D/D vs. D/P vs. P/D
Easy to learn and play
Very forgiving
Can easily take on more than 1 enemy
Considered “Cheese”
Imo boring to play
No gap closers
Easier backstab set than D/D
Stealth not reliant on combat
Strong against melee builds ( I think this still hold true after nerf)
Easier access to stealth than offhand dagger
High utility
High initiative cost
Considered “cheese”
Lower burst than D/D
Stealth combo can be overridden by other fields
High burst
Low cost for stealth
Isn’t considered cheese
Countered by blinds and dodges
#3 dodge is hard to use
Stealth reliant on combat
Up in their face build.
Some of these pros and cons are opinion based so people may not agree with some of them. I have only played D/D for the last year so if someone who mains P/D or D/P could give input it would be appreciated.
Primi Agminis Legio [PAL]
Yaks Bend
Easy to learn and play
Very forgiving
Can easily take on more than 1 enemy
Considered “Cheese”
Imo boring to play
No gap closersD/P
Easier backstab set than D/D
Stealth not reliant on combat
Strong against melee builds ( I think this still hold true after nerf)
Easier access to stealth than offhand dagger
High utility
High initiative cost
Considered “cheese”
Lower burst than D/D
Stealth combo can be overridden by other fieldsD/D
High burst
Low cost for stealth
Isn’t considered cheese
Countered by blinds and dodges
#3 dodge is hard to use
Stealth reliant on combat
Up in their face build.Some of these pros and cons are opinion based so people may not agree with some of them. I have only played D/D for the last year so if someone who mains P/D or D/P could give input it would be appreciated.
Thank you. I think I will go with the p/d build. Idk if I rly know how to use it, I kinda just use BP to get my rapid bleeds off when from afar and c+d when close up. I also use 3 to put on torment and make a gap. Is this it? I can take out warriors w/ melee easily, Rangers r a pain obviously, and 2v1’s ain’t happening. How can I get better?
Like I said before, I haven’t played P/D in a while. But the build that I used to use was full dire with traits of 0 0 6 4 4. The combination of dire gear and the SA trait line creates strong survivability. The acro trait line gives 3 dodges, might, and access to vigor. The trickery trait line can give either caltrops and bountiful theft or you can swap one of them out for thrill of crime. The toughness from the dire gear, the condi clear and regen from SA, and the evades from acro give plenty of survivability to be able to take on more than 1 opponent.
I might break out my dire thief just to see if anything has changed since last time.
Primi Agminis Legio [PAL]
Yaks Bend
DP is cheese only if you play x66xx with full valk/cavalier gear, as Shadow Rejuvenation and Hidden Killer will carry you a lot.
Still, I’d fight a DP Shadow Arts every day over a PD Condi Perplexity – PD Condi are the only thieves I won’t think twice about stomping.
The biggest con to P/D is that you won’t learn the positioning and mobility tricks that you need for every other teef set. Besides that, P/D condi is underwhelming against proper groups of size five and up.
There’s little reason to go D/D over D/P, but if you can land CnD’s consistently and can position well, D/D offers slightly more burst. Both sets contribute more to team play if you spec 6 into trickery.
Once upon a time I read something someone wrote in a thread or somewhere it was: I chose my build depending on what I want my purpose to be.
So roaming isn’t = roaming – I roam alone to cap camps and to scout. For that I chose D/D and SB because D/D is faster than D/P and the SB is nice for spanking trashmobs. I did the same with my condi thief although she has P/D and SB – but yet again the same purpose.
If I were to run with a group most of the time, I would chose utilities for group fights. If I wanted to 1vX most of the time, I would chose D/D D/P probably, or stick with D/D SB and learn SB some more, chose different sigils and skills.
So in the end the descision is up to you and theorycrafting what build is best is kind of nonsense as it depends on the player.