DPS numbers

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

With the new DPS golem I tested for 30min. The highest I could get with my thief was 19.2k. This seems way too low. What are you guys getting?

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: ixon.2496


youll need to put more info than that, what were you running? weapons? traits? stats?

Desolation [KISS]

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: BloodriverTim.2031


Are you running the venom share raid build? Don’t forget that you need 5 other people there to see your “real” dmg from that. Thieves were never meant to be sustained DPS. They spike and run.

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

I was running berserk armor all ascended. D/D ascended, I had basically all the raid buffs including banners, facets , boons etc. Golem at 25 invuln.

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: ixon.2496


food? stones? bad skill rotation? :P

Desolation [KISS]

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Did it with food and got 22k. My rotation is auto chain 3 times, back stab, Fist fury when off CD, dodge sometimes. Then at 25% hp, auto chain once then HS twice.

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: Asrat.2645


DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Backstab is a DPS loss.

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Backstab is a DPS loss.

Not with quickness.

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Update: Ran with all raid buffs plus food and best possible teef dps set. Was able to reach 30k. An Ele friend I brought was able to reach 33k but without food

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Ok, so people need to be a lot clearer with their settings when they post their DPS as a few options can make massive differences.

Anyways, here’s my findings.
All boons
All profession buffs
25 vuln on golem
golem <50% hp

Two builds for about 30k on average:

Daredevil Staff
Rotation: Autoattack and steal on cd

D/D Thief
One dagger should be on each weapon set so that you can use weapon swap to fuel initiative through Trickery trait.
Rotation: CnD-Backstab as much as possible, steal on cooldown, weapon swap on cd. Spam HS at low HP.

  • Note – Food was seaweed salad. Also, thieves guild would be max dps, but I tested without, assuming that I’d have Impact Strike or Basilisk Venom for break bars. 3rd utility would also be for break bars.

It looks like a Dagger/Dagger build without the Daredevil elite spec can be competitive in an ideal situation, but it’s a bit harder to pull off since you actually have to manage initiative. Both should be roughly equal in break bar utility (Tripwire and Basilisk on thief, Fist Flurry and Impact Strike on DD), but DD is a bit ahead there too.

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: MadRabbit.3179


Working in one bound everytime the buff expires and using Fists of Flurry every time it goes off CD should squeeze out 2-3k more.

Rehabilitated Elementalist. Now, trolling the Thief forums with my math.

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: BlueDragon.7054


Update: Ran with all raid buffs plus food and best possible teef dps set. Was able to reach 30k. An Ele friend I brought was able to reach 33k but without food

Which golem were you using for the tests?, Do all the golems have the same thoughness?, I didn´t try them all.

I don´t know if this is good or bad but I was getting like 33k dps in the 1 million golem easily without tryharding the rotations. It can go higher with seaweed salad probably, I was using the +power+ferocity food.


DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Update: Ran with all raid buffs plus food and best possible teef dps set. Was able to reach 30k. An Ele friend I brought was able to reach 33k but without food

Which golem were you using for the tests?, Do all the golems have the same thoughness?, I didn´t try them all.

I don´t know if this is good or bad but I was getting like 33k dps in the 1 million golem easily without tryharding the rotations. It can go higher with seaweed salad probably, I was using the +power+ferocity food.

What build?

@ MadRabbit: Yea, you’re right. With that rotation, I’m 31-32k.

(edited by Dahkeus.8243)

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: BlueDragon.7054


Update: Ran with all raid buffs plus food and best possible teef dps set. Was able to reach 30k. An Ele friend I brought was able to reach 33k but without food

Which golem were you using for the tests?, Do all the golems have the same thoughness?, I didn´t try them all.

I don´t know if this is good or bad but I was getting like 33k dps in the 1 million golem easily without tryharding the rotations. It can go higher with seaweed salad probably, I was using the +power+ferocity food.

What build?

@ MadRabbit: Yea, you’re right. With that rotation, I’m 31-32k.

The usual staff build, burst 38.7k, sustained like 33.1k. But as I said it can go higher with optimal food and adding full might infusions.

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: MadRabbit.3179


Update: Ran with all raid buffs plus food and best possible teef dps set. Was able to reach 30k. An Ele friend I brought was able to reach 33k but without food

Which golem were you using for the tests?, Do all the golems have the same thoughness?, I didn´t try them all.

