D/D signet thief burst still stronk :3
Where are the days of 8k steal crits, 14 ~ 18k backstabs and 7k cloak and daggers? screw you balancing!
heh heh i miss dem old days too ^^ that’s why i made this build :P can’t get to the old numbers but 13.3kbs + air and fire sigil proc is pretty nice ^^
Where are the days of 8k steal crits, 14 ~ 18k backstabs and 7k cloak and daggers? screw you balancing!
They’re still here (aside from mug crits). Note that CnD didn’t crit on the second one as the mug dealt basically the same damage.
OP’s build just isn’t built for fully optimizing stabs. An extremely disproportionate amount of the damage is coming from fire/air procs, which I refuse to use.
I’ve gone higher but just have not been able to screenshot them .
Where are the days of 8k steal crits, 14 ~ 18k backstabs and 7k cloak and daggers? screw you balancing!
They’re still here (aside from mug crits). Note that CnD didn’t crit on the second one as the mug dealt basically the same damage.
OP’s build just isn’t built for fully optimizing stabs. An extremely disproportionate amount of the damage is coming from fire/air procs, which I refuse to use.
I’ve gone higher but just have not been able to screenshot them .
are u using night and impact sigils for ur big numbers? ^^
Force/Impact, Force/Accuracy, Force/Impact, and Impact/Intelligence. It varies depending on my mood for traits. The screenshot there was Force/Accuracy. You can check a brief description of my intelligence sigil build in the “post your thief build” thread near the most recent page.
56003 with air+night sigil – (you can add force) and might on signet use with seaweed salad – still able to hit those big numbers – cannot provide any screenshot as i just dont do them but from recent numbers was 22,2k bs on light armour
(edited by VladR.9827)