D/D gear setup

D/D gear setup

in Thief

Posted by: Quakeman.9378


I’ve seen many different statements on what the optimal gear for a D/D thief is, so I’m asking you guys what you believe is the best setup. Some say to use valk, others a mix of zerker and soliders, so I have no idea what to actually work towards.

Yoloswaginz- D/D thief SBI
Tyronee Biggums- Warrior SBI
“If fifty people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing”-Bertrand Russell

D/D gear setup

in Thief

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

D/D gear setup

in Thief

Posted by: Cyricus.2981


I’m not sure why D/D would use soldiers, to be honest. You want a decent health pool to take a hit or two while out of stealth, but you shouldn’t be in the open for prolonged periods.

D/D gear setup

in Thief

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


I’m not sure why D/D would use soldiers, to be honest. You want a decent health pool to take a hit or two while out of stealth, but you shouldn’t be in the open for prolonged periods.

Toughness reduces the direct dmg you take. You’re gonna take a hit occasionally, no matter how pro you are. Read the link

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

D/D gear setup

in Thief

Posted by: Cyricus.2981


I’m not sure why D/D would use soldiers, to be honest. You want a decent health pool to take a hit or two while out of stealth, but you shouldn’t be in the open for prolonged periods.

Toughness reduces the direct dmg you take. You’re gonna take a hit occasionally, no matter how pro you are. Read the link

Outside of one or two pieces I should have said, for certain slots. I’m still waking up, heh.

D/D gear setup

in Thief

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


I like D/D as a primary set despite the nerfing… I’ve run it with all kinds of combos of runes, sigils and amulets. It’s going to be personal taste so play around with stuff at length in the mists. For me thugh… I like the ultimate risk because I like that if I attack someone they die and if I miss a key I die… so I play a silly 3 signet burn build when going D/D.


Does not work against good players, so feel free to use it all the time in hotjoin It’s just pure stress relief for me. The pistols are really only there for 10 stacks of bloodlust each powder stomp but also do nuts damage when you’re on cooldown. I just want to be clear, this is a bad build in there… but you harvest a lot of glory very quickly and any other spec will feel like someone ha sthe brakes on.


D/D gear setup

in Thief

Posted by: Quakeman.9378


Yoloswaginz- D/D thief SBI
Tyronee Biggums- Warrior SBI
“If fifty people say a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing”-Bertrand Russell

D/D gear setup

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Can’t tell if serious or trolling, or intention.

D/D gear setup

in Thief

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Well it depends on a number of factors.

1. What type of content are you doing and how familiar are you with it?
2. What weapon-set and build are you using?
3. Is there anything else that might be relevant?
4. Are you considering the incoming Ferocity changes?

Personally I like to have about 15.000 HP in PvE content. That avoids most one-shots while still leaving room for DPS. Weapon set is Sword/Pistol most of the time as Black Powder is great for mitigation and Sword great for cleave.

I’m still a little undecided on what the best way forward is although I agree that mixing Zerkers and Soldier’s gear is idea. I’d probably stack 2-3 Soldier items into my Berserker set and see how that feels.

D/D gear setup

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Agreed Dee. From a stab thief perspective, it makes more sense to run valk/zerk in PvP/WvW environments than it does soldier, especially because most pvp-baed damage is condi-based which ignores toughness. The valk offsets condis while similarly reduces the chances of death on taking burst impact, all while further increasing DPS values across the board.

Ultimately you shouldn’t be running a D/D stab thief in zergs, so EHP is kind of useless. Be a good roamer or simply get good at damage avoidance and all should be fine. I don’t even run a stealth thief and have few problems with the build I use when it comes down to survivability. Know when to pop signets, when to engage, and most importantly, know when to reset fights and run away.

For example, my personal burst build runs an effective power of 8094.11 before adding in the 15% damage modifier with an EHP of 15708. Frankly, I believe my build strictly works better than ones running solider gear with only ~6k effective power.

(edited by DeceiverX.8361)

D/D gear setup

in Thief

Posted by: Corpse Flakes.5369

Corpse Flakes.5369

My thief is Valkyrie coat with berserk everything else. Every trinket is ascended: Infused berserker rings, soldiers amulet, soldier earrings, and a Valkyrie ascended back piece. I don’t really lose 1 v 1 or 1 v 2 and I’m about 50/50 on 1 v 3’s. Honestly I only have one stealth ability on my bar and it’s blinding powder. Dagger 5, 1, and 2 are pretty much all I use. 4 for 2+ enemies to maintain damage occasionally. Withdrawal is my favorite heal and I like the signet that restores dodges, as well as “haste” on my bar. It’s only negus I have trouble with to be honest. Condis are a kitten. 20 30 0 20 0 is what I run.


Anet please nerf Paper, Scissors is fine -Rock.

D/D gear setup

in Thief

Posted by: chrisblz.5249


My thief is Valkyrie coat with berserk everything else. Every trinket is ascended: Infused berserker rings, soldiers amulet, soldier earrings, and a Valkyrie ascended back piece. I don’t really lose 1 v 1 or 1 v 2 and I’m about 50/50 on 1 v 3’s. Honestly I only have one stealth ability on my bar and it’s blinding powder. Dagger 5, 1, and 2 are pretty much all I use. 4 for 2+ enemies to maintain damage occasionally. Withdrawal is my favorite heal and I like the signet that restores dodges, as well as “haste” on my bar. It’s only negus I have trouble with to be honest. Condis are a kitten. 20 30 0 20 0 is what I run.

IMO, going D/D 0/30/10/30/0 with full zerk and ascended is also viable for PvE. For WvW, I guess S/P is the way to go.

Tassar D/D – SB Thief, Level 80
Valorahn GS – Sf Guardian