I don´t know if this is good or bad but I was getting like 33k dps in the 1 million golem easily without tryharding the rotations. It can go higher with seaweed salad probably, I was using the +power+ferocity food.

What build?

@ MadRabbit: Yea, you’re right. With that rotation, I’m 31-32k.

The usual staff build, burst 38.7k, sustained like 33.1k. But as I said it can go higher with optimal food and adding full might infusions.

What is your sigil and rune setup?

Rehabilitated Elementalist. Now, trolling the Thief forums with my math.

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: BlueDragon.7054


Update: Ran with all raid buffs plus food and best possible teef dps set. Was able to reach 30k. An Ele friend I brought was able to reach 33k but without food

Which golem were you using for the tests?, Do all the golems have the same thoughness?, I didn´t try them all.

I don´t know if this is good or bad but I was getting like 33k dps in the 1 million golem easily without tryharding the rotations. It can go higher with seaweed salad probably, I was using the +power+ferocity food.

What build?

@ MadRabbit: Yea, you’re right. With that rotation, I’m 31-32k.

The usual staff build, burst 38.7k, sustained like 33.1k. But as I said it can go higher with optimal food and adding full might infusions.

What is your sigil and rune setup?

Air, Force and scholar runes.

I did some more testing and you can get 35k sustained dps consistently with the 1million golem. This time I used seaweed salad. And 43.4k burst damage.


DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: MadRabbit.3179


Nice. We have the same setup. Our numbers were close, but I didn’t realize seaweed salad made that big of a difference.

I am trying to figure out if Air is better over Bloodlust atm. It’s something I have never been quite sure on.

Rehabilitated Elementalist. Now, trolling the Thief forums with my math.

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: Veneratio.1980


Do y’all know how much dps you would lose if you replaced your zerk armour with mauraderers? Rest of the build/runes/trinkets etc the same.

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: MadRabbit.3179


The numbers were still close for me with Marauders Armor, Zerk Trinkets, Assassin Weapons. Couple thousand less on average.

Rehabilitated Elementalist. Now, trolling the Thief forums with my math.

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: Shovel Face.4512

Shovel Face.4512

Update: Ran with all raid buffs plus food and best possible teef dps set. Was able to reach 30k. An Ele friend I brought was able to reach 33k but without food

Which golem were you using for the tests?, Do all the golems have the same thoughness?, I didn´t try them all.

I don´t know if this is good or bad but I was getting like 33k dps in the 1 million golem easily without tryharding the rotations. It can go higher with seaweed salad probably, I was using the +power+ferocity food.

What build?

@ MadRabbit: Yea, you’re right. With that rotation, I’m 31-32k.

The usual staff build, burst 38.7k, sustained like 33.1k. But as I said it can go higher with optimal food and adding full might infusions.

What is your sigil and rune setup?

Air, Force and scholar runes.

I did some more testing and you can get 35k sustained dps consistently with the 1million golem. This time I used seaweed salad. And 43.4k burst damage.

Wow that is impressive. What rotation are you using? And is it ok if you post a video or something? Lol, if not you think you can join me in the DPS room? Would love to see it for myself.

DPS numbers

in Thief

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Update: Ran with all raid buffs plus food and best possible teef dps set. Was able to reach 30k. An Ele friend I brought was able to reach 33k but without food

Which golem were you using for the tests?, Do all the golems have the same thoughness?, I didn´t try them all.

I don´t know if this is good or bad but I was getting like 33k dps in the 1 million golem easily without tryharding the rotations. It can go higher with seaweed salad probably, I was using the +power+ferocity food.

What build?

@ MadRabbit: Yea, you’re right. With that rotation, I’m 31-32k.

The usual staff build, burst 38.7k, sustained like 33.1k. But as I said it can go higher with optimal food and adding full might infusions.

What is your sigil and rune setup?

Air, Force and scholar runes.

I did some more testing and you can get 35k sustained dps consistently with the 1million golem. This time I used seaweed salad. And 43.4k burst damage.

Wow that is impressive. What rotation are you using? And is it ok if you post a video or something? Lol, if not you think you can join me in the DPS room? Would love to see it for myself.

Yea, I’d like to know some more specifics as well. The highest I’ve seen from my personal testing is 33k sustained and that was with seaweed salad using a rotation of AA, bound, and fist flurry. Gear was he same as described.