D/D Condi PvP with Video

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Double Trouble.3162

Double Trouble.3162

I saw deardevil dodge change traits and immediately though about this build. Worked out quite well. Only real problem r good dragonhunters, mediocre r np. Can 1v1 almost anything. 1v2 is also doable. Can survive many 1v3 fight for long time for back up to arrive.

I now switched SB for another pair of D/D and using agony and geomancy sigils on both swaps for more dps. Experimenting with basilisk venom and impact strike, not so found of dagger storm.

As u can see, i’m not as good of a player and this build still does it’s job great.

Open for suggestions hot to further improve this build.

*EDIT link to a build http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAoY4Yn8MBNPhdPBemC8PhFqiy7C+gSornCgGYu67+wH-TJhHwAPLDA4kAE4JAAa/BA

*EDIT2 new build adjustments http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAoY4Yn8MBNPhVOBemCkmiFqiy7C+gSornCgDYu67+wH-TJhHwAPLDA4kAE4JAAa/BA

*EDIT 3 changed the build a little bit. It feels, that i have greater success with it now. Bandtit’s defense seams pretty good, 12 sec stun break and a knockdown, which saved me already many times.

(edited by Double Trouble.3162)

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: bbp.5762


interesting build

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: reinforever.8902


kitten you beat me to it. I’ve been putting together 1v2 clips for the last few days.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


I tested such a build in beta both going trickery with acro/dd and DA with acro/dd and variations of the same.

With the boosts to potent poison I find I get more damage from a DA/Acro/DD build and dropped trickery . While I play wvW in my current build I went for Shamans moreso then settlers with a little apothecary mixed in. This gives 2800+ armor along with 17k in life.

I too use d/d both sets having switched off from SB as you did putting energy on each. This gives me another impaling lotus thus dodge every 10 seconds on weapon swap making him very hard to hit with the evades from DB tacked on.

I have used this build in WvW to great effect and in the Pve have soloed 2 champions plus minions at a time .

Daggerstrom is great in Pve or WvW zerg fights but not so good in smaller scale battles so I will switch that out when it gets to that scale. I went with the Surperior Rune of thorns to increase poison stacks as base bleeds are already very decent in the build and they tend to get cleansed before they hit their full potential but I can see Krait working well here.

I am not sure how much more you get out of the agony sigil. What you might want to do is make this energy instead as energy will give you another dodge with impaling meaning better defensively AND will kick in even more heals from the SOM something agony does not do.

I am not sure which of these available in PvP.

(edited by babazhook.6805)

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Double Trouble.3162

Double Trouble.3162

With the boosts to potent poison I find I get more damage from a DA/Acro/DD build and dropped trickery . While I play wvW in my current build I went for Shamans moreso then settlers with a little apothecary mixed in. This gives 2800+ armor along with 17k in life.

I dont play WvW much, cant say there. So my only options were settlers or carrion. With carrion i felt so squishy, couldnt do 1v2s at all and in 1v1s were loosing way more. While dmg was definitely better.

I too use d/d both sets having switched off from SB as you did putting energy on each. This gives me another impaling lotus thus dodge every 10 seconds on weapon swap making him very hard to hit with the evades from DB tacked on.

I tested energy and it felt not that good. But i think it was cuz of acro. I will definitely try DA instead of acro now and there i probably will need energy. Wonder myself, why i didnt tested DA, DD and trickery, cuz i also tested with trickery, acro and DA.

Daggerstrom is great in Pve or WvW zerg fights but not so good in smaller scale battles so I will switch that out when it gets to that scale. I went with the Surperior Rune of thorns to increase poison stacks as base bleeds are already very decent in the build and they tend to get cleansed before they hit their full potential but I can see Krait working well here.

Same argument works for removing poisons as well. I decided to go with krait, cuz bleed is main dmg and i’d like to push that more.

With the boosts to potent poison I find I get more damage from a DA/Acro/DD build and dropped trickery . While I play wvW in my current build I went for Shamans
I have used this build in WvW to great effect and in the Pve have soloed 2 champions
I am not sure how much more you get out of the agony sigil. What you might want to do is make this energy instead as energy will give you another dodge with impaling meaning better defensively AND will kick in even more heals from the SOM something agony does not do.

