you, he was poking fun at my numbering system. Look between the lines, bud.

If the thief community wanted guidance, it would ask. He has ample opportunity to provide it where someone asks for it in a thread. This is just a phishing attempt for attention.

D/P is fast to get decent at, sure, but there is more depth to it and Caed would be the person to be able to do that. XPGAMER was trolling me or else he wouldn’t have quoted me, he would’ve quoted you. So if Caed doesn’t want to answer forums posts but wants to create a guide for the community it’s a phishing attempt for attention? He can’t create a guide for the sole purpose of creating a guide?

In my opinion, yes it is. Feel free to disagree. If I were to make a guide about the finer things about ele play, I wouldn’t ask if people wanted it. I’d just do it.

Okay, I disagree. Why make a guide if no one is going to read it? Why waste your time? He’s simply asking for opinions on whether or not people have interest in a D/P guide that he is willing to do.

Fínite – Thief
Integers – Mesmer
Nigyro – Engineer

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: docMed.7692


+1 to lux for the entertainment and dropping the hammer.

This is where the real pvp happens man.


Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: JohnnyZero.5619


I would like to see a trickery D/P guide for sPvP made by Caed. Question, will it be a video or written guide? Or both?

I Lynna I – Thief / Clownshooz – Engineer
Turbo Seksophonic – Ele / Guitar Wolfe – Mesmer
Isle of Janthir

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: panicbutton.1053


I prefer it to be telegraphed over in morse xD

Hàrlèy Quínn – Power S/D / D/P – Northern Shiverpeaks

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Pixels.6532


This would be great. Not sure how much time you are looking to put into this, but I would be interested in seeing some match up scenarios in addition to the basics…

For me, selfishly, I’d like to know:

1. Pretty much every where steal and shadow steps work w/in each map
2. Best places to kite in each map
3. And finally, match ups against other classes:
-Enemy skills to avoid and how to avoid them (what animations to look for, etc.)
-If you can only focus on one class, I’d be interested in your approach to fighting other thieves

Even if you don’t put the guide together, your stream is a great reference for people wanting to learn d/p and thief in general.

Sanctum of Rall

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: NaturalBorn.7184


i dont get why people get so srs over theses priceless comments.
cmon guise go confess yo sins rite now.

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Neko.9021


Please make your guide, Caed. I watch your stream and I think the community would greatly benefit from your knowledge.

Curious Caed

in Thief

Posted by: Reesha.7901


Please make your guide, Caed. I watch your stream and I think the community would greatly benefit from your knowledge.

^ Yes, please make your guide!

As others have mentioned, I too would find a guide on how to deal with the meta builds absolutely amazing.

(edited by Reesha.7901)