D/P Shadow Shot Backstab tech

D/P Shadow Shot Backstab tech

in Thief

Posted by: dpkwan.9785


I don’t know if people have posted this before or if this is new tech after the Shadow Shot buff patch, but you can get a Backstab straight from a Shadow Shot while stealthed. Shadowshot has two parts to it.

1. The actual pistol shot that travels to your opponent which connects and sends you shadowstepping to them(the gap closer) also delivers the 5 second blind when it connects.
2. The actual Shadow Stab which does the melee damage

The way to do the Shadow Shot Backstab is to get some distance perferably alittle bit passed Heartseeker range. Two, you stealth up. Three, shoot the shadowshot at your opponent. Four, once u see the shot come out MASH YOUR ONE LIKE THERE IS NO TOMORROW. Boom, instant shadow stepping + backstab. If you look at your combat chat you can see that the Backstab actually hits and not the Shadow Stab(if you were just pressing the 3 and nothing else). Good thing about it, it also produces the Blind condition from the shot, so you have a gap closing backstab + blind condition.

I’ve tested this at max range 900 and up to melee range, the most reliable shadow shot backstab is between alittle bit further than Heartseeker range and max range. However it is possible to do it within heartseeker range and closer, but it is a bit unreliable because the animation recovery of a shadow shot prevents you from mashing the 1 for the backstab to come out.

Why is this even good? Have you ever had to chase someone and you are crippled/chilled/immob and you need to get a juicy hit that is more damaging than your shortbow auto attack, your actual shadow shot, and sometimes your heartseeker? Thats where the Shadow Shot Backstab comes in.

So what are the pros/cons of the technique.

1. Gap closer plus meatier attack
2. Saves Cooldowns like Steal, infiltrators sig, and shadowstep
3. Gap closer when no cooldowns available except for stealth
3. Mind game factor – use that + basi and watch your opponent stun break, but guess what you actually haven’t burned your Mug combo yet.

1. Has to be done from stealth
2. Have to get the distance right and will fail if opponent dodges the initial shot
3. Situational

I feel that a good thief player will be able to identify and maximize this technique and find the exact time to use it because the downfall of this is that it is situational. The application i can see it most being used is chasing low health Eles and or Engis. Because sometimes you get chilled, or step in that gunk and you want to slap them hard for running away from you, but you are just alittle bit out of reach.

Post here for comments and what you think of this technique. Just started using it and found that its pretty effective.

D/P Shadow Shot Backstab tech

in Thief

Posted by: Vengeance.8361


Great post.

I’ve never even thought of this before but I’m going to try it out myself and see how it goes.

D/P Shadow Shot Backstab tech

in Thief

Posted by: SerratedOcean.7398


Thanks for sharing. I totally agree with you on everything, limited use, but it is a good way to get a back stab in from fleeing opponent.

D/P Shadow Shot Backstab tech

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


Wait, so are you saying the Shadow Shot won’t remove you from stealth as long as you interrupt the stab that follows?

D/P Shadow Shot Backstab tech

in Thief

Posted by: stof.9341


Well, it’s possible yes. The first hit of Shadow Shot does no damage and it’s possible to interrupt the move in various ways. I tried it on a chicken, Shadow Shot => Stow weapon spam and I shadow step to the poor blind but alive chicken :p

No direct damage => no breaking stealth.

(edited by stof.9341)

D/P Shadow Shot Backstab tech

in Thief

Posted by: Tonikor.5637