If using rune of krait, sigil of agony gives u almost 15% more dmg on bleeds. Dunno if 1 impaling lotus every 10 sec will be better.

P.S. ty for nice feedback.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


>>If using rune of krait, sigil of agony gives u almost 15% more dmg on bleeds. Dunno if 1 impaling lotus every 10 sec will be better.

I find this not the case. This only is true if the enemy never cleanses. I really do not think an enemy will allow bleed stacks to go the full duration. The way I look at it is base duration from the DB are already high but all poison durations low. I found that focusing on poison so those durations longer I can double up on how hard each tick damages an enemy. They will not be able to prevent those ticks altogther but for the times they do tick you in esssence double up.

In my testing I found with a combo of impaling lotus, Spider venom applied when possible, and imparing daggers I can get 2+ k tick bleeds along with 2k+ posions. (On lucky streaks even without venomshare I have had posion ticks of over 4k. One second tick of 4 k damage per tick ios much better then one or two extra ticks of 2k damage simply because the extra time needed to get those ticks off gets the enemy closer to his next cleanse or heal and gives him more time to perform his own attacks.

More types also means harder to cleanse with something like fast hands or smite.

(that all said I still think dagger mastery undertuned and can use a slight boost to bring poison more inline with bleed)

(edited by babazhook.6805)

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: alemfi.5107


Shhhhh… trying to keep this type of build as a sleeper build!

Regardless, welcome to the Condi-Daredevil club! This is a club for those thieves who have discovered the beauty of the Condi-Evade daredevils, as opposed holding on to their sinking power-based spike builds of old.


The strength of this build is its ridiculous Defense/Offense up time. You are able to attack while evading.

You were able to appreciate that Lotus Training is Superior to Bounding Dodger, because of its ease of use. Lotus training allows you to dodge into the opponent to inflict damage, while Bounding Dodger requires to land on your target.

Deadly Blossom is also a better evade-attack as opposed to its power based builds for similar reasons. Vault doesn’t provide enough evade coverage and costs too much. Pistol Whip roots you. Flanking/Larcenous Strike is clunky because of its 2-chain nature. Shadow Shot is fine, but is not for daredevil since it is a blind and not evades, and thus loses synergy.


As with other clubs, the first rule of Condi-Daredevil Club is… Don’t talk about Condi-Daredevil Club!

Have fun build Testing!

When ground-targetted bone minion explosions become a thing, I will change this signature.- 2013

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Shhhhh… trying to keep this type of build as a sleeper build!

Regardless, welcome to the Condi-Daredevil club! This is a club for those thieves who have discovered the beauty of the Condi-Evade daredevils, as opposed holding on to their sinking power-based spike builds of old.


The strength of this build is its ridiculous Defense/Offense up time. You are able to attack while evading.

You were able to appreciate that Lotus Training is Superior to Bounding Dodger, because of its ease of use. Lotus training allows you to dodge into the opponent to inflict damage, while Bounding Dodger requires to land on your target.

Deadly Blossom is also a better evade-attack as opposed to its power based builds for similar reasons. Vault doesn’t provide enough evade coverage and costs too much. Pistol Whip roots you. Flanking/Larcenous Strike is clunky because of its 2-chain nature. Shadow Shot is fine, but is not for daredevil since it is a blind and not evades, and thus loses synergy.


As with other clubs, the first rule of Condi-Daredevil Club is… Don’t talk about Condi-Daredevil Club!

Have fun build Testing!

yeah I got qq’ed for “spamming 3”. Those that die to it do not seem to understand in a d/d build thats how you get your bleeds on. Added to the that this notion that hitting 2 different buttons is somehow more skilful then hitting one is rather asinine. It takes no more skill to hit a 1 five times on my keyboard or a 1 2 and 3 in sequence.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: alemfi.5107


Shhhhh… trying to keep this type of build as a sleeper build!

Regardless, welcome to the Condi-Daredevil club! This is a club for those thieves who have discovered the beauty of the Condi-Evade daredevils, as opposed holding on to their sinking power-based spike builds of old.


The strength of this build is its ridiculous Defense/Offense up time. You are able to attack while evading.

You were able to appreciate that Lotus Training is Superior to Bounding Dodger, because of its ease of use. Lotus training allows you to dodge into the opponent to inflict damage, while Bounding Dodger requires to land on your target.

Deadly Blossom is also a better evade-attack as opposed to its power based builds for similar reasons. Vault doesn’t provide enough evade coverage and costs too much. Pistol Whip roots you. Flanking/Larcenous Strike is clunky because of its 2-chain nature. Shadow Shot is fine, but is not for daredevil since it is a blind and not evades, and thus loses synergy.


As with other clubs, the first rule of Condi-Daredevil Club is… Don’t talk about Condi-Daredevil Club!

Have fun build Testing!

yeah I got qq’ed for “spamming 3”. Those that die to it do not seem to understand in a d/d build thats how you get your bleeds on. Added to the that this notion that hitting 2 different buttons is somehow more skilful then hitting one is rather asinine. It takes no more skill to hit a 1 five times on my keyboard or a 1 2 and 3 in sequence.

Haha, the verbal qq while playing this type of build… since California is going through a drought so I find it really helpful; I make sure to separate the salt from the tears into neat little mailable packets.

This build takes a different type of skill set than what other people may be used to. It’s more about resource management (endurance and initiative), rather than “timing” abilities for use at the right time. It will definitely appear to be super cheesy though… because it is. And it’s delicious.

When ground-targetted bone minion explosions become a thing, I will change this signature.- 2013

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Double Trouble.3162

Double Trouble.3162

I now tested different setups. I keep acro instead of DA, while DA is superior for 1v1(enemies die a faster), it sucks a lot 1v2. I just cant survive long enough for my team mates to backup.

For sigils i swap agony for energy. It is at least, as good(from my feeling), as bleed duration and gives 1 extra dodge.

I also tried other on swap sigils, but they dont feel as good.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

I’m currently playing around with DD/DA/TR using D/D+P/P on my alt.

The idea is to CC your target inside the Caltrops for massive 12+ stacks of bleeds followed by bleed stacks from DB.

I use Rune of Kraits only because it synergizes with Impact Strike really well.

When I drop Caltrops, I followed with Impact Strike→Uppercut (not using the last skill finisher) just to drop them on top of the Caltrops, then just Headshots after that and if I get to interrupt a skill, they suffer from Pulmonary.

I try to conserve my endurance so I wouldn’t need Acro. It’s hard to replace TR due to CDR on Caltrops also DA for Improv which synergizes well with Trickery’s Steal CDR. The extra initiatives from Preparedness allows for an extra DB.

http://sirvincentiii.com ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


I’m currently playing around with DD/DA/TR using D/D+P/P on my alt.

The idea is to CC your target inside the Caltrops for massive 12+ stacks of bleeds followed by bleed stacks from DB.

I use Rune of Kraits only because it synergizes with Impact Strike really well.

When I drop Caltrops, I followed with Impact Strike->Uppercut (not using the last skill finisher) just to drop them on top of the Caltrops, then just Headshots after that and if I get to interrupt a skill, they suffer from Pulmonary.

I try to conserve my endurance so I wouldn’t need Acro. It’s hard to replace TR due to CDR on Caltrops also DA for Improv which synergizes well with Trickery’s Steal CDR. The extra initiatives from Preparedness allows for an extra DB.

I went back and forth between trickery and acro in my own build . there no doubt in my mind you get more endurance overall from the acro line as well as more sustain so while you do get an extra death blossom from the trickery acro gets that extra impaling with evade

Caltrops works great against mobs but is not so useful against those with the wherithal to get out of the field.

Assassins reward while a relatively poor heal for a gm generates more healing than the caltrops and uncatchable

Now in pve HoT side I have tried soloing two champions with both the trickery build as you use and the acro being used instead of trickery and have better sustain with the acro. I can quie easily solo cleanse rally point of enemy without ever having to stealth.

With shamans\apithecary in the build and rune of thorns I can have 1k healing along with 1600 + condi before that 300 from thorns kicks in.

Given poison ticks are 43 percent higher after a dodge this will tend to have poison ticking harder than bleed meaning I will usually get more damage off spider venom than caltrops.

Really it 6 of this and half dozen of the other . both da\dd\acro and da\dd\trickery work very well.

That all said dropping da for dd\trickery\ acro also works but I find overall damage does not quite cut it. It has great sustain

In Wvw I can do quite well against most builds. DH setup at range with traps are the biggest problem.

(edited by babazhook.6805)

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

I’m currently playing around with DD/DA/TR using D/D+P/P on my alt.

The idea is to CC your target inside the Caltrops for massive 12+ stacks of bleeds followed by bleed stacks from DB.

I use Rune of Kraits only because it synergizes with Impact Strike really well.

When I drop Caltrops, I followed with Impact Strike->Uppercut (not using the last skill finisher) just to drop them on top of the Caltrops, then just Headshots after that and if I get to interrupt a skill, they suffer from Pulmonary.

I try to conserve my endurance so I wouldn’t need Acro. It’s hard to replace TR due to CDR on Caltrops also DA for Improv which synergizes well with Trickery’s Steal CDR. The extra initiatives from Preparedness allows for an extra DB.

I went back and forth between trickery and acro in my own build . there no doubt in my mind you get more endurance overall from the acro line as well as more sustain so while you do get an extra death blossom from the trickery acro gets that extra impaling with evade

I was weighing between the extra impaling or extra DB. Since DB adds more stack of bleeds, I went with Trick. A little risky yes, for more damage.

Caltrops works great against mobs but is not so useful against those with the wherithal to get out of the field.

I always have Scorp Wire and it works well to drag them back in. Also I CC them in Caltrops using Headshots.

Assassins reward while a relatively poor heal for a gm generates more healing than the caltrops and uncatchable

Yeah, it’s a tough choice. Survivability is my current issue.

Now in pve HoT side I have tried soloing two champions with both the trickery build as you use and the acro being used instead of trickery and have better sustain with the acro. I can quie easily solo cleanse rally point of enemy without ever having to stealth.

Definitely Acro > Trickery in PvE. Mobility is the key between life and death.

With shamans\apithecary in the build and rune of thorns I can have 1k healing along with 1600 + condi before that 300 from thorns kicks in.

Rune of Thorns is interesting, I’ll give that a shot. Shaman/Apo seems nice too. I’m currently using all carrion.

Given poison ticks are 43 percent higher after a dodge this will tend to have poison ticking harder than bleed meaning I will usually get more damage off spider venom than caltrops.

Ah, I see what you mean. Now I get why you pick Acro over Trick.

Really it 6 of this and half dozen of the other . both da\dd\acro and da\dd\trickery work very well.

I’ll definitely give your build a shot. I’ve been beating myself up trying to figure out a nice condition damage build.

That all said dropping da for dd\trickery\ acro also works but I find overall damage does not quite cut it. It has great sustain

Yeah, I like to prioritize on damage output.

In Wvw I can do quite well against most builds. DH setup at range with traps are the biggest problem.

Yeah DH is a real problem.

http://sirvincentiii.com ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: reinforever.8902


Hey guys, just came back from my gw2 hiatus for the xpac. I got pretty frustrated at the game and decided to “quit” and that didn’t last long. But i’m back and I have a new build with daredevil. I’ve never really delved much into the condi builds for thief, but I figured why not give it a shot. Like a few others, as soon as I laid eyes upon the new condition dodger trait, I fell in love. Here’s what came as a result of that love: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aGMYxDwnF0&feature=youtu.be

Build link is in the description.

here’s my other post. Similar to your build, but a wvw variant. super fun to play.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


The 3spam is so real it almost hurts :s

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


The 3spam is so real it almost hurts :s

Actually you will get more dodges with impaling then DBS IF you mix in some AA for more poison and endurance gain. hey and no stealth .

(edited by babazhook.6805)

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Spleen.7836


I’ve played that kind of build too. Fear the QQ and the nerfs ! Even if it is shut down easily. And if you try to spam, you will not last much. Like someone said it’s more like a bunker build, you have to manage your ressources to stay alive. I’ve been called cheap by bad DH trapper when I killed them. Good ones are a nightmare.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: reinforever.8902


I’ve played that kind of build too. Fear the QQ and the nerfs ! Even if it is shut down easily. And if you try to spam, you will not last much. Like someone said it’s more like a bunker build, you have to manage your ressources to stay alive. I’ve been called cheap by bad DH trapper when I killed them. Good ones are a nightmare.

All of the qq in wvw. So much hate “wow spam 3 more”. Even good DH’s don’t stand much a chance as long as you dodge the sword ring. I also spam 3 and v so much, I don’t really ever run out unless ALL of my utilities are on cooldown. But that said the condis are actually pretty bursty (with my wvw build) but you’re right, it is almost like a bunker build

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Sperrber.1643


Playing AOC 5 years and go to Gw2 WvW and PvP, and first thought are: “wtf only need 5 buttons to kill most of the pleayers in PvP.” Not only Thiefs are easy to play, most of the classes in gw2 are easy to handle. Yesterday i test DH and i only need Longbow 2 and traps to kill people…

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: bbp.5762


Yes the balance in this game is crazy

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Best time to spam DB is when you have a field up be it one you generated via a steal (the much maligned gunk as example) or that another has set up. The thought process that suggests “better not spam it for noobs” is ill advised here as those can lay down a whole lot more hurt and significantly increase dps. I have seen poison ticks jump from 2k plus to 4k after just a few whirls.

(edited by babazhook.6805)

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: SlayerSixx.5763


Yea, condi DD isn’t exactly my cup of tea, but I always smile when a properly timed reflect goes off (during that 1vX in SH).

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: macfatman.4378


Well, now that the “secret” is out, no harm in me having a say too haha. Been using this build for almost 3 years, played 1800+ games with it and yet I still love it. Been through the ups and mostly downs with all them nerfs, and this build still entertains me. Been able to 1v1, 1v2, 1v3 with it. Seriously, these builds will surprise you alot ; You can’t kill what you cant hit Enjoy and have fun.


D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Fistandanthilus.6824


Let me share my knowledge with you guys.

These are sPvP builds, that’s why all contain a Shortbow (thief is nothing without mobility) and the Shadow Step utility (a stunbreaker is always needed in PvP and this one clears also conditions).

All the builds contain Signet of Agility (because we are making builds around d/d and lots of evades and an extra condition clear why not)

All the builds contain Runes of the Krait with Basilisk Venom elite skill (shortest elite to be able to proc the #6 rune effect more often)

All the builds contain Sigil of Frailty on daggers (50% chance on normal hit to inflict vulnerability for 10 secs in a 2 sec cooldown). Vulnerability increases now also condition damage made and is a good cover condition to cover our poison and bleeds.

The gameplay is not only about spam dodges and #3 spam, it is very recommended to mix some #1 auto-attacks chain in between to stack poison and recover some endurance.

That’s why I choose Deadly Arts trait line over Acrobatics. DA gives a great immobilization at 50% enemy health, gives more poison damage, more poison stacks and each time poison is applied enemy gets also weakness which is also a very good cover condition and we will receive less damage thanks to daredevil trait Weakening Strikes.

On Trickery I prefer to choose Sleight of Hand over Bewildering Ambush because I consider more important the cooldown reduction on Steal to be able to steal more often which allows me to apply Poison more often and recover 50 endurance more often (Endurance Thief daredevil trait).

I prefer to choose Withdraw heal, because with Trickster the cooldown is very reduced (14 secs only) and it clears a condition before the heal activates (maybe poison!)

The last utility skill is Caltrops because it is also a trick, and has its cooldown reduced and removes also a condition, and it is as big as a capture point which is perfect to fight on point. Sometimes I change this utility for Impairing Daggers which I also find very useful, but has not condi clear.

You can choose one of the followings builds:

Overall, all builds have very good condition clear (Trickster, condi clear on successful dodge…) and damage mitigation (Enemy Weakness with daredevil traits)

These are builds made to fight on capture point and not to chase around targets where enemies can avoid your caltrops.

I personally like the first build more than the other two, although 11,6k Health is sometimes too few.

And I think that an amulet offering Precision, Vitality and Condition Damage (primary stat) would be OP for these builds.

On the other side an amulet offering Toughness, Vitality and Condition Damage (primary) would also be very good.

And an amulet giving Toughness, Vitality (primary), Healing Power would make us thieves completely TANKS

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


I leveled a thief as soon as HOT was released and went immediately Condi Dire DD with perma dodge/evade. I love it and can solo pretty much anything there is out there.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: yolo swaggins.2570

yolo swaggins.2570

I was waiting for this to happen.

Liaison for [Teef]
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Double Trouble.3162

Double Trouble.3162

Ty for all the feedback. I used it, coupled with more testings and i think, i came up with a build, i’m most satisfied with. However there is still one thing, i cant decide. Quick pockets or sleight of hand?

Updated tree http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAoY4Yn8MBNPhVOBemCkmiFqiy7C+gSornCgDYu67+wH-TJhHwAPLDA4kAE4JAAa/BA

Impact strike is so awesome.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


I would go QP over SOH in your build. It structured around plenty of weapon swaps so you will generate a lot more INI in the build thus more ability to use DB.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: aswedishtiger.7320


I like this build have you considered the D/D venom share w/ thieves guild an daredevil evade abuse build yet? similar concept only you delete people a LOT faster.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Double Trouble.3162

Double Trouble.3162

I like this build have you considered the D/D venom share w/ thieves guild an daredevil evade abuse build yet? similar concept only you delete people a LOT faster.

I did not. It is a build with different game play, not the one i want. Also i hate to be dependent on and 2.5/3 min cd. I want to be able to fight anyone anytime and hold my position 1v2 long enough.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: larocca.8391


I can see this being a very slippery build to catch, also Opuio ftw.

Mostly commented for the Opuio love.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Fistandanthilus.6824


Ty for all the feedback. I used it, coupled with more testings and i think, i came up with a build, i’m most satisfied with. However there is still one thing, i cant decide. Quick pockets or sleight of hand?

Updated tree http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQRAoY4Yn8MBNPhVOBemCkmiFqiy7C+gSornCgDYu67+wH-TJhHwAPLDA4kAE4JAAa/BA

Impact strike is so awesome.

I like Impact Strike as elite, I agree. Same cooldown as Basilisk Venom and very useful in this build.

I don’t like not to have a shortbow.

In sPvP, it is what defines a thief = fast mobility.

No shortbow = no mobility

And I don’t understand why choose Havoc Mastery. It increases 7% damage, but only direct damage right? no condition damage.

Impairing Daggers fails a lot, I’d choose Shadow Step or Signet of Agility for extra dodges.


D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Double Trouble.3162

Double Trouble.3162

Yes, it was very hard to give up SB. But very worth it for this build, imo. There r so many benefits on weapon swap and u can do this so often. Today i fought a build like mine(finally 1st time) and he/she was using SB. I won 3 times easy and 2 of them were 1v2, cuz i can keep dodging and blossoming so much more.

Today i started using bandit’s defense and it is so nice. 12 sec cd stun break and a knock down, which works pretty well, if u do it right. So with 3 phys skills i took brawlers tenacity. I also dont find impairing daggers to fail a lot, u just need to time it.

Weakening strikes r pretty much useless for me. I tried it on golem and i proc it very rarely. I have no idea about havoc mastery working for codi dmg or not. I just assumed, it does. But i think, u r right, no condi dmg increase.

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Jephery.8915


I feel like you don’t really need the Shortbow since this is a bunker build if you go with Settlers or other defensive condition amulet. Don’t need mobility while bunkering a point.

If you switch the amulet to something offensive then yeah, take the Shortbow for roaming.

(edited by Jephery.8915)

D/D Condi PvP with Video

in Thief

Posted by: Zodryn.4216


What is the point of havoc master? It only boosts your pathetic direct damage. Take brawlers tenacity for more impairing daggers and endurance. Even weakening strikes would be better. Interesting otherwise